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Attractive Lactating Women - How to Find Them For Dates

MLA Style Citation:

Andrews, Angelina "Attractive Lactating Women - How to Find Them For Dates."
Attractive Lactating Women - How to Find Them For Dates .
4 Oct. 2008
15 Jul. 2022 <­Lactating-­Women-­-­-­How-­to-­Find-­Them-­For-­Dates&id=1554685 >.

APA Style Citation:

Andrews, A. (2008, October 4). Attractive Lactating Women - How to Find Them For Dates .
Retrieved July 15, 2022, from­Lactating-­Women-­-­-­How-­to-­Find-­Them-­For-­Dates&id=1554685

Chicago Style Citation:

Andrews, Angelina "Attractive Lactating Women - How to Find Them For Dates." Attractive Lactating Women - How to Find Them For Dates .­Lactating-­Women-­-­-­How-­to-­Find-­Them-­For-­Dates&id=1554685

Angelina Andrews  |  

Submitted On October 04, 2008

Do you have a fetish for attractive lactating women? If the answer is yes then I am sure that at one time or another you have wanted to date such a beautiful woman. Years ago this would have been difficult to say the least. Now, however, with new niche dating sites appearing almost every day and advanced dating technology, it has become easy to find a date with this special category of woman. In the paragraphs to follow you will learn a simple way to easily meet the kind of women you desire.
If you choose your favorite search engine and enter a search with your fetish words followed by either personals or dating, this will uncover a smattering of fetish dating sites. The problem with these sites is they require a credit card for membership and charge a massive fee. If you join one you are also likely to be disappointed. More often than not you will fail to find lactating women in your town or city; this is made more upsetting after having paid a large fee.
Is there a good, free solution to finding lactating females on the internet? Yes. It is free and can be accomplished in minutes.
Find a popular paid dating site with a few million members; between 5 and 10 million members should be sufficient. Do not choose a totally free dating site. Why? These sites are free for a reason. They steal identities and spam you with live cams, among other things. Choose a dating site you can trust; something popular with millions of members. Get a free account and make a quick profile. Your free account entitles you to send and receive messages, add friends, and search profiles; all you need from a dating site. You do not need a credit card for this and you only upgrade if you want extra features.
How do you find attractive lactating women? Simple. In your profile you should state the kind of women you desire. This will do two things. The internet search engine of the site will deliver these type of women to your profile when they put in searches. Not only that but the advanced match-making software will tell you which women are suitable in your town or city; you can then contact them or add them as friends.
Now the last part requires some work but is more than worth it. Go to advanced search and enter your criteria. You want women who lactate in your town or city. You can actually enter this into a search and it will bring up hundreds, maybe even thousands of results.
What you do then is begin adding these women as friends. Add as many as you like and then wait for replies. You should get replies almost instantly. You can then reply to these women and see which ones you would like to meet most.
So this is how you can easily meet attractive lactating women in your neighborhood. It is free, simple and, best of all, a very effective method to meet this difficult to find category of woman.
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From Let the Bond Flow - The Lactation Wiki: Info about Inducing Lactation, Adult Nursing Relationships, Adult Breastfeeding, and much more!


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This page contains videos and pictures (warning:NSFW) that show what an ANR/ABF lifestyle would potentially look like. A pregnancy is not necessary; some ladies start the inducing process to increase their bust size or to become more intimate with their partner .

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Did you know more than a third of men have fantasized about breast milk in some way?
Okay, has anyone ever read Fifty Shades Freed, the third book in the Fifty Shades of Grey trilogy? No? Well, there's a scene in the epilogue where Anastasia Steele is breastfeeding, and her husband, Christian Grey, says he's looking forward to tasting her breast milk. It’s a small moment, but it got me thinking: Is adult breastfeeding , like, a sex thing?
Indeed it is, says Dr. Justin Lehmiller, a research fellow at the Kinsey Institute, host of the Sex and Psychology Podcast , and member of the Men's Health Advisory Board. And this kink—which falls under the category of erotic lactation—is more common than you might think. When Lehmiller surveyed 4,000 Americans about their sexual fantasies, he specifically asked about fantasies involving body fluids. “I saw that 31% of men said that they fantasized about breast milk in some way before, which suggests that having fantasies about erotic lactation is not uncommon,” he explains.
Breastmilk fantasies take many different forms, Lehmiller adds. "For some men, what really gets them going is the idea of drinking a woman's breast milk, sometimes by drinking directly from a woman's breast," he says. "Other times, however, what turns men on is the idea of watching a woman lactate, or having a woman lactase on them during sexual activity. So, you know, these fantasies can take a lot of different forms.”
And, just in case you’re wondering: There is nothing wrong or abnormal about adult breastfeeding, or any other form of erotic lactation. It's just another kink that couples can engage in if everyone's down to do it. You might find you're more into it than you think, once you learn more about it.
Though adult breastfeeding and erotic lactation are terms often used interchangeably, they are not the same thing, says certified sex therapist Stefani Goerlich. “Erotic lactation is an umbrella term that adult breastfeeding would fall under, but it's not the only thing that would fall under the umbrella of erotic lactation,” she says.
Other acts such as adult baby play—where a partner dresses up or acts like an infant or child, Lehmiller says—can also tap into erotic lactation. Some people like watching a mother lactate, whereas others prefer using breast milk during a sexual act, Goerlich adds. Similar to BDSM , there are different forms of sexual activity within erotic lactation.
As we've seen among bodybuilders who think breast milk will help them build muscle , some folks who don't produce their own milk decide to buy it online—and there are serious health risks involved. The breast milk available through sites like Craigslist isn't regulated, which means you don't know what's in it; it could be carrying bacteria or diseases such as HIV.
“You're receiving bodily fluids from somebody that it hasn't been tested," Goerlich explains. "It hasn't been pasteurized. It hasn't been verified that they are drug or disease-free. And then you're trusting that [it’s] going to be safe for you. That is a calculated risk assessment that everybody needs to make for themselves.”
Lehmiller recommends starting slow: If you've never discussed any sexual fantasies with your partner, the first step is normalizing those kinds of conversations within your relationship. Maybe you start by talking about some of the more vanilla things you want to try, to build trust; over time—when you feel like you and your partner are more comfortable sharing more taboo desires—you can open up about your kinkier fantasies .
Before you decide to bring up your interest in erotic lactation, do some soul-searching to figure out what about it appeals to. (This will help you pitch it to your partner!) Maybe you're drawn to the sensory aspect of playing with breastmilk, or you're craving the intimate connection that comes with being breastfed.
“If you are able to understand yourself and know why this appeals to you, then you can explain it to your partner in a non-threatening [way],” Goerlich says. “Starting from a place of curiosity and knowing what your goal is makes it easier [to] sell any kink or fetish.”
Don’t get offended or angry if your partner is turned off or disgusted, Lehmiller says. Not everyone is going to like your kinks and your partner shouldn’t feel pressured to please you with acts that make them uncomfortable. However, that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t receive sexual satisfaction in your own relationship. You and your partner need to compromise.
“It's important to think about what are some potential alternatives. Suggest other options and things that you could try,” he says. “For example, in the case of erotic lactation fantasies, there are often BDSM themes that go along with it. And so maybe what's really appealing to your partner isn't necessarily the body fluid, but rather, the BDSM elements of it.
"There are other ways that you can incorporate that into your sex life that doesn't necessarily involve breast milk. Our fantasies are customizable, and you and your partner can work together to create this custom scenario that works for everyone. That [is] a good strategy where you and your partner have different types of sexual fantasies.”

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