
001. 2019-04-18

Under grey skies, in the middle of nowhere, where bustling life once had been, there it was - the island washed by cold waves since long ago. The ocean, sending formations of its lead hills, would crush against the barren sandy shores in an apparent attempt to subdue the grounds to the eternal authority of timeless waters. But to no avail.

Deep into the island, vegetation prevailed to its fullest. Thick powerful trunks dominated the area, accompanied by dense undergrowth and chaotic shrubbery. The kingdom of greenery wasn't unmanaged, however - myriads of bugs, crawling and flying, of diverse sizes and shapes, served prosperity of the green mass; facilitating the rotation of the circle of life, feathered beings, having their nests up high among prolific branches, drifted above the land feeding on the unfortunate below.

And, as if keeping together the speck of firmness amidst endless waters, two hills towered above the island, one being somewhat smaller, and both being covered by the green wooden blanket.

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