Lactation Manga

Lactation Manga


Lactation Manga


A single father raising twins wants nothing but the best for them, but he didn't expect that he'd need breast milk! A beautiful married woman offers to sell them, and things start to get real steamy...
The art of the smuts scenes are pretty decent in this borderline H but the story dragged on so dropped at chap 27…
So lately when i read this kind of mangas i was always dissapointed in story so at some point i thought to my self that there are no good bordline h mangas with story but im happy that i was wrong thisone was realy good story had great tempo and was interesting and even thrilling wich is quite unique for this genre. Yes its not some insane story but in this gener you harldy find better one. I would just like to point out that the only problem i had with this one was later on setup for ending needed 2-3 more chapters. So yes i wish it was longer. Some people may say that parts with his exwife were not needed to be there and yes they were not but it didnt feel like they were slowing the story and actually were *nice* to read as well. To me if i had to point out something bad about the story it would probably be the part with childcare girl she was not needed there and at some point the impact on story was not needed in my opinion but at the end of the day it wasnt such a big rpoblem.
Even though art was avrage most of the tiem during s*x it was realy well made.
To characters this one has one of the most normal MCs ever in bordline h mangas and he actualy uses brain thats insane. The main girl was also mand well and main antagonists wasnt bad eather but i think that he could do more harm then he did it would pop that character up even more other cahracters felt avarge nothing special.
So yes you should read this one it has no uglybastards but there is a littled of something like rape but since raped girl was raped by her husbend it felt mroe like assult then rape so if you nto fan of this i would still say give it a shot its not bad.
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