Labia Saline Injection

Labia Saline Injection


Labia Saline Injection
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FYI. This story is over 5 years old.
What It's Like to Have Your Balls Inflated
What's the deal with scrotum saline infusions? To find out, I went through the procedure myself.
The author awaiting saline infusions
My scrotum is a thin sack of skin that contains part of my reproductive system. Insert a needle, add a liter of saline, and it is apparently transformed into something more rewarding.
I've been interviewing body-modified humans for years and have frequently heard the phrase, "I like the pain." They always explain it the same way: In the brain, your pain and pleasure neural pathways overlap—so the two feelings are never all that far apart. I'm familiar with people pushing and punishing their bodies to extremes, but I was specifically interested in how that pleasure/pain dichotomy plays out in a sexual setting.
Bella van Nes and her partner Paulus of Piercing HQ
Wanting to learn more, I turned to Bella van Nes, owner of Melbourne's Piercing HQ. Bella and her partner Paulus have run Piercing HQ for three years. Although they specialize in genital piercings, they offer every modification imaginable—except tattooing. They also host various workshops on topics such as staple and superglue play, micro branding, medical play, scarification, piercing, spanking, and flogging. One, titled "From Finger to Fist," is a beginner's guide to anal fisting. Between them, their involvement within the fetish community is vast and notable.
Unsure if I wanted to permanently mark myself, Bella suggested a saline session. These can involve little injections of saline just under the skin—not into the actual muscle. Breast and scrotal infusions are the most popular, but labia, buttocks, clit hood, pubic mound, and penile shaft are all common requests too.
Each injection distributes 50 milliliters of saline. With many of the modifications calling for a liter of fluid, a session can involve a lot of needleplay. If that doesn't sound like something you're into, you can opt for an infusion. Here your selected body part is hooked up to a saline drip bag. Depending on the bag's volume, the stream's speed, and your own personal tastes, this can feel like a regular IV, or something much more painful.
Bella says saline infusions and injections are commonplace throughout the kink community, but getting exact figures on their prevalence is difficult as most participants "balloon" in private residences and behind closed doors. However, the sheer number of boys brandishing their ballooned balls on the internet is testament to its increasing popularity. But this didn't make me any less nervous.
Apparently sensing my remaining apprehension, Bella assured me that the body completely absorbs the saline within 48 hours. Meaning if I did choose to inflate a body part, I'd be back to normal in a couple of days. Speaking to the couple in such a relaxed, matter-of-fact way eased me over the edge. I decided to inflate my nutsack.
According to Paulus the testes actually become less sensitive after the procedure, as they're suspended in saline. "If we were to slap your testicles before the infusion, it would hurt," he explained, "but afterward we'd be able to give them a nice tap around." Other than being able to be more rough than usual, he adds that he personally likes the sensation of the weight during sex, "as they swing back and forth."
The saline that would find its way into my balls
With a mild pinching sensation, the cannula that would deliver half a liter of saline was inserted into my scrotum. Surprisingly, this was less painful than expected, but as the cold liquid started steadily flowing into my sac, I began to feel light-headed.
Casually, Paulus tried to reassure me. "For a momentary discomfort it's a lot of fun," he said soothingly, "although there's only 500 milliliters in a bag, I usually put a liter in. Once all the saline comes out of your body, your balls are back to normal, there's no adverse effect. The most liquid I've held in my sac has been around 1,400 milliliters." He raised his hands as if holding out an invisible basketball.
Despite his assurances, I still harbored some concerns for the long-term fate of my gonads. This had nothing to do with the setting, Piercing HQ looks impressively sterile. Bella wore medical-grade gloves and inserted the cannula into my scrotum with practiced ease, thankfully avoiding any potential nerve damage and missing my testes. She swabbed the insertion point before and after the procedure, and unwrapped new equipment prior to use.
I was told to be aware of my own physical limits, listen to my body, avoid bodies of water like baths or lakes that could harbor bacteria, and to play gentle with my freshly inflated sac. If I abided by these simple instructions any risk of scrotal cellulitis (infection of the skin) would be avoided.
While pumping a small milk bottle's worth of liquid into my balls, Paulus explained that pain is the body's way of protecting itself. But if you can push past it, your body realizes the pain is not going to stop, so it starts releasing chemicals to try make itself feel better.
Paulus and Bella show off their own body modifications
"I've done my fair share of drugs over time," Paulus continues, "and I'd say that the [organic] drugs that get released from heavy-impact play are far better than any chemical drug I've taken."
Perhaps noting my unease, Bella told me, "If I'm putting in a couple of liters into the balls, then you'll start getting expansion in the shaft of your cock and also around the pelvic area; you'll start to see that get a bit puffy." But in my case, I've insisted we keep the amount of fluid to a minimal and confined to the scrotum, so "it's like filling up a balloon."
For all the casual chatter of balls swinging during sex, they were very professional about the whole thing.
Soon my attention turned from our conversation back to my balls, which were becoming increasingly uncomfortable. As the saline inflated them, my testes sought asylum inside my abdomen. After 45 minutes of this I'd had enough. Gazing past my navel, it was hard to see objectively whether my sac looked enlarged or whether it was an optical illusion caused by my dick retreating like a frightened tortoise into its shell.
The results were not immediately life-changing
"Gee, Fareed," remarked Bella encouragingly, "you look like you've got a decent-sized package now." I appreciated the support but didn't feel like much of a hero.
Although I had taken on only 250 milliliters, increasing my ball size from prune to fig, I waddled home as though lugging an awkward tumor between my legs. Since my testes were encapsulated like small yolks in inordinately large eggs, the liquid acted like a shock absorber. Experiencing this, I could envisage that filled with a whole liter of saline, the sensation of having them smacked around could be pleasurable. But the discomfort was so overwhelming and foreign that I ensconced myself in bed.
I woke up the next morning to find that the saline had nearly completely dissipated; my scrotum was back to his usual wrinkled self.
It should go without saying, but if you do have a desire to inflate any part of your body remember to seek out a professional. Do not try this at home.
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erimentation with Scrotal Saline Injection

Experimentation with Scrotal Saline Injection

I first encountered the concept of scrotal saline injection in Brenda
Love's Encyclopedia of Unusual Sex Practices. There it was described
as a way to temporarily, but greatly, increse the size of the penis as the
saline solution was alleged to migrate into the penile tissue overnight.
With that in mind, I decided to try some experimentation of my own.

On my first experience, I used 250ml of medical saline, a 22ga hypodermic
needle, and IV tubing. After a little contemplation, I decide to perform
the infusion in a bath of warm water. I figured this would keep the scrotum
warm and loose, plus it would offer support during the procedure. On the
downside, it probably wasn't as sanitary as it would have been, had I done
it in open air. However I experienced no problems with this method and
continued to use it in my later experiments.

I drew a warm bath and added some bath salts, set up the IV tubing and the
bag of saline, hung it from the shower curtain rod, and preped the area with
100% isopropal alcohol. I picked an injection site near the top of the
scrotum, in order to avoid the possibility of springing a leak when the
needle was removed. I released the flow lock on the IV tube and cleared
the line and needle of any air. I stopped the flow, inserted the needle
and resumed the flow.

After a moment I began to notice a dull burning sensation inside my
scrotum. It wasn't painful, but it was unlike anything I'd felt before. I
carefully took a seat in the bath and waited. When I sat down, the
saline flow increased significantly, I suppose, as a result of the larger
height difference between my scrotum and the saline bag.

I occasionally stopped the flow, and inspected the changes that were
taking place. At first, my scotum just seemed fuller than usual, but
after a short while, it was beginning to show obvious distortion.

After what couldn't have been more than 10 or 15 minutes, the infusion
was complete, even with all the interruptions in flow. I had reached the
250ml mark. I removed and recapped the needle. Toweled off and CAREFULLY
walked to the bed.

My scrotum was swelled to about the size of a softball maybe a little
smaller. Checking by hand, I could tell that the sac was stretched a bit, but
far from taut. There was plenty of room for more saline solution next time.

I stretched out on my back in the bed, watched some tv and went to sleep,
as it was quite late in the evening... I awoke the next morning and
immediatly checked to see how much saline had migrated up into my penis.
I was disappointed to find that there was no noticable size difference at
all. In fact, it looked a little smaller than ususal, as my scrotum was
still a little swelled. In any case, I was able to move about normally
by that time. The swelling was largely gone, but the testicles themselves
also seemed larger than normal.

I tried to figure out why it didn't work. Perhaps I hadn't used enough
saline, or maybe I need to sleep face down, rather than face up? I resolved to
to use more saline solution on the next experiment.

Having seen no effect on penis size in my first experiment, I decided to
to increase the amount of saline solution by 150ml. This would mean a 400ml

For safety concerns as well as timing reasons, I waited till the next
weekend to try again. I repeated the steps I had employed the first time,
but connected a larger bag of saline solution for this attempt.

This time, I didn't stop the flow nearly as often as I had before. There
was the now familiar dull burn, and towerd the end, there was a sharper
burning that occured toward the top and back of the scrotum. I can only
assume this was from the saline forcing its way into these areas,
perhaps stretching them in some unfamilar way. At the 400ml mark, I stopped.

The size of my scrotum now seemed enormous, perhaps the size of a
grapefruit. For a moment I worried if this could have any serious, but as of
yet unknown, side effects! I calmed down at once, and began to concentrate on
the sensations. There was no burning sensations at all, but rather a full
heavy feeling which was rather unusual, yet pleasant.

Again I laid down on my bed. For a while I watched tv. I tried to roll
over on my stomach and go to sleep, but I normally can't sleep that way,
and couldn't this time. I finally rolled onto my back and fell asleep.

When I awoke the next morning, I was again disappointed to find no
increase in the size of my penis. There was still a significant amount of
saline solution left in the scrotum, but again I noticed that the testicles
themselves had swelled. It was around noon before I could get about
without any noticable difficulty.

Having seen no evidence that a scrotal infusion would lead to a temporary
and noticable increase in penis size, I nonetheless resolved to
experiment one more time, solely for the purpose of concentrating on the
infusion experience itself rather than attempting to use it as a means to
an end.

Again, I waited a week then used the steps that I had employed the
previous 2 weeks. The only difference was that I had two 500ml bags of
saline solution on hand.

I began the infusion and allowed the first 400ml to go as quickly as
possible, since I knew I could handle it. I took the next 100ml more
slowly and then changed bags. There was the ususal dull burn and somewhere
in that last 100ml I started to notice that sharper pain which seemed to
indicate that saline was being forced into unfamilar areas. I took the
next 100ml even slower. At 600ml my scrotum was unbelievabley distended.
The sharper pain circled the base of my scrotum and seemed to be moving
back toward my anus.

I let more drip in very slowly, spending perhaps 20 minutes on this last
150ml. At 750ml I stopped, even though there where 250ml left in the IV drip
bag. My scrotum was stretched tight and I was more than a little worried about
bursting my sac, it would have been very akward trying to explain to the
emergency room staff how such an injury could occur!

I removed the hypo and gently stood up. When my scrotum came free of the
bath water, I could feel the full wieght of the saline soultion. It was
incredible. After the prior two infusions, my scotum was roughly
sphereical in shape. This time that was not the case. The best
description would be that it was shaped like an inverted portugese man-o-war
jellyfish or perhaps a brain. The swelling of my scrotum extended
backward between my thighs, much further than I had imagine it would.

I made my way to the bed and laid down on my back. After a few hours, I
noticed that some subcutaneous tissues seemed to swell more than
others. Also parts of the sac became much thicker than others.
The tissues at the base of the penis seemed to swell the most, as well as
the area deep between my thighs.The next morning, the swelling was reduced to
the point where I could actually locate my testicles, they too were quite
swollen. At least 2 to 3 times the normal size.

After 24 hours, there was still noticeable swelling. After 36 hours,
things were back to normal.

Only after finding BME and reading some other accounts did I realize that
a direct penile infusion could be used for a temporary enlargement. For
some reason that never occured to me. Still I'm happy with my scrotal
infusion experiences. Now that I know about the penile injections,
perhaps I'll have to experiment further...

submitted by: Anonymous on: 20 July 1997 in

Saline Injection

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Martina pumps saline solution into her breasts and now she is a 32N!
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Video: Ex-air hostess who wants to be an 'extreme version of Barbie' can pump up the size of her 32N breasts with saline (and she won't stop until they weigh 5kg each)

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She pumps saline solution into her breasts and now she is a 32N!


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