Lactating Bondage

Lactating Bondage


Lactating Bondage










Fetish Fascination is going to my look at the various fetishes I have encountered over the years. Each post will be an examination of what the fetish is, what it involves and how to enjoy it responsibly, based on what I know. There's so many ways that people have found to get off, I just have to add my two-cents to the pile. The first fetish I'm going to look at is one that is especially near and dear to me: hucows.Β 
When I first started writing erotica, I started out with a series called Public Displays of Attraction. It focused primarily on voyeurism and exhibitionism, but since it didn't do particularly well, I stopped working on it. I lost interest in it pretty quickly, but I hadn't lost interest in erotica. So I took a break from writing to do some hardcore research and outlining. That's when I stumbled upon hucows.
I had heard of the fetish before but had never really delved in it too deeply. There was a break down of it on the erotic authors subreddit awhile back and after seeing it there, I started to do my research. I liked what I found.
So for anyone who isn't aware of what hucows are, they are women (and the occasional man) that are treated and used like cattle. The women are typically submissive, are milked either by hand or with a milker of some kind and in a lot of erotica, used for breeding purposes. The few men who participate in the submissive end of this practice have their cocks milked like studs. On the other end of the spectrum, you have people who label themselves as farmers or owners. They're the hucow's partner or dom depending on their arrangement and typically they are the ones milking and breeding their lover.
I was inspired to write about this fetish no because I was necessarily turned on by it, but because I understood it. I could really see the appeal. For me, the fetish breaks down into three base parts: D/s, ANR and breeding.
In regards to D/s, you have a person who is taking on a specific submissive role, the role of human cattle, for the use of their partner. They are taken care of by their farmer, owner, etc. and in return provide them with milk and sexual gratification. From what I've read, a lot of hucow fantasies involve the idea of 24/7 immersion, as in the person taking on the hucow role will be like that for as long as they are able. They want an owner that will keep them and use them for as long as they can. In a lot of these fantasies or arrangements, the dom has total access to the hucow's body and can use them anytime they want. Typically bondage is involved in this scenario, especially when it comes to milking. Since cows are usually somewhat immobile while being milked, it only makes sense that a hucow should be as well.Β 
The next part of the recipe calls for milk. Lactation and ANR relationships play a significant role in the hucow fantasy. There are a lot of people that have fetishized a woman's ability to produce milk and have incorporated it into their kink life, with and without the rest of the hucow fetish practices. While ANR (Adult Nursing Relationships) can be practiced in a number of different ways, when it comes to hucows, many times the lactating women milks themselves with some type of a machine, be it a regular breast pump or sometimes a goat milker. As I stated before, sometimes their partner will milk them by hand or be in control of the machine, once again reaffirming the dominant role.Β The drive to do this can be so powerful for some women that they will induce lactation through suckling and hormones. This should only be done after talking to a medical professional about it before hand and I do not advocate inducing lactation until you know if its safe for you.Β 
Finally we come to breeding. I find the breeding fetish especially interesting because I don't really consider it a fetish at all. Yes, it has been fetishized because humanity can and has fetishized everything (the internet is a weird place), but I find it hard to classify our need to procreate a fetish. That's a topic for a different post though and I want to stay on track. While beloved for their submissiveness and their sweet, tasty milk, people desire and want to be hucows because of the breeding. The idea here isn't that they just want to be pregnant now, this is the more extreme version. For someone with a hucow fetish, they typically want to be a kept person who is attempting to breed and get pregnant as much as possible. Their doms naturally want to facilitate this and will typically breed them or have someone else do it, if that is their thing. While the practice of doing this is pretty rare, it does make for a potent fantasy and one that I have encountered amongst many hucow and breeding kinksters.
I think its obvious that I've put in my time when researching this fetish. Its mix of roleplay with D/s breeding elements really pulled me in and inspired my body of work. While I myself don't participate in the fetish (a bit too intense for my tastes), I do find it intriguing and it has inspired a wealth of stories. If you have any questions for me, feel free to leave them in the comments and I'll get to them as soon as I can. I should have a new excerpt up for everyone sometime in the next few days.Β 

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