La Nuit La Plus Longue Streaming

La Nuit La Plus Longue Streaming


La Nuit La Plus Longue Streaming
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Original title: La plus longue nuit du diable
Pierre-Claude Garnier (original scenario) Patrice Rhomm (original scenario) Jean Brismée (uncredited)
Pierre-Claude Garnier (original scenario) Patrice Rhomm (original scenario) Jean Brismée (uncredited)
Father Alvin Sorel (as Jacques Monseu)
Pierre-Claude Garnier (original scenario) Patrice Rhomm (original scenario) (adaptation and dialogue) Jean Brismée (uncredited)
Each of the seven tourists, represents one of the Seven Deadly Sins.
When blood drips from the ceiling on Regine's arm, she and Nancy just sit there looking at it, rather than wash it off.
Film was released with a "PG rating in 1972, then released in 1974 in an extended "R" rated cut. The "R" rated version contains a longer sex scene between the two women.
Very scary shocker from Belgium/Italy
I saw this as one of 10 horror films on a collection from brentwood DVD called;fright night,its an awesome collection of fright films.anyway the devils nightmare is a Belgium/Italian made shocker about a group of tourists(each one represents one of the 7 deadly sins)they get stranded at the castle of an ex Nazi officer.there's a family curse,gruesome murders,lots of nudity(surprising for 1971)and a very good soundtrack. I'm usually a sucker for good European horror movies especially with the sexy beautiful Erika blanc,who starred in many Italian horror films.sort of like a rival of Barbara Steele.the murders are very gruesome.the dubbing is sloppy but thats expected.i saw this years ago on the USA cable network,of course it was chopped up by the censors. it was hosted by commander USA.who used to show very strange movies. watch the uncut version for the full effect.ignore the critics because most of them dismissed this film as be the judge.believe me its kind of scary.8 out of 10,Erika blanc gets 10 out of 10 because she was hot.
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A group of tourists traveling on a bus take a detour to stay overnight in a castle owned by a family cursed with a history of Satanism and death. A group of tourists traveling on a bus take a detour to stay overnight in a castle owned by a family cursed with a history of Satanism and death. A group of tourists traveling on a bus take a detour to stay overnight in a castle owned by a family cursed with a history of Satanism and death. needs to review the security of your connection before proceeding.

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Dans la prison psychiatrique de Monte Baruca, le 24 décembre, un groupe d'hommes armés encercle le complexe et coupe toute communication avec le monde extérieur. Leur objectif est de capturer Simón Lago, un dangereux tueur en série, mais le directeur de la prison refuse de le livrer.
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