Kyle Mills Porn

Kyle Mills Porn


Kyle Mills Porn
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All around the country, this scene is playing out:
The guy is dressed all cleancut in his sweater vest sitting all innocently at the Thanksgiving dinner table while his relatives have absolutely no idea that he jerks off on Sean Cody or that just last week he was getting double penetrated bareback on Corbin Fisher.
Some of his relatives know. They say nothing to keep the peace so as to not ruin yet another holiday.
[quote] his relatives have absolutely no idea that he jerks off on Sean Cody or that just last week he was getting double penetrated bareback on Corbin Fisher.
Except for his closeted married uncle who saw his clips.
Some don't, and have fun by themselves
Does Matthew Rush cry and jerk off after every family disagreement?
Colby Keller is too overexposed now. We get it - he's slightly smarter than the average porn star, and he likes to throw 'quirk'. Release him into the same room with Conner Habib, and see which bitch can survive to fill that niche.
OP, some of us have real lives so we don't spend our time thinking about "Porn Stars". You "Primetimers" sure are a sad little group these days. How the hell old are you poor little fellas?
r7, you're sure a Negative Nancy, aren't you?
One thing I'm very thankful for today is I don't have to be around pillish and sour people like you.
Threads like this are why I love datalounge.
I wonder what's going on now at the house of Jamie (Sean Cody) and his brother. They BOTH did jack off videos on Sean Cody and Jamie went on to be a bareback bottom in over 60 Sean Cody videos. Only the brothers themselves know their secret but the rest of the family have no idea there's two porn star whores sitting at their dinner table. Tee hee.
I let it slip I did porn at Thanksgiving many years ago. Needless to say, it didn't go over well and very bad timing.
I hope my baby Jarek from Sean Cody has a wonderful Turkey Day.
Who has eggnog at Thanksgiving. Eggnog is strictly Xmas beverage.
I've already had a turkey leg up my ass. Next comes the stuffing.
I'd like to be a fly on the wall at the Rockland brothers family Thanksgiving.
Shhh... it's only a secret the three of us share. Mama doesn't know. And dad would kill us!
goddammit, r4 and r15, some of us are in a DAYCARE!
We all know. We're not naive. ... We just don't say anything.
How could you all know unless you've watched the clips? It's not like there's something written on their foreheads that they're porn stars.
r10. I am pretty sure the whole family knows that Jamie did a lot Sean Cody porn clips. Some SC fan found a graduation pic of Jamie with his parents (or grandparents?) and shared the news of Jamie's porn career on facebook which resulted in Jamie 'retiring' from porn, but since Jamie had already filmed a couple of scenes that were not yet released that 'retirement' came to be some time after his porn career was revealed.
How did Jamie's family react? But they didn't find out Jamie's brother also did porn did they?
[quote] How could you all know unless you've watched the clips?
All it takes is ONE person anywhere on the web to write, "Bruce from is really John Smith from Poughkeepsie." From that point forward, the porn career is revealed to anybody who does a Google search for the guy, including their parents, family, employer, etc.
Diesel Washington's mother was his date to some porn awards show in Las Vegas or West Hollywood, so maybe it is not all that grim for some of them!
I think anyone who is a porn star doesn't come from a home where being a porn star would be the worst thing you could be.
Porn whores hang out together on holidays (or at Chi Chi's) and pass around the meth pipe.
Not amateur porn stars who only do one jerk off video.
I'm surprised there aren't more comments, post etc. about people recognising the guys in gay porn. It's a much smaller industry than the straight side.
This thread sucks. Where's the clever improv-role play we have come to expect?
From what I've seen on Twitter, the realtives probably know.
Many new stars don't even hide their identity really. Check the business listing websites and they'll often have their real names listed as presidents for the corporations registered to their porn names.
"let me help you out, Mom. I'll stuff the turkey. I promise I know what I am doing."
Biaggi bakes cakes in his free time. No joke, check out his facebook page.
I'm not eating any of Biaggi's cakes. I've seen where he puts his hands.
I would. Biaggi's eclair is always full of what seems very sweet creme...
[quote]Release him into the same room with Conner Habib, and see which bitch can survive to fill that niche.
they are friends and I suspect Colby, but that he'd be sweet and let conner win.
You're assuming that porn stars have normal lives with intact families and not that one parent is in prison for dealing meth and the other is a two-bit hustler who pimped out said porn star's ass when they were 12 for some crack and that whatever family members that aren't homeless are the scourge of the trailer park they live in because of the constant domestic disturbance calls that are made about them.
[quote]I think anyone who is a porn star doesn't come from a home where being a porn star would be the worst thing you could be.
EXACTLY. And R37 is right, too. Most people, regardless of gender or sexual orientation, who do porn are desperate and from broken families, and many are addicted to drugs. I'm sorry so many of you get caught up in the fantasy that guys do porn because of their "insatiable sex drives," but in reality, NO ONE does stuff like getting fucked up the ass bareback unless they absolutely have NO other choice if they need quick cash.
R37, that's a weird thing to state. I haven't spent time with my family at thanksgiving for decades, I have a nice job and always have, so do they, I just hate travelling during the worst time of year, around 3000 miles. it could easily and plausibly be the same for any of the them.
[quote]I haven't spent time with my family at thanksgiving for decades
...and you, like most porn stars, are clearly estranged from your family and have deep-seated issues with them that will likely never be resolved (at your age, at least). That doesn't mean either you or the porn stars are "normal."
Most of the amateur porn stars who only jerk off on Fratmen do not come from broken trailer park homes. They are clean cut and the type of porn star we're talking about.
Building your entire life around sexual expression and acting out must be utterly exhausting...I mean when you can't even prepare a simple Thanksgiving dinner without an overwhelming need to sexually violate the poor turkey it goes beyond mere jejune,trite,and frankly boring as fuck "edginess" and more into the realm of the personality disordered.
Oh, the haw-rer of it when he's 60!
[quote]They are clean cut and the type of porn star we're talking about.
No, they just *look* clean-cut. You are engaging in fantasy if you think fratty types from upper-middle-class families have a secret "jones" to jerk off on camera or something - only DESPERATE BOYS do this kind of thing, and rich kids are never desperate enough to resort to pornography of any sort, even just jerking off.
R8. "One thing I'm very thankful for today is I don't have to be around pillish and sour people like you."
The irony of that statement is absolutely mind DO realize you're on Datalounge don't you?
Judgmental Judy at R38/R40/R43 has clearly made up her mind about ALL porn actors and the socio-psychological background they ALL SHARE, with NO EXCEPTIONS.
[quote].and you, like most porn stars, are clearly estranged from your family and
No way. What a strange rigid thing to state! I called all the living members left of my family, all are fine and chatty, we visit at nicer Times like birthdays, not this week in particular. How odd that you'd presume I'd be "estranged". Do you get some validation from always returning home at this point in time?
It didn't help that Sean Cody accidentally revealed Jamie's real name (Kyle Mills) on the website.
Jamie was, by far, the best bottom Sean Cody has ever had! I don't understand why he would stop after his family found out... it doesn't change the fact that the videos exist or that he's gay, so he may as well make more and put that amazing ass to good use.
Jamie's gay?!? What about his brother?
No, it doesn't change the fact that the videos exist but he graduated college and is in the professional world now. How would it look to his employer to have someone still shooting porn on the side? So whether he wants to put that ass to good use or not, he just simply can't for the sake of his professional career.
That may be the general rule, but there are exceptions, e.g. that soap actress' son who did a couple of Sean Cody vids.
Dad: "Son, do you want white meat or dark meat?"
Son: "My boss, Corbin Fisher, keeps us on a exclusive diet of white meat so I better not stray."
God damn, if I hear "Corbin Fisher" or "Sean Cody" one more time. How do you people get off on such dull, manufactured, commoditized sex? There is nothing remotely hot about watching two guys have sex solely for money when they don't even want to be having sex. And then to watch them do it in the exact same setting as all the OTHER guys who've had sex whilst not wanting to be having sex. Grow some fucking taste!
I sure would love to hear all the heated conversations that start after dinner when they guys and gals are drunk, drunk, drunk!
W&W for R51. And unfortunately all too true. Same goes for Active Duty.
[b]Can you imagine porn stars going home for Thanksgiving?[/b]
[quote]There is nothing remotely hot about watching two guys have sex solely for money
So you only watch guys who do it for free?
[quote]So you only watch guys who do it for free?
Ideally! Amateur stuff is usually the most intense. But there is nothing less hot than two "straight" gay-for-pay guys going at it because they need $500. How is that exciting? To me it's almost cringeworthy. Gay porn stars--although they're being paid--at least have the potential to actually enjoy what they're doing.
R6, you sure are bitter over the charm of popularity of Colby Keller. There must be a really sad backstory there.
Very bogus post, R10. Sean Cody's family has known for years exactly what he does and supports him in it.
Mama doesn't even have an inkling that I'm working in a nightclub in a pair of lacy pants.
There's no bitterness in simply sharing an opinion, R59. Your frenzied projection is obvious to all here - notice how you're the first to counter my post made a day ago.
[31], where can we find these porn star listings? It is so hot to know more about the real lives of these "amateur" porn guys. Any other gossip/names of Sean Cody, Broke Straight Boys, or Corbin Fisher guys to dish?
I don't think Kyle did porn because he had to, but because he wanted to. He didn't come from a broken home; he was raised in affluent suburbia, was popular and a very successful athlete. I guess he just got a thrill out of porn and making >$500/scene didn't hurt.
Aren't many of them doing porn and hustling/drugging because they were molested? Doubt if they're going home to Walton's Mountain.
I'm an a list pornstar. My pics were recently posted here on DL. Anyway, a couple years ago i announced at Thanksgiving that I do porn. Everyone laughed. "No," I said, "really, I'm a huge porn start." Mopre laughter. Last year at Thanksgiving they were still making jokes about it. No one believes me. I'm laughing too!
I read jack Wrangler's book/ His parents were actually suportive. His dad, who produced Bonanza, was mainly concerned that doing porn would kill his legit career, buthis legit career was going nowhere anyway, so he just wanted jack to be the best porn star he could be, and get well paid.
I brought my girlfriend home for Easter.
Why use therms like whore ? they did or do porn, so what??? you are the ones perverts looking porno jerking in thanksgiving day alone in your house
Jamie (Sean Cody) real name is Kyle Mills: Clay High School Florida, State Champion Wrestler, dated a girl called Kim and had an algebra teacher; Mr McGee. Brother's real name is Dani Mills.
I can imagine it. I've done it. it's no worse
I wish Jamie will return and R73 is creepy....
An A-list porn star? Now I've heard it all.
Yes I can, they have families. Porn is their profession at the moment. Those actors are more than the scenes they're filming.
[quote] Diesel Washington's mother was his date to some porn awards show in Las Vegas or West Hollywood, so maybe it is not all that grim for some of them!
Overheard at the Washington family Thanksgiving...
"Son? You bettah STUFF that JIVE TURKEY!! Give it to him, baby!"
Please respect my privacy while I perform voracious analingus in front of a camera for millions of people to watch.
Interesting story R70. I wonder how much Margaret Whiting left him in her will.
We really miss the way our son stuffed the turkey.
I wonder how Jamie from Sean Cody's family found out, and how they reacted?
Whoa [R73] creepy as hell... algebra teacher?!
It's always funny when the real name is more porn-y (Kyle Mills) than the porn name.
A friend of mine used to employ Jason Branch in a legit job. Jason and Blake Harper were a couple then and they went to Jason's family home in Chicago for Thanksgiving. They excused themselves at one point to do an outcall (I'd love to know how they segued into that) and then returned for the rest of the festivities.
Things were simpler and better in the old days. I turned tricks through college and grad school. Ivy League. Before the age of Internet, nobody knew nothing man. I got the cash of being a big ho, AND got to go home for holidays and have everyone gush over my all handsome all-American success story.
[quote]Interesting story [R70]. I wonder how much Margaret Whiting left him in her will
Jack Wrangler died before Margaret Whiting, so I'm pretty sure he got nothing.
Hopefully Matthew Rush's thanksgiving was better than his last couple months.

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