Ladna cipka solo

Ladna cipka solo


Ladna cipka solo
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Highly original...but also NOT a film to watch with your father!
This weekend, I saw this short film at the Philadelphia Film Festival. However, sitting next to me was my grown daughter...and she apparently felt a bit awkward watching this very mature film with me. It's no wonder, as the film is about female masturbation and the vagina! The story is slight...a woman begins masturbating and a neighbor watches her through his window. Soon, however, her vagina (in particular her clitoris) begin having a life of their own...leaving her body and hopping about the apartment trying to satisfy its lusts. The animation for this one is very simply drawn...using what appear to be blue, red and black markers. The characters are also very simple...looking a bit like a child drew them. As for the story, well, it's interesting but hardly enough to fill the entire short film. Slight but interesting.
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By what name was Cipka (2016) officially released in Canada in English?
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