LIPCHAIN-Uniting Global Surfer Community

LIPCHAIN-Uniting Global Surfer Community



As progressive as it sounds, Blockchain really is a system to convey everybody to the most noteworthy level of responsibility. Not any more missed exchanges, human or machine blunders, or even a trade that was not finished with the assent of the gatherings included. Above whatever else, the most basic territory where Blockchain causes is to ensure the legitimacy of an exchange by recording it on a principle enroll as well as an associated dispersed arrangement of registers, which are all associated through a safe approval component.

The blockchain is a morally sound computerized record of monetary exchanges that can be customized to record not simply money related exchanges but rather for all intents and purposes everything of esteem. Blockchain innovation resembles the web in that it has a worked in power. By putting away squares of data that are indistinguishable over its system, the blockchain can’t be controlled by any single substance and has no single purpose of disappointment. The web itself has turned out to be tough for just about 30 years. It’s a reputation that looks good for blockchain innovation as it keeps on being produced.


LIPCHAIN is a decentralized Ecosystem which will join the Global surfers network and furthermore give them sponsors,unofficial rivalries, all year preparing living space in particular, the most ideal conditions to work on Surfing. 

Lipchain is a stage that will make a decentralized informal community devoted to surfing which will enable clients to be paid for the substance, they will distribute on the application through a supporting framework anchored by means of shrewd contract. Lip chain App, relatives will have the capacity to make pictures and recordings and gain cash that can be imparted to the shot competitor. Their application will likewise permit the association for video challenges which will clear route for remuneration for the best surfer. Evidently, this will bring open acknowledgment to numerous a greater number of competitors than authority titles do. At the long run, later on those open big name will have the capacity to gain exceptional prizes attached to Lip wave resort and biological surfing hardware. 

Besides, LIPCHAIN can be strengthened by a more extensive system for the best surfers in every opposition to pick champions month to month and get tokens on account of their articles or blog entries from supporters. LIPCHAIN token holders (LIPS) get to surfing things and value cut administrations. Therefore, plot LIPCHAIN is normally a decentralized biological community that offers surfers with backers, rivalries, and open learning conditions consistently. 


Absence of financing for tenderfoot to enhance themselves up to proficient level and high costs for surfing preparing can be illuminated by posting recordings and photographs at the LIPCHAIN arrange and by procuring tokens. 

Access challenges in title cooperation can be unraveled by rivalries in this network. 

Constrained accessibility of achieving target group of onlookers will be tackled by joining surfing network. 

The contamination of seas will be diminished because of cleaning programs supported by LIPCHAIN. The sponsorship will be equivalent to 5% of recordings sponsorship wage at LIPCHAIN. 


LIPCHAIN has chosen to dispatch a Decentralized Social Network committed to surfirng, which will enable clients to get torment by distributing substance, for example, pictures and video cuts on the App, through a supporting framework anchored by means of shrewd contract and keeping up authority over their substance. Through this decentralized informal organization the competitor can likewise distribute substance committed to the sponsor(s). Through the LIPCHAIN App, frinds and family can gain from distributing video clasps and pictures about the Athlete. 

Cleaning Seas and Oceans: The LIPCHAIN group expects to take part in shielding the oceans and seas with more productive approaches to encourage officially existing Foundations. This can be accomplished by cleaning shorelines, Educating individuals on better methods for arranging plastics, Reduce plastic container utilization, Improving plastic jugs Eco-structure. 

How It Works? 

LIPCHAIN is a decentralized biological system that attempts to address these issues and furnish watchers with patrons, informal prize draws, and all year preparing. LIPCHAIN additionally gives a program where watchers can procure tokens for participating and utilizing their most wanted game while encompassing to the goal of cleaner oceans.The people group will likewise offer customer with access to the worldwide surfing and cruising network and the essential instruments need to choosing a competitor for sponsorship and furnishing the support with brilliant contracts for anchoring the bundle. 


The stage will develop an application particularly suited for clients and mariners, included with a decentralized network framework. The Network enables programs to content their clasps and photographs and wind up being remunerated utilizing wedding party. The measure of marriage party got is dictated by the general public surveys of the preparation video or photos. Surfers can also increase wedding party by partaking in prize draws organized inside the request.Additionally, the relatives,family, and companions, of the surfer can motion picture the surfer amid rivalry and preparing and profit, which is sharable with the film surfer. 

LIPWAVE Pool territory Center 

The pool will display all year encompassing Olympic planning conditions for the surfers as the pool will be made to create impact each 6 to 8 second for in excess of 1000 surfers for each time. The pool territory will enable programs to achieve the expert level ten times all the more quickly. In the conceivable future, a natural lodging will wind up being created around the pool territory. 


The LIPCHAIN wallet enables clients to encounter abnormal state of UI, which implies this wallet experience will be totally not quite the same as some other accessible wallets. It is a very anchored wallet typified with all Ethereum wallet security highlights. It will likewise bolster functionalities, for example, : 


Clients can send and get Lipschain tokens (LIPS) to/from any substantial Ethereum wallet. 

No Charge 

No Ethereum will be charged amid the exchange of LIPS, just exchange expense (gas) will be required. 


This usefulness empowers clients to check the status of their exchanges over the Ethereum wallet. 


The LIPCHAIN wallet has an easy to understand interface 


With the end goal to guarantee most extreme security and control, The LIPCHAIN group has chosen to build up a Multimodal biometric confirmation which will be utilized in the wallet and App. Highlights of multimodal biometrics incorporates: 

•Face Recognition 

•Iris Recognition 

•Unique mark Recognition 


•Voice Recognition 

•Mark Recognition

Token Sale and ICO Details

LIPS tokens are utility tokens of LIPCHAIN network and at the same time they give an opportunity to buy discounted surfing products at LIPCHAIN or book LIPWAVE pool. LIPS can be stored in any Ethereum wallet supporting ERC20 tokens (MyEtherWallet, Mist, MetaMask etc.)

Token Details

Ticker Name: LIPS

Token standard: ERC20

Total Supply: 1,000,000,000 LIPS

Tokens for Sale: 210,000,000 LIPS

Bonus Tokens: 125,000,000 LIPS

Price: 1 LIPS = 0.1 USD

Soft Cap: 3,000,000 USD

Hard Cap: 20,000,000 USD

Minimal purchase: 50 USD

Country of the project: Portugal

Distribution of Tokens

ICO Details

ICO-Period 3 with 15% bonus: 01/05/2018 – 31/07/2018

ICO-Period 4 with 10% bonus: 01/08/2018 -14/09/2018

ICO-Period 5 with 5% bonus: 15/09/2018 – 14/10/2018

ICO-Period 6 without bonus: 15/10/2018 -15/11/2018


[x] 15.11.2016 - Сreation of a digital coin (LIPCHAIN).

[x] 26.02.2017 - Dissemination of the concept with several national surfers.

[x] 16.04.2017 - Encrypted currency development.

[x] 05.11.2017 - Preparation and creation of ICO for the implementation of the project.

[x] 14.01.2018 - Launch of LIPCHAIN in the market through ICO.

[x] 25.02.2018 - To buy a boat and to create the sailing team to beat the world record.

[x] 22.04.2018 - To develop the sponsorship for regatta and sailing team.

[ ] 16.07.2018 - Attempt to beat the 10 years old world record sailing from Lisbon.

[ ] 10.09.2018 - Launch of the APP Captivation of all outsiders.

[ ] 07.10.2018 - Communication, advertising, marketing and promotion of LIPCHAIN.

Amazingly, Lipchain Developers have completed 7 of 10 Roadmap. This is what makes ICO Lipchain compulsory to follow.


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Author TheJohnMatch


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