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Origin Christine was raised in the suburbs of Chicago and led a peaceful existence until her powers emerged. However she noticed Sentinels approaching and had to flee before they hurt her parents. Читайте также. In it, a small group of mutants living in the sewers of Chicago help each other to fulfill their one last wish on the surface while trying to escape the mutant-hunting Sentinels. В СМИ Фильмы. Болтливый наёмник является экстраординарным рукопашным бойцом и мастером сразу нескольких боевых искусств. Christine was convinced to go have a last visit with her parents. Оружие Икс изменило способности Подражательницы против ее воли, увеличив скорость копирования. Когда мутация Уилсона была активирована, он сбежал, а Фрэнсис и Ангельская пыль стали его искать. Related wiki Ghost Rider Vol. The Morlocks are underground group of mutants who are disaffected and feel shunned by society. Логотип сайта. Related wiki Питер Паркер Когда, она использует свои способности, темные линии появляются на её лице. There, Masque assumed leadership. Most of the surviving Morlocks relocated themselves throughout New York City after the massacre. At the time when the Terrigen Cloud was loose on Earth infecting mutants with M-Pox since the Infinity storyline, the number of mutants that are living underground had increased. In 4 September, , Christine was enraged and attacked Litterbug for his role in the tragedy of her life. With the Morlocks presumed dead from the floods caused by Mikhail Rasputin , some of the remaining Morlocks were relocated to Selima Oasis in North Africa. Against her wishes, several Morlocks later kidnap the child superheroes Power Pack so that they could be raised by the Morlock Annalee, who had lost her own children. Cancel Insert. Powers and Abilities Christine can elevate her adrenaline levels to give her super human strength. There, he set himself up as their king and forced them to fight for the right to live. Alpha Flight Crimson Dawn Inhumans vs. In the 10th anniversary of the ' Age of Apocalypse ' event, which takes place after the nuclear attack in X-Men: Omega , several characters who were not in the original storyline are introduced, among them are the Morlocks which includes Feral , Leech , Marrow , Skids and Thornn among many other unnamed mutants. Ангельская Пыль. Creation Angel Dust is a Morlock and a Marvel comics character. A few have been seen there since, as well as a few Morlocks who chose to remain in New York City despite previous attempts on their lives. In 90 Mister Sinister finishes his 10 mutant kills at the Morlock base. Join the community. Свободно говорит на японском, немецком, испанском, русском и других языках. Дэдпул обладает сверхчеловеческим фактором заживления, полученным от Росомахи. Испуганная тем, что её родственники могли бы попасть в опасность, в которые она могла бы их втянуть, тогда она убежала из дома и в конечном счете находит свой путь к Постмену и его команде Морлоков. Брианна Хилдебранд. Many new Morlocks debuted, although many were killed in their first appearance. Когда Звено запаниковал и хотел вернуться на поверхность, она рассказала ему о Стражах. Her current whereabouts are unknown. One character commented that, post-M-Day, the chance of meeting a Morlock in the tunnels under New York is now harder than meeting an alligator in the Floridian sewers. Такими способностями обладают персонажи в комиксах, какими же они будут в фильме, узнаем уже 11 февраля. Litterbug admitted to having helped designed these Sentinels before his powers kicked in. She was shocked to see Eve murder said boyfriend, actually her former pimp. Предложить статью Поддержать проект. Джек — обычный человек без суперспособностей , однако он обладает интеллектом уровня гения. Her speed, agility and stamina were also enhanced. Later in this story, it was revealed Skids only joined the Morlocks to spy on them on behalf of S. Олег Джохадзе Oleg D. Views Read Edit View history. Namespaces Article Talk. They captured a Sentinel and Christine ripped it open. Сверхзвуковая Боеголовка. Angel dust marvel. Кокаин vhq Героин vhq 0. Ecstasy Diamond МГ. Ecstasy Rolls Royce МГ.

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