Lady Avi Reddit

Lady Avi Reddit


Lady Avi Reddit
All my homies fucking hate Avi Arad
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Man is also the reason we never got a sixth season of Spider-Man the Animated Series because he was such an asshole that the lady running the programming department at the time canceled the show out of spite of him
Not only that Avi Arad also ruined Spiderman 3, cancelled Spiderman 4 Tasm 2 and cancelled tasm 3 and shit
Who the hell is he tho and why does he have the power to cancel the 4th movie
That one mf in the study group who didn't do shit but his name was in it too
Well to be fair. In this case for NWH. It’s more like that one MF in the study group that kept messing things, forcing his teammates to start over again and again. But it all works out as the team creates an excellent and unique project that wouldn’t have been possible without those fuckups to begin with that forced them to look elsewhere for new ideas.
Not only that but has the credits thank him for doing the project
And who has a better story than Avi Arad the Broken?
You had a choice when you killed Spider-Man 4
My uncle Spider-Man 4, did you give him a chance?!
Spider Man 4 was dead on conception raimi himself said it. The only good idea Raimi had for it was mysterio and he had not one good idea other than it.

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How about Avi Kaplan from Pentanonix? Where the main thing that gets you vibrating is his voice.
A positive community that encourages, enjoys and champions ladyboner-inducers of all types, showing the rest of the internet that, yes, ladies can slobber and objectify too.
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If he asked me to drop my panties in his ear-gasmic voice I'd say, "what panties?"
I seriously love him! He's my obsession right now!!!!
You know what? I wish he had taken the picture without the contacts. His green eyes are gorgeous!
I agree. However, I did post this in regards to the new Daft Punk medley. Goodness, I can't stop listening to it!
The other guy with the brown hair isn't too bad either, nice smile in the Daft Punk video.
All of the members of PTX are attractive. Avi just happens to be my favorite because he's bass and, gaah, the faces he makes when he's hitting low notes. Mmm.

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