Laravel Framework - A Promising Approach to Develop Modern PHP Applications

Laravel Framework - A Promising Approach to Develop Modern PHP Applications

Laravel Development Company

If you’re looking for building a fast, efficient, and secure website or application, Laravel (a PHP framework) is the best choice for you.


Let’s find the reasons below in the post!

Before jumping on the list of some compelling reasons to choose Laravel development services for your next PHP website, let’s go through a brief introduction to the framework.

What is Laravel?

Laravel is a PHP framework, which is an open-source and modern approach to building websites. It comes with an elegant and expressive syntax that lays the foundation for robust PHP applications.

Core Benefits of Laravel

MVC Architecture:

MVC or ‘Model-view-controller’ is said to be the best approach for your web application. Due to this feature, Laravel is said to be the best PHP framework available. With such architecture, the developers will get built-in functionalities to build an application of any taste. Along with this, MVC architecture facilitates better documentation as compared to any other PHP framework. Using an MVC architecture allows you to improve the performance and efficiency of your web application. And, this is the best reason that you choose Laravel development company for your next project.

Error and Exception Handling:

Handling errors and exceptions are two crucial aspects of web development. Because they leave a great impact on usability and user satisfaction. Most error-prone areas of a website are data-entry forms and displayed after users submit by clicking. You can always alert the uses when they’re entering wrong information (at the time of form filling). An informative error message displayed at the instance of wrong user information is the most appropriate way of handling errors. If you fail to achieve the same, there are fair chances that you lose some valuable customers.

With Laravel, you get already configured error and exception handling features without any extra effort. Additionally, Laravel comes integrated with ‘Monolog logging library’, to support various powerful log handlers.

URL Routing:

When a user wishes to see specific content, he/she will need to click or type a link. If you haven’t done URL routing appropriately, there are chances that your web application never understands what a user wants and may end up showing an error page or blank page instead. With Laravel, you don’t need to worry about URL routing at all. Every Laravel route is defined in ‘app/Http/routes.php’ file, which is automatically loaded by the framework itself.

The URI and a Closure are simply accepted by the most basic Laravel routes, by providing an expressive yet simple defining routes method.

Safe and Secure:

Web applications and security vulnerabilities go hand-in-hand. The most critical security vulnerabilities associated with web applications are cross-site scripting, SQL injection, cross-site request forgery, etc. At the time of coding, developers should never forget about this concern and make the application capable of handling and fixing all the vulnerabilities beforehand.

Laravel provides a safeguard against all possible security vulnerabilities. Its code has been vetted by experienced developers and is fanatically secured, making the framework itself safe and secure.

Built-in Console and Composer:

Laravel offers you a built-in Artisan console and composer feature. That means the developers can build their own commands to run unit testing and to create a seed database and controller. Due to this built-in Artisan support from Laravel, developers get rid of performing manual programming tasks.

To install and upgrade different 3rd party packages, Laravel provides a composer dependency manager. Using these composer features, developers can easily manage all the dependencies that too instantly.

Migration of Databases:

In addition to all the above advantages of the Laravel framework, the migration of databases is also a lucrative option for developers. Using the migration of databases, developers can easily revoke any changes made to the database. Moreover, they can share the databases amongst other developers within the team smoothly and easily.

Creating and maintaining databases without even re-creation is possible with the pairing of migrations. This way developers can save a lot of time in their web development process.

Powerful Community Support:

Another compelling reason to use the Laravel framework is its open-source and powerful community of developers. With Laravel, the businesses will get constant and continuous support while enjoying flexible and scalable solutions. Not only business owners but developers also seek framework community advice while incorporating some complex functionalities.

Final Words

Whether you exploit Laravel on your own or opt for Laravel development services, rest assured that the PHP application is going to be worth appreciation. With all the benefits listed above, there remains hardly any loophole to spoil the project.

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