Lasiter Asstr

Lasiter Asstr


Lasiter Asstr
These are FICTIONAL adult stories with explicit depictions of a sexual nature
meant for the entertainment of ADULTS ONLY, adults with a literary taste for the
forbidden. If you are under eighteen years old or younger, or if it is illegal
in your community to read explicit stories depicting sex between adults and
minors, or if you are offended by such material, READ NO FURTHER. GO AWAY. But
if stories of debauchery on camping trips or while visiting Uncle Dick are of
interest to you, you are welcome to read the following stories. Please check the
story codes carefully. If after reading the story code and you find the material
offensive, well, tough shit, you've been forewarned!

Most men, and some women, have fantasies of sexual relations with young
females, be they much younger women, teens, or even little girls, as they should. For the vast
majority of men, they remain fantasies. While the actual acts can be criminal by
today's standards, the fictional act is just that, fictional, and no actual harm
comes to anyone or any animal.

Also most men, heterosexuals included, have had one or more homosexual
experiences during their lifetime whether they will admit it or not. I suspect
that most of these initial experiences occur at an early age, as boys are very
malleable creatures and eager to try new things. If it's a naughty and forbidden
activity that must be done in secret, so much the better and that much more
exciting. Depending on their overall mental health and self confidence, the
effects of these homosexual experiences vary greatly from individual to
individual. For some men, the youthful homosexual experiment becomes a lifetime
sexual preference. For other men, it fuels fantasies or perhaps becomes an
occasional physical diversion adding a little spice to life from time to time,
sort of a dash of Tabasco during a lifetime of feasting on pussy. For the vast
majority of men I suspect it was just an experiment that fades into a memory and
they move on. Depending on the circumstances, the experience usually leaves no
scars, but for some, the internalized stigma and guilt sometimes fosters a
homophobia that can be downright unhealthy. To those unfortunate souls, get over
it and stop being such a wimp, there are worst things in life other than being

The stories presented here are only meant as salacious entertainment for
mature adults who understand the differences between fact and fiction and should
not be construed as condoning or promoting sex between adults and minors.
Indeed, such acts should not occur in real life. Little girls, in particular,
are treasures to be protected in real life, and those who abuse them deserve to
be removed from society where they can become the cock-receptacles for some
really scary dudes. Just as a story on the latest murder is not intended to
promote murder, it is not our intent to promote a lifestyle nor to encourage
criminal activity.

Even if purported to be "true", these stories are fictional stories;
perverted perhaps, but fictional nonetheless. They never happened. No real
little girl actually had her little cunt stretched by some big old vein-crossed
throbbing cock (with or without foreskin), no little boy's rectum was stretched
into a yawning chasm and no cute fluffy bunnies were actually used
experimentally. If you can't distinguish between fact and fiction, please seek
psychiatric help or at least stop watching CNN and MSNBC or reading the New York
Times and/or Washington Post.
It should be noted that safe sex practices are not used in these stories
unless the writer wishes, and why waste a fictional flood of cum filling a
fictional condom when an eager and tight fictional wet pulsating hole is
available? This in no way should be construed as promoting unsafe sex practices.
In real life, there are serious consequences to stupidity, whether in regards to
sex, fucking children or voting habits.

Pursuant to the Berne Convention, all work contained in this site copyrighted
2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021 with all rights expressly reserved by the author unless
explicitly granted.

Tom ogles a young pretty girl at a campground where he serves as the camp host...
Standard Disclaimer: This story contains sexually graphic and explicit
material and as such it is not suitable for minors. If you are a minor, please
leave now as it is illegal for you to be here. If it is illegal for you to read
or view sexually explicit material in the community you view such material,
please leave now. This story and characters are purely fictional and any
resemblance to events or persons (living or dead) is purely coincidental. If you
are offended by sexually explicit stories, please read no further. If you are
offended by stories featuring group sex, bisexual situations, incest, sex
between minors and adults, or any other situation, please check the story code
before reading the text. These stories are just that, stories, and do not
promote or condone the activities described herein, especially when it comes to
unsafe sexual practices or sex between adults and minors.

I first heard her while I was reading a book inside my
camper. I like to camp at a small rural
campground, and enjoy the time I spend here. 
There are a lot of little girls to watch as they play in the park about
300 yards from my camper. I will get out
my binoculars and admire them from afar as they swing and climb the monkey
bars. Sometimes they have skirts on, and
I can see their panties as they swing back and forth on those swings. Or they will reach for the monkey bars and
their little panty covered bottoms will appear. 
So cute; so innocent.
So it was no surprise that her squeal of delight was a
magnet to my ears. I got up and looked
out my window.  She was swinging, up
high in the air. Her long blonde hair
was flowing down over her shoulders. I
had to get a better look, so I picked up my binoculars. Focusing in on her, I guessed she was about
10 or 11. A very soft face with a cute
little nose. Her hair was true blonde
and flowed down so smoothly, flying in the breeze as she swung high in the
I tried my best to follow her movements with the
binoculars. As I scanned down her body,
I could not see any sign of breast development beneath her tank top, but it was
a little wrinkled as she sat on the swing. 
The white tank top fit her loosely, so nothing really showed. Scanning down further I came upon her pink
skirt, or was it a skort ? It’s so hard to tell.
She swung higher and higher. 
Her slim little legs were so smooth looking. She had on little flip flop sandals that
matched her skirt. After taking in those
beautiful legs, I started to scan back up, and to my surprise her skirt
suddenly blew in the wind and rose up to her waist!  Had a quick glimpse at her panties, covered
with little hearts. Then, as she swung
back, it was gone. Oh my, I wanted to see
that again. My heart beat faster and I
could feel a stirring in my shorts. I
braced myself for her forward swing again and focused in.
As she reached the highest point going back, I aimed my
binoculars carefully and watched intently. As she came forward, I kept up with
her motion, and yes, there it was again! 
I could quickly see her panty covered mound, all wrinkled in there, as
her skirt once again flew up to her waist. 
My heart nearly jumped out of my chest. 
I followed as best could until she was high on the other side and
started back again. Oh, what a
treat. I had never had such a good view
before. And she was such a doll.
I watched her swing again and again, each time her skirt
rising to her waist, revealing that beautiful panty covered mound. I got comfortable and rested the binoculars
over my eyes with one hand while the other stroked my ever growing member, not
wanting to come in my shorts, but enjoying the gratification. One time her skirt stayed up high as she
swung back and I got an extended view. I
could see the outline of her little pussy lips just briefly before her skirt
settled back in place. I was in heaven!
Finally her swinging session ended with a great
display. She didn’t slow down and drag
her feet to stop the swing. Not this
little vixen. She jumped from the
highest level, launching off that swing. And her little skirt flew up in the
air, revealing her beautiful mound to all who were watching her. I wondered if I was the only one watching as
she squealed with delight upon landing. 
She left the swings and ran for the monkey bars. This was my lucky day!
As she climbed up to the monkey bars I readied myself
again. I was already so hard I thought I
would explode. The monkey bars had one
of those ladders that you would go hand over hand across. It was about 8 feet in the air, so anyone
crossing would hang on the bars and try to reach out and grab the other
one. As she got to the top, my
binoculars were aimed at her mid-section. 
I have a real good pair of binoculars, so could clearly see what I was
aiming for.
She reached out to grab the first bar and stepped off the
climbing ladder. Her body dropped down
quickly. While she hung there, her
little white tank top rode up so I could see her belly, smooth and flat. The material tightened across her chest and I
could make out the faintest of swells where her breasts seemed to be just
starting to form.  
My cock stirred, wanting attention, but I could not reach
down there now... too much to see. I
moved the binoculars down just slightly and was not disappointed. Hanging there, her skirt rode up high enough
to expose her panty covered bottom to the world. I looked hard at the perfect little ass
inside those heart covered white panties. 
So small and touchable. I wanted to reach out and grab her.  
As she swayed from side to side crossing those bars, I continued
to watch her, scanning from top to bottom. 
As she approached the end, her little armhole opened up around her arm
and I could almost make out that swell in her breast, so slight, so tiny, and
so delightful! Then she reached the
other side and I thought the show was over. 
But she turned around! Oh my, she
is going to come back, right toward me. 
As she dropped down this time, and her skirt rode up, I could see her in
all her glory. Her belly button was
small and ever so cute. Those tiny buds on her chest were so evident under the
tight material of her tank top.
But my main focus was on her panties. They were peeking out just under her skirt,
and I could make out those beautiful cunny clips as
the material clung to her mound. It was
pulled up tight, and those lips looked so kissable and fuckable .
I wanted her... in the worst way. My
cock was straining hard against my boxers, and I just had to let it out. She got to the other side, and my show was
over. As she ran across the field back
to her camper I had a massive cum load shoot out of me. It was worth every second.
I regained my composure after that incredible show and
buried my face once again in my book. I
had a hard time focusing on the book, and only desired to see more of this
little vixen who now had a spell on me. 
I had watched little girls before, but never had I felt such an urge to
touch one of them. She was
incredible. But it was not to be... or
so I thought.






Great article, asstr is really painful to navigate.

I thikn we should have much more things like this because we learn a lot. It is very interesting. I am happy that this blog is here now because I like to read not just stories but things about real people. Thanks for that.

This was really interesting. Im not a writer so I dont know about how they feel about it but from a reader's pov I guess it would be good. Anyway, the article is interesting because I didn't know about this. Thanks, Bacchus.

I have never been a huge fan of ASSTR, as it's far too easy to end up where you definitely don't want to, but I still enjoyed your description, Bacchus.

Nice post, Bacchus - a great summary of the archive.

I have two comments. First, an author can put her stuff on there (I’ve been doing it since 1997,) but you will normally get very little feedback. In the past year, I’ve gotten exactly one comment off of my archives at ASSTR. Whereas in just a little over three months, I’ve gotten 39 well thought out notes here at NovelTrove.

Secondly, the Collections Indexes seem to consist of what *the collector* finds interesting. A new author has a very difficult time getting noticed by the collectors. As a result, it seems that the same old authors appear again and again.

I agree, not setting limits and standards can be both a good and a bad thing. I don`t think I will become a visitor of the archives, but hey, as you mentioned as well, it only has to start with one story ;) There was a time when I didn`t think I would write erotica, either, and here I am... All in all, thanks for sharing this thorough and interesting post with us, and I`m definitely looking forward to your next one. Can`t wait to see what that will be about, haha ;)

Thank you Bacchus for this very interesting blog post about one of the erotic fiction pioneers. Some of our readers might be already familiar with ASSTR (or at least now they are). ;)

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