Labcraft Rules and Datapack list

Labcraft Rules and Datapack list


Rules are subject to change, check in the discord for more :)

1. don't be a jerk

2. don't blow up people's bases

3. don't travel super far from spawn and then complain it's too far

4. prank away, but try not to go too far (don't blow people or their stuff up)

5. keep the chat pg13

6. if there's something you want or don't like, we can leave it to a vote

7. keep the world looking nice! (no ugly buildings, don't leave creeper holes, floating trees, etc)

8. if you prank, leave a sign

9. don't hack (duh)

10. shops are for buying, not stealing.

11. No Item duping

12. Please put somewhere in your application how you've fought 17 bears in the last year. this helps me know you actually read the rules.

13. TNT duping is allowed

14. This is an english speaking server!

15. No pity parties, bad stuff happens to all of us, don't dwell on it. If you want to leave the server, then leave. Don't whine because you're not having fun. Some servers aren't for everyone and that's okay!

While we don't have an official format to apply, if it makes it easier for you feel free to use this template--





What MC update did you start playing?-

Anything interesting to share?-

Datapack list!

If there are any questions about any datapack on the server ask gyro.

Shortcut Crafting Recipes

AFK Display

Anti Enderman Griefing

Coordinates HUD

Customizable Armor Stands

Double Shulker Shells

Dragon Elytra Drop

Gem Villagers

-Treasure Gems

Larger Phantoms (They get bigger the longer you don't sleep)

More Mob Heads

Multiplayer Sleep

Nether Portal Coordinates

Pillager Tools

Redstone Rotation Wrench

Terracotta Rotation Wrench

Silence Mobs (Name a mob to "Silence Me" to silence it)

Thunder Shrine

Report Page