Language Link St Petersburg

Главная ценность Language Link - это Люди.
Именно они наполняют школу своей энергией и формируют особую атмосферу. И мы решили не спеша знакомить Вас с нашей командой.

Edward (RSA)

Эдвард, филиал "Невский"

My name is Edward, and I am from South Africa. I have been involved in both education and design and my goal is to be able to combine both. My hobbies and interests include photography, art, writing and physical exercise. Some interesting facts are that I have won awards in the fashion design industry and I have also been involved in creating children's stories books. I chose to come to Russia and specifically St Petersburg because of the culture and history. What I love in teaching is being able to be part of the students intellectual and life skills development, along with me learning from them.
  • Эдвард специализируется на группах для взрослых и детей и на индивидуальных занятиях

Alex (USA)

Алекс, филиал "Невский"
Hello my name is Alex. I am from Texas and recently moved to SPB to teach English. Part of the reason I moved to Russia was to experience something completely new and foreign. Traveling is something that is immensely important to me. I am deeply interested in film, art and photography. I enjoy teaching because it is both challenging and rewarding. My main goal for teaching is to make my students stronger in communication.
  • Алекс специализируется на группах для взрослых и детей, на разговорных курсах, ведет разговорные клубы

Весь мир твой - Language Link

Будем рады видеть Вас у нас на курсах, на разговорных клубах! Наши Преподаватели и Администраторы будут рады помочь Вам в освоении мира английского языка!

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