Laser Therapy Targets Unsightly Marks

Laser Therapy Targets Unsightly Marks

The advent of laser technology has given many convenient opportunities even to cosmetic surgery. Laser is the easiest procedure for the removal of birthmarks, scars or tattoos, which you might find unattractive or no longer important to you.

Laser removal of birthmarks or tattoos is convenient, quickly done and, in accordance with other removal procedures, pain free. Those procedures in previous years were invasive and came with greater than a little pain. Dermabrasion or surgical excision were the only real techniques then of removing these marks. Dermabrasion called for sanding off the mark and like surgical excision, sometimes needed a skin graft consequently.

We are fortunate that laser removal is now the norm. Laser therapy breaks up the birthmark or tattoo with highly concentrated light pulses. The design of the laser targets only the region to be treated, with frequencies that will save the encompassing tissue. Once the birthmark or tattoo has been disintegrated by the laser, your skin's natural disease fighting capability works to obtain the fragmented pieces from your skin. This procedure is ideal for areas with good blood circulation because the blood will effect in the rapid removal of those pieces. There is less circulation in your hands and feet that makes it harder to treat this way.

Board certification

A skilled cosmetic surgeon with board certification should be the only one to do your laser therapy to obtain any unsightly marks. Your skin will first be assessed as to the area to be treated, number of treatments necessary and the level of success you can expect. As far as Check out this site are concerned, the black ones are better to remove than the colored because these need several treatments for total removal.

Actual Operation

The laser light pulses would feel just like rubber bands snapping against your skin layer. People don't usually find this painful. You will be told to pre-treat the mark with anti-inflammatory and anesthetic cream prior to the procedure. If the pain is more than you can handle, your physician will prescribe an area anesthetic.

Laser therapy would take in one to ten sessions (depending on tattoo or birthmark) every four to eight weeks. Because the amount of sessions increases, the laser pierces more, resulting in the tattoo or birthmark getting lighter after each session.


Your surgeon will apply anti-bacterial ointment on the area and bandage your skin layer, with the instructions to lift the treated area to avoid swelling. Additionally, you will be instructed in order to avoid exposing that area to direct sun, as the procedure would have rendered it ultra sensitive to UV rays.

After the procedure, lots of people reported feeling some sunburn sensation and localized redness in the treated area. Click here for info may sometimes become scab which will recede in two weeks' time. Anti-inflammatories can definitely minimize your pain, nonetheless it is still best for you yourself to talk to your surgeon before taking any medications.

Laser therapy resulting in side effects is really a rare occurrence. Dark-skinned individuals may experience lack of pigmentation, in case you are one, better consult with your doctor.

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