Beat putih

Hello everyone, have a nice day. Hope to join the LOLCOIN project is very great for us, before you join it, it will be better if you understand the project, besides, it will improve your insight and improve the information for you, especially understanding the vision and mission of the project to add to your trust in investing.

LOLCOIN is an ecosystem that will allow everyone to get a world-class education, in particular: using the innovations of the blockchain and our exceptional experience thanks to our new idea. Unlike traditional educational systems, LOL will reduce borders across the decentralized market of DIGITAL EDUCATIONAL MATERIALS for testing and validation by the European International University.

Using LOL to confirm and blockchain-based links, including the presentation of the PERSONAL PERSONALITY of the DIGITAL SEAL, using AI and the blockchain, for storing unique attributes, the ability to coordinate them with spotters and courses and get a higher education.

LOL offers a SAFE token

This is a reclassification of education through a digital learning platform coordinated in our decentralized environment LOL. Ensure benefit sharing in early education developed by instructors with more than 20 years of education.

Benefits and features

It is very important to note the fact that LOL has a higher degree of education worthy of world-class, and also corresponds to European international universities. In addition, this project uses all the necessary certification and abstraction for its educational and digital materials, which are securely stored in a decentralized blockchain network. Everyone will be able to get a quality education from leading experts from around the world, whose work experience is more than one decade. At the same time online to pass various types of tests, both to improve their university skills and improve their degree.

As for the working moments from the platform, they have already prepared detailed algorithms for testing their candidates, including various interpretations of the personality with all the biometric fingerprints that follow, which are necessary for full registration in the system. Of course, these are not the only advantages of the LOL system. It is enough to note the fact that access to the resource for candidates will not be limited. This means that anyone can start their high-tech modern education, wherever it is and whatever nationality it belongs to.


LOL coins are:


Tokens, taking into account the Ethereum blockchain innovation. This is the central resource of the new online learning ecosystem, Learn Online. Customers who have LOL coins can exchange them for advanced education. In addition, in addition to practical knowledge and skills, LOL will provide its candidates with the opportunity to earn their first salary by completing certain projects. Thus, you will not only master the dry theory, but also will support it in practice, receiving real income. Sounds perfect to me. From the point of view of innovations in the Ethereum blockchain. This is the central resource of the new online learning ecosystem, Learn Online. Customers who have LOL coins can exchange them for advanced education. In addition, in addition to practical knowledge and skills,  LOL will provide its candidates with the opportunity to receive their first salary by completing certain projects. Thus, you will not only master the dry theory, but also will support it in practice, receiving real income. Sounds perfect to me.

You can download it here:


55%: STO

6%: Advisor

4%: generosity / community

15%: team

20%: university reserve fund

Use of results:

45%: LOL Ecosystem Development

20%: marketing

20%: operating costs

10%: lawyer and admin

5%: educational reserve / fund

ROAD MAP 2018–2020






At the end of my review, I want to say that projects such as this one are very popular all over the world. Every year, millions of students think about what to do and where to go, in the future to get not only a decent education, but also prestigious, popular work. Therefore, I believe that everyone who is worried about their future or about the future of their children should at least get better acquainted with the concept of Lokoyan. Moreover, at present they have a sufficient number of operating organizations that for many years have managed to express themselves qualitatively. For a better and deeper analysis of LOLCOIN, I have prepared for you all the necessary official project resources. Links that will be waiting for you on this article. And that's all and see you soon!

Official resources of the LOLCOIN project:




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