Laser hair removal makes skin permanently hairless
Dr Niketa Sonavane, Celebrity Dermatologist and founder of Ambrosia Aesthetics, Mumbai.
We are all nothing more than mammals too.... This means that we have body hair, we are all a bit hairy, and while this is perfectly fine and natural, some people don't really relate to it. We humans are a very special kind of mammal: while some people appreciate what nature has given us, others wish she wasn't so generous with some of her gifts.
So we have to come up with solutions. In the case of body hair, we have invented a technique that helps us keep our natural fuzz to a minimum. The laser targets the hair bulb, the lowest part of the hair root. The pigment in the hair is used as a target," explains the Laser hair removal in Mumbai .As explained, this happens through a process called selective phot thermolysis." The laser's energy is selectively absorbed by different pigments depending on their wavelength, "meaning that the laser seeks out the deeper pigments in the hair follicle, attaches to them and removes them.
Due to the nature of the laser, it is important to remember that this type of hair removal is best performed in a dermatologist's office.
Here are a few things you should know before starting any treatment
1. Laser hair removal works faster in some areas than others
Dermatologists in Mumbai confirm that you can have laser treatment on almost any area where hair grows. However, in certain areas of the body, the laser works faster." The most popular areas to be treated are the face, underarms, bikini line and lower legs. Studies have shown that the armpits usually respond the fastest, partly because the skin is lightest there as it is least exposed to sunlight and the hair is darker there."
However, the general consensus among the dermatologists we spoke to was that if hair grows, it can also be removed with a laser - although for some people, depending on the pigmentation of the hair or skin, this means a little more work.
2. Don't expect immediate results
Hair removal is not something that can be done in one treatment. If you want to get rid of hair in a specific area of your body, you will need to schedule several visits to a dermatologist (and there is no guarantee that you will get rid of it forever, but more on that later). It takes about six to eight sessions to remove at least 90% of the hair in an area." The number of sessions required may also depend on the area being treated. The body is defiantly hairy in certain areas, such as the vulva in the bikini area, so more sessions may be required in that particular area. Please note that laser treatments must be carried out regularly.
Another important point is that hair on the body is at different stages of growth at different times." Facial hair grows every three to four weeks and body hair grows every four to eight weeks. This takes three to eight sessions and may have to be reviewed annually.
3. Laser hair removal is suitable for almost any part of the body
If you have hair on any part of your body that can be detected by the laser, you can have it removed. This also applies to your nipples, chest or abdomen. It is not about the location, but about the color of the hair and the type of skin.
4. But this doesn't work for everyone
This also involves a very important issue. Laser hair removal is not suitable for everyone." People with dark, thick hair and fair skin are the best candidates for laser treatment. However, you can still have laser hair removal on coloured skin as long as the correct wavelength of laser is used. The same is true for natural blondes: the technology is not yet mature enough to get good results on blondes, greys or redheads, but the technology is being updated so that all people can use this service. The problem with light hair colour is that there isn't enough pigment
If you are the type of person who has more melanin in their skin, you need to do a little research on what type of laser to use.
This doesn't just mean using a laser that can actually remove hair from darker skin tones. It's also about minimizing any unwanted side effects that may occur. The heat associated with laser hair removal can trigger hyperpigmentation in darker skin tones, especially if the inflammation persists for more than a few minutes after the treatment.
5. How much does it cost?
How much you will have to pay for the treatment depends on the body part and the size of the area to be treated with the laser, as well as the type of instrument used by the dermatologist.
6. it’s not a year-round thing
Lasers are not to be used casually. Therefore, dermatologists recommend that treatments are carried out when your body is not exposed to too much sunlight." The best time for laser hair removal is when your complexion is at its lightest, and for most people that is during the winter months.
7. There is no guarantee that the hair won't grow back
There are no guarantees in life, and the same is true of laser hair removal. When this treatment is approved, "permanent hair removal" is defined as "a significant reduction of hair in the treated area".