Ladyboy And Ladyboy

Ladyboy And Ladyboy


Ladyboy And Ladyboy
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A Ladyboy or Katoey (in Thai) is a transgender or a transsexual and most of them are based in tourist neighborhoods. There are ladyboys in most bars here because simply put, it’s much easier for women to earn more money in these areas. People from South-East Asia have some very specific physical predispositions that allow a lot of people to easily change their gender unnoticeably. That’s why it might be hard to recognize ladyboys on the streets of Thailand, especially if you’re visiting for the first time. I’ve even seen many of them that were just as beautiful as girls , if not even more!
Ladyboys are perceived differently by different kinds of tourists. Some want to avoid ladyboys, others are terrified by them, while some purposely seek them. However, Thai people are known for being very accepting, and in fact, I can say that’s part of their culture. They don’t look at ladyboys in a bad way and are generally not judgmental in regards to the choices that other people make. Be like them!
Personally, I have nothing against transsexuals and they have my full support when it comes to expressing themselves. I just thought it would be a good idea to write this article and give fellow travelers some useful tips on how to recognize ladyboys in Thailand because at times that might seem like a mission impossible.
Girls generally have narrow shoulders and broad hips, while ladyboys have broad shoulders and narrow hips.
Women’s forearms are a bit bent, while men’s forearms are straight;
Don’t rely on spotting the Adam’s Apple, as there are surgical procedures to have the bone shaved back.
The average height of a Thai woman is 157.3 cm (about 5ft 2in) while the average height for a man is 167.5 cm (about 4 inches taller).
Ask her to hold her arms out straight and try to bring her elbows together without bending the arms. If she has a normal female skeleton she will easily be able to do this. If not, congratulations, you’ve found a ladyboy.
Males usually have a higher hairline than females;
Males have a horizontal ridge of bone above our eyebrows, while females have much smoother and flatter forehead;
The eyebrows of females are generally positioned higher and there’s more room between the eyes and eyebrows;
Males’ jaws are wider, taller, and often have a sharp corner at the back.
Ladyboys, especially the ‘recent ones’ try to speak in a higher voice so they can sound more like girls. However, recognizing this is something that takes a lot of time to perfect. You would probably master this skill after staying in Thailand for a couple of months.
Generally, men have bigger hands than women. However, I met a few Thai guys that had unusually small palms. When in doubt, just take her hand and check whether the skin is smooth like it should be with most girls or not.
If her ring finger is longer than her index finger, I’m sorry but she’s probably a he.
I heard this one from an old player that’s been visiting Thailand for more than 20 years: ‘the majority of them can’t dance to save their life because they still have the male gen’.
Ladyboys almost always fidget with their hair because they are not used to it and are being quite self-conscious about it.
Check the map of the city that you are visiting, and speak with locals before going out, especially in Bangkok , Pattaya, and Phuket. For example, Soi 6 district in Pattaya is well-known for having a lot of bars where you can find a lot of (female) prostitutes. Soi 6/1, on the other hand, just a few feet away, is known for its ladyboy bars.
Traveling to Thailand soon? Check out this list of things you should not do in Thailand and if you need help planning your itinerary, check out our guide to spending 3 weeks in Thailand .
Like mentioned, Thai people are pretty open-minded and there’s no shame in admitting if someone is a ladyboy. Now, of course, some might get upset if you think that they might not be all woman but if you ask in a cautious manner, everything should be fine.
None of the previous methods is foolproof. They are all subjective and might vary from case to case. The only foolproof method is to just ask for their ID. Nowadays all Thai ID cards are in Thai and English language both, so if you ask for the ID (you can say you’re asking it to check their age) and see Mr. someone, you have your answer.
Finally, like the local people, respect the ladyboys. They are human beings and should be treated as such. If you don’t want anything to do with them, just decline politely like you would with a real girl. And avoid arguing with them, cause that might end up bad and just ruin your vacation.
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Forgive me father for I have sinned.
If you're are drunk, you have absolutely no chance to recognize them.
Your comment really cracked me up, Arash, thank you for getting involved in the comments :)
Thai ladyboys are freaking HOT !!!
Right on, Will. As the article mentions, we're not biased against ladyboys, the article is just for entertainment.
I have never meet a ladyboy before and was always wondering the difference between a ladyboy and a normal girl.
Thank you.You have given me all the answers before my questions.
Thanks, Michael. I am glad it helped.
If you somehow don’t realize it until you get her home, the Feet are often a giveaway. If hers are bigger than yours, request that she please stop giving you that blowjob and head to the nearest confession box.
true, Stewart but that rarely happens as even Thai guys aren't that large :)
Thailand is so accepting of the LGBT community and that is heartening to see. The ladyboys are a really nice bunch and can be fun to hang out with. In fact, they appreciate normal friendly interaction with the tourists too.
That's 100% true, Tamshuk. Thank you for your comment
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Ladyboy in a cabaret show on Koh Tao.
Ladyboys are sometimes more beautiful than some women.
Ladyboys often perform in cabaret shows, are hairdressers or beauticians.
So called ‘ladyboy cabaret’ attract hundreds of tourists.
Thank you for visiting. You can now buy me a coffee!
What comes to your mind when you think of Thailand? I know what you will say. You will probably tell me about paradise beaches, palm trees, good food, temples, Buddha statues and scooters. Then, with a bit of irony and humour, you will mention go – go bars and ladyboys. You might even wink at me and say that it’s very hard to distinguish the latter from women, and many men, that come to Thailand for holidays, end their parties in sweet embraces of ladies with very low voices and Adam’s apples.
In Thailand ladyboys are everywhere: in town halls, shops, on the streets, in schools, temples and restaurants. These transgender men have become the country’s trademark that baffles tourists that come here from all around the world. Visitors are so interested in ladyboys that Google search term such as ‘why are there so many ladyboys in Thailand’ is one of the most popular when it comes to Thai culture. And no wonder, Thailand is probably the only country in the world, where ladyboys are so common and where they live as normal members of the society.
But why are there so many of them here? Is the Land of Smiles really so tolerant and open? What is life like for transgender people in a country that still perceives having children as a priority? Do ladyboys fight for their rights in Thailand just as they would in Europe?
‘Ladyboy’ is a term that is used by tourists for a transgender man – one that dresses and behaves like a woman. In Europe we call them transvestites or transgender. Thais use another word – ‘kathoey’ – which comes from Khmer language and means a boy that is also a lady – a ladyboy. The word ‘kahtoey’ is also used to distinguish a transgender man from men and women. That’s why most of the Thai society perceives ladyboys as a third gender. Many kathoeys prefer this name as they think ‘ladyboy’ is slightly disrespectful.
In my school, where I taught 12-20 year old youngsters, every class had at least one ladyboy. At a stall, where I buy fruit and vegetables, the seller is a beautiful woman, whose hands are a bit too big and voice a bit too low. The receptionist in my building is also a ladyboy. In night clubs, tourist agencies and restaurants – ladyboys are almost everywhere? Where do they come from?
Once I was told that if a young boy from a very early age plays with dolls and prefers to spend time with girls, his parents start giving him hormones in the age of 7, so he changes into a woman. It was hard for me to believe this and it seemed very wrong. Luckily, as I later found out, the truth is a bit different.
Very rarely and only in special circumstances, parents interfere in their child’s development in such a way. In other cases, children make a decision to change their gender. This usually happens when they are teenagers. In Thailand hormones can be bought without a prescritpion and they are available in every pharmacy. Many young boys, between 13-15, who discover that they are homosexuals, start taking medication without their parents knowledge. They want to be more feminine, they want men to like them more and they want to be different from the others. Very often they are impressed with ladyboys, who are actresses and singers. With time, they want to change into a woman completely. Some of them prefer to keep the male organs, but still dress up as women. Others put some make up on and wear men’s clothes.
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Parents normally don’t react when their son starts to behave like a girl. They take it as something natural. In Thailand so called ‘coming out’ is not a big deal. There are no fireworks and no applause. Parents don’t disown their children either (as it happens in the west). Transgender people are accepted and tolerated. Because of that, those of a different sexual orientation can enjoy their freedom of expressing themselves.
Modern commercialisation of ladyboys made them even more visible. Cabarets, where men, who look like beautiful women, perform on stage, are one of the the attractions in Thailand and can be found in every bigger town and city in the country.
The explanation can be found in Buddhism – the official religion of Thailand. Despite what many people think, Theravada Buddhism, a form of the religion that is dominant here, is very complicated. Thais not only believe in Buddha and his philosophy, but also in all kinds of gods and ghosts. Afterlife takes a prominent role here. Thais believe that spirits don’t simply reincarnate, but they have to go through heaven or hell first, depending on what life they led in their previous lives. So, a very harsh punishment awaits those that committed a murder or other awful crimes. For smaller offenses, like prostitution or not looking after a pregnant wife, one can be born a boy that later in life wants to become a girl. Thais believe that kathoey are sinners, who want to redeem their sins.
First Buddhist scriptures also mention 3 genders: a man, a woman and a kathoey. So, religion officially allows for the third gender to exist.
Because ladyboys are sinners, who must have done something wrong in their previous lives, Thais treat them with pity. According to the local beliefs, being born a kathoey doesn’t forcast a happy life.
It would seem that ladyboys are welcome in Thai society and there is no place for discrimination, which is so evident in the European countries. Many expats and tourists claim that Thailand is the most open and tolerant country in the world.
Buddism mentions kathoeys as the third gender, but that doesn’t stop monks from telling ladyboys who they should be. ‘We can’t change them all’ said one monk in the interview for The Telegraph ‘but we can control their behaviour and show them that they were born men and not women’. Some monasteries offer special programmes, where parents can enrol their kids and where the young ones are taught how to be men again.
Kathoeys are treated as second class citizens in Thailand. They are not bullied, but their role is mainly to entertain others. They can be stylists, make up artists, dancers in one of the cabarets, but getting a well paid job might prove very difficult.
In Thailand military service is compulsory. Only healthy men can serve in the army. Ladyboys are registered as men and they cannot change their gender. Officially they also need to become soldiers at one point in their lives. The problem occurs when they show up for their military commission in mini skirts and make up. At the moment the law says that in such a case, a man should be classified as mentally disabled and cannot serve his country. This information is added into his documents, which then unables him to find a job. That’s why many kathoeys work as prostitutes and dancers in cabaret shows.
If a ladyboy manages to find a well paid position in an office, it is usually a low paid one and she will never get a promotion. The only solution here is to reduce make up, cut hair short and wear pants.
Not long ago the entertainment world in Thailand was shaken when one of the TV stations’ bosses showed up in a programme dressed as a woman. Despite the fact that his sexual orientation was known to many and he had been seen walking in high heels and dresses around Bangkok, his act of making it official by coming to work as a woman, aroused controversies. Until then it he must have gone through the motions. A person of a higher rank cannot be a kathoey.
Transgender people don’t have it easy in Thailand. As any other Thai, ladyboys suffer in silence and cover their misfortunes and problems with a smile. They turn everything in fun and games as it is hard for them to survive in a society, which tolerates them, but cannot fully accept them. Slowly there are more and more activists in Thailand that fight for the rights for the ladyboys to have better lives. Kathoeys also start to discuss the issues and openly admit that something must change in their country, so they can enjoy the same freedom as any other Thai person. But they have a long way to go and a lot of battles to fight.
More than 15 years ago I moved from my home country Poland to the UK. I became an English teacher in Thailand and started my own online business. On this blog I write about living in different countries, travelling and my experiences as a location-independent entrepreneur.
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17 Facts You Never Know about Ladyboy Culture in Thailand
Last Updated: April 26,2021

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Thailand is known as the Land of Smiles , but it's also know as the Land of the Ladyboys ! Compared to other countries, like the Philippines or Malaysia, Thailand has a long history and higher population of ladyboys in the world. As a matter of fact the word " ladyboy " is the English translation for " Kathoey ", a Thai word for transgender women and effeminate gay men.
Read interesting things you don't know about Thailand ladyboys .
The term "transgender" is rarely used in Thailand. Instead, the common term is, "Kathoey" which was once used to define intersex people, human beings who were born with ambiguous genitalia. 
Kathoey have become entirely common in Thai society, like everyone else, they go about their daily affairs: shopping, meeting with friends, using public transport, visiting the temple.
Ladyboy , transgender or the third gender is rarely used in Thailand. 
Miss Tiffany's Show Pattaya 32 Finalist. Can you the different with real women?
Thailand beholds the highest rate of Transsexuals throughout the world. According to Sam Winter , the numbers differ from about 10,000 to (unofficial) 300,000. substantially above that estimated for transgender in most other parts of the world. Thai community creats a sound public opinion environment for those of a different sexual orientation. They can enjoy their freedom of expressing themselves.
The very first Thai ladyboy is said to present as early as the 14 centry. At that time, Thais started to identify waht is now known as ladyboy.
First Buddhist scriptures also mention 3 genders: a man, a
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