




Lady Kamala
The Gentleman

Este blog, es un espacio creado por Lady Kamala para la exposición de algunas de sus historias y de su caballero. No ha sido creado con fines lucrativos, sino recreativos y queda terminantemente prohido lucrar con las historias o usarlas sin autorización escrita de Lady Kamala. Advertencia: Algunas de las historias aqui relatadas podrían resultar ofensivas para cierto tipo de público. Si usted cree que la dominación femenina es ofensiva, haga el favor de dejar de leer este blog.

posted by The Gentleman at 8:57 AM


posted by Lady Kamala at 2:58 PM


Music video only containing clips from the unsettling retro futuristic 1973 animated film, Fantastic Planet
US states consider decriminalising prostitution
Mexico City will decriminalize sex work in move against trafficking
Most detailed photo of over 265.000 galaxies, that took over 14 years to make.
MRW Kamala Harris runs for President, but then Bernie runs
Never watch this movie on drugs. Never.
I was on drugs the first time I watched it, and it blew my brains out. Fucking love this movie.
This right here is why we need to legalize prostitution. People get lonely and need connection, sexual or otherwise. It's sweet that he just wanted to cook but if he wanted to feel a woman again, who the Hell would judge him for that?
*decriminalize, but yes. As a sex worker, thank you!
Honestly im on the edge of considering paying a girl just to hang out. been alone for 14 years and im 34 now. not even a date. Asked a few out for dinner etc and always got rejected. I wonder what it would cost to hang out and just have someone to watch the new GOT season with? There are only 6 episodes? so maybe like 200 a night?
As a sex worker, you absolutely should do it. Good luck!
New Zealand is a wealthy country with a good head start. Much like Vegas, it has an army of rich tax-dodgers willing to hand cash out. It's not representative of what really happens: neighborhoods turning into slums.
Give it some time though. Once people see the trashiness the tune changes very quickly
First of all, people tend to become sex workers because we don’t have a lot of other choices. So just because decrim happens doesn’t mean that everyone is just going to go out and whore themselves.
I’m not sure what Vegas and NZ have to do with one another because Nye county has legalized prostitution. It is not the same model we want.
I used to work in a legal brothel outside of Vegas and it was a horrible experience.
If you’d like to hear from another actual sex worker about decrim and why we need it, here’s a Ted Talk by Juno Mac:
The reason I know all this stuff I that I took a class in feminism (before it went insane) about "sex negative" thinking. Places where the gender pay gap is at it's worse are places where there are long traditions of sex work. And then at a historic level, it does actually explain why women are second-rate citizens.
If women get the idea that selling their bodies for cash is a future, then it locks them into a perpetual state of lagging behind ambitious men.
And that's if regulations work... which they don't. Over time, the job becomes more and more un-insurable, and the state has to pick up the slack. Then over time it just becomes easier to buck the system and go back to doing it underground.
All of this is inflamed by profiteers and competitors. Instead of women hooking for some extra money on the side, private businesses will aggressively scout and groom younger and younger workers. The end result is something like SE Asia, where girls go straight from high school to the brothel.
Oh, look. Another person that thinks they know more than an ACTUAL sex worker, even though the evidence has been laid out for you.
If you don’t agree with us, that’s fine. But if you try to speak over us when we show up to these conversations, then you’re being willfully ignorant.
Do they know that this only makes the problem worse, not better? There is more human trafficking in areas where see work is legal.
What they should really do is decriminalize the sex worker, but not the consumer. So nothing will be done to the sex worker, they can freely go to the police without fear of being arrested. But anyone who buys there services should be arrested.
It looks like maybe this video could help you (any anyone else reading this) understand why we need decrim everywhere for sex workers.
I really wonder if this does stop sex trafficking? Does it and in what ways. Are there more resources for those trafficked? Punishments for the traffickers? All this appears on the surface is to make it legal to do the same coercive tactics to traffic... am I wrong? If so how/why?
This may help you find an answer; thank you for caring about sex workers.
Sweet. This video reminds me of Rufus Du Sol’s “Underwater.”
Kamala lowkey baaad but I got a thing for the older laydies
This trick works with human pussy too

Friday, Aug 12th 2022

5-Day Forecast

Trump sidesteps Harris 'birther' claim but praises theory's author
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Trump in 2016: Barack Obama was born in the United States, period
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Published: 14:08 BST, 14 August 2020 | Updated: 19:17 BST, 14 August 2020
President Donald Trump retweeted posts calling Kamala Harris 'camel laugh' on Friday, the day after he refused to say she was eligible to serve as vice president - as his son-in-law Jared Kushner refused to shoot down a 'birther' conspiracy theory about the Democratic vice-presidential candidate.
In a flurry of retweets consisting of criticism for the Democratic presidential ticket and praise for his deal between Israel and the United Arab Emirates, President Trump included a tweet with derogatory and racist descriptions of Harris and Joe Biden. 
'While Biden plays hide and seek with Camel Laugh, Trump plays 3 dimensional Chess with the Middle East and wins historical deals!! 'Play it again Sam' how the Democrats will lose everything in November! TRUMP IS THE GREATEST!!!,' read one of the two retweets. 
'Let's get this straight right away Camel Laugh and China Joe will lie, lie, and lie and the media will NOT challenge them on all the false statements they make. IT IS UP TO AMERICAN WARRIORS TO GET THE TRUTH OUT TO THE AMERICAN PEOPLE!!!!,' read the other.
More pressure: Jared Kushner was asked about Trump's comments on Friday but he tried to move the topic back to the Israel-UAE deal.
Trump has often accused Biden of 'hiding in his basement' and complained the Democratic ticket has yet to answer as many questions from the press as he does.
His insults to Harris came after he fanned the flames of yet another 'birther' conspiracy theory by telling White House reporters Thursday that he had 'no idea' if Harris was eligible to be vice president.
White House senior adviser Jared Kushner was asked about Trump's comments on Friday but he tried to move the topic back to the Israel-UAE deal.
'He just said that he had no idea whether that's right or wrong,' Kushner told 'CBS This Morning' co-host Anthony Mason.
Pressed on whether he and the Trump campaign accepts that Harris is a qualified candidate, Kushner said, 'I personally have no reason to believe she's not.'
'She was born in Oakland, California,' Mason said. Kushner replied: 'Yeah.'
'Makes her a qualified candidate. Why didn't the president take the opportunity to debunk that theory?' Mason asked.
'I have not had a chance to discuss this with him, but again, let his words speak for himself,' Kushner said. 
Democrats, meanwhile, accused Trump of racism and pointed out the last candidate to face questions about their birth was Barack Obama - the first black president.
'This is only the second time that that has happened in our nation's history. And the first time was with President Barack Obama. So why is it that only the two Black candidates are questioned about the legitimacy of their citizenship?,' Valerie Jarrett, a former top Obama advisor, told the Los Angeles Times . 
But President Trump claimed that the Republican lawyer who wrote a Newsweek op-ed pushing that claim 'is a very highly qualified, very talented lawyer.' 
Right-wing law professor John C. Eastman wrote an editorial Wednesday that argued that because Harris' parents weren't citizens when she was born in 1964 in Oakland, California then she might not fit the definition of eligibility under the U.S. Constitution. 
A number of Constitutional experts said that was flat-out false and Harris' defenders called it racist. 
President Donald Trump said he has 'no idea' if Kamala Harris is eligible to be vice president, adding that an op-ed that suggested she wasn't was written by a 'very highly qualified, very talented lawyer'
A Newsweek op-ed argued that Kamala Harris (pictured) may not be eligible to be vice president because her parents weren't U.S. citizens when she was born in California in 1964. One prominent law professor called the editorial 'racist nonsense'
Kamala Harris is pictured with her mother Shyamala Gopalan (left), who was born in India, and her father Donald Harris (right), who was born in Jamaica
Georgetown University Law Center professor Josh Chafetz told Eastman's op-ed was nothing but 'racist nonsense.' 
Eastman had run for California attorney general in 2010, the same year as Harris, but was beaten in the GOP primary, while she won the race. 
John C. Eastman wrote a controversial editorial for Newsweek that suggested Kamala Harris wasn't eligible to run for VP. The op-ed was widely viewed as racist and untrue
But a tweet sharing the editorial was retweeted by the Trump campaign's Senior Legal Advisor Jenna Ellis.
'It's an open question, and one I think Harris should answer so the American people know for sure she is eligible,' Ellis later told ABC News .  
A spokesperson for the Trump campaign never answered's inquiry on whether the campaign backed Ellis' statement. 
At the Thursday briefing, Trump was asked by a reporter whether he could 'definitively say' Harris was eligible since she was a 'anchor baby,' a negative term for immigrants who have children in the U.S. so that they can achieve citizenship.  
'So I just heard that. I heard it today. That she doesn't meet the requirements and by the way the lawyer that wrote that piece is a very highly qualified, very talented lawyer,' the president answered. 'I have no idea if that's right.' 
'I would have assumed the Democrats would have checked that out before she gets chosen to run for vice president,' Trump went on, adding that the unfounded claims were 'very serious.' 
He then asked the reporter to explain what Harris' problem was. 
'You're saying that, they're saying that she doesn't qualify because she wasn't born in this country?' Trump asked. 
The journalist replied explaining that Harris' parents were born abroad and weren't citizens at the time of her birth in the U.S. 
'I don't know about it, I just heard about it, I'll take a look,' Trump said. 
His comments echoed the sentiments he pushed about President Barack Obama, the country's first black president.   
Businessman Trump was one of the most prominent voices to push the 'birther' conspiracy about Obama, doing so in early April 2011.
Trump, who was mulling taking on Obama in the 2012 election, made a number of bogus claims including that Obama's 'certificate of live birth' was not an actual 'birth certificate.' 
The president was trying to push the racist narrative that Obama was born in Africa, where his black father was from. 
Obama countered at the White House Correspondents' Dinner in late April by jokingly showing the audience his 'official birth video' - the opening scenes of Disney's 'The Lion King.' 
But days earlier, in a move that showed Obama took the political threat seriously, the White House released the president's long form birth certificate . 
It wasn't until Trump was running in 2016 that he admitted that Obama was born in the United States - though he also claimed, falsely, that it was Hillary Clinton's 2008 campaign that started the 'birther' conspiracy theory to begin with.   
Harris is the second person of color to appear on a major party's presidential ballot and the second Democratic politician in recent years that Republicans have tried to suggest was born outside the U.S.
The Constitution spells out who is eligible for the presidency in Clause 5 of Article 2: 'No Person except a natural born Citizen, or a Citizen of the United States, at the time of the Adoption of this Constitution, shall be eligible to the Office of President; neither shall any person be eligible to that Office who shall not have attained to the Age of thirty five Years, and been fourteen Years a Resident within the United States.'
And the 12th Amendment extends those qualifications to the vice-president. 
Left unexplained is what 'natural born citizen' means - and the phrase is defined in no other piece of legislation.
But the 14th Amendment of 1868 is also in the Constitution - and defines who is a citizen.
It says: 'All persons born or naturalized in the United States and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the State wherein they reside.'    
In 1873 the Supreme Court ruled that the phrase 'subject to its jurisdiction' was intended to exclude children of non-citizen immigrants.
But that decision was in an arcane question - about whether the 14th Amendment only guaranteed rights to people who were U.S. citizens, and didn't cover anyone who was only granted 'citizenship of the state' by an individual U.S. state - in other words, were free to live and work there. 
The majority opinion includes a note that 'the phrase "subject to its jurisdiction" was intended to 'exclude from its operation children of ministers, consuls, and citizens or subjects of foreign States born within the United States.'
Two years later the high court ruled that immigrants can only have automatic citizenship for their children when they – the adults – owe 'allegiance' to the U.S. and not to a foreign nation.
The concept of allegiance means little today but most people at the time were born in monarchies with limited rights and were subjects, not citizens - and until you became an American citizen, you were still owing allegiance to that monarch, it was argued. 'Allegiance' to a foreign monarch and being subject to American 'jurisdiction' were not compatible, the justices ruled. 
But then in 1898 the Supreme Court ruled that a specific Chinese immigrant's child was a citizen of the United States, citing the 14th Amendment's text. 
In the case, about Wing Kim Arg, the justices ruled that ' a child born in the United States, of parents of Chinese descent, who, at the time of his birth, are subjects of the Emperor of China, but have a permanent domicile and residence in the United States, and are there carrying on business, and are not employed in any diplomatic or official capacity under the Emperor of China' was automatically a citizen.  
That ruling has been the bedrock of birthright citizenship - known as jus soli - and has led to the other opinions about the amendment being seen as being superseded - although they have never formally been overturned.
The dissenters - or in cruder terms, the losers - said the 14th Amendment and those who passed it intended citizenship to be only for those not claimed by any foreign power in any form, so natural-born citizenship was hereditary - a concept known as jus sanguinis .
Since then the Supreme Court has ruled that a woman born in New York to one U.S. citizen father but brought up abroad was eligible to run for president - she did not - but has never explicitly ruled on whether someone born to one or two non-citizens can.
The fact that scores of millions of Americans have been considered citizens by the federal government in exactly those circumstances would seem to suggest how the justices would rule.
But it leaves Kamala Harris 'birthers' a very narrow opportunity to argue that the Supreme Court has never ruled clearly that being born in the U.S. to non-citizen parents makes you 'natural born' - as opposed to simply a citizen. 
One - in a Newsweek op-ed - claimed that because Mexican guest-workers' American-born children had been deported in the 1920s, 1940s, and 1950s - the idea of 'birthright citizenship' for all really dates from after Harris' birth.
He also claimed that it was unclear exactly what Harris' parents' legal status was and that if they did not have green cards, that might disqualify her too. 
Harris, however, is not the first candidate to face questions over eligibility thanks to her parents. 
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