Lancaster Ca Backpage

Lancaster Ca Backpage


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Hello! Welcome to the official Facebook page for the City of Lancaster, California. We're here to pr...
44933 Fern Ave (9 113,41 km)
Ланкастер, Калифорния, Соединённые Штаты Америки 93534
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A hero can impact hundreds of people, or simply, one person. We want to know who your hero is! #BlackHistoryMonth This month, we're featuring prominent figures from the Black community that are currently working to shape our future for the better. And we also want to know who inspires you! To be featured, - Share a photo of someone you nominate as a local Black hero, - Tells us why you are nominating them, - Tag us @cityoflancasterca, and - Hashtag #LancasterBlackHistoryMonth One of the heroes in this video is Frederick Douglass, he was an early champion of women’s rights in the abolitionist movement and became one of the most famous intellectuals of his time, advising presidents and lecturing to thousands on a range of causes. Federick Douglas represents the possibility of success through hard work as he noted early on in his life “without struggle, there is no progress.”
We know you are tired of hearing it from us … so here’s former Green Bay Packers quarterback, Brett Favre, reminding you to make this moment count and not to let this pandemic take over you. The City of Lancaster reminds you to please continue taking the necessary safety precautions to keep our community safe -- wear a mask, practice physical distancing, and stay home as much as possible. We are confident that we can get through this together. #FromCrisisToRecovery #COVID19AV #BrettFavre
It’s still February 1st and not too late to make a new year's energy savings resolution! Here are some ideas that will help save energy and money: 💡Dress warmer at home: While many areas of California benefit from mild winter temperatures, it can still get chilly in January. Rather than turn up the heat, try layering clothing at home. 💡Limit trips to the fridge: Opening and closing the refrigerator door more often forces it to work harder to keep it cold, so it uses more energy. When cooking or grabbing things from the fridge, try to take out everything you need all at once. 💡Turn off lights when leaving a room: One habit that is easy to form in the new year is turning off unused lights. Whenever you leave a room, be sure to make sure all lights are turned off and not wasting energy! #KeepItGolden #SaveEnergy #DoYourPart
You voted, we listened! Today we are finally ready to unveil our new City brand and logo. After more than a year’s worth of research and hard work, we are so excited to share this with you.⁠⠀
The logo design celebrates Lancaster’s legendary poppy, and provides a window into the great experiences of Lancaster: beautiful scenery, entertainment, recreation, events, and an inclusive community.⁠⠀
Home to astronauts, rocket scientists, families and businesses, Lancaster is leading the way in innovation. We are creating a better tomorrow. Together.
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At the City of Lancaster we are a motivated, driven team that works in a dynamic, fast-paced environment. We are people with passion who work hard to meet the needs of our community.
Connect with us on LinkedIn for our most up to date job listings.

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