Kyiv 6-layered homogeneous field

Kyiv 6-layered homogeneous field

Huh-huh, welcome, brave agent, welcome to the basic introduction on homogeneous fields of the 6 layer. What kind of creature  it is and about its complexity the author and planner of the masterpiece Maestro @Alasar will tell us.


Homogenes... It’s not about 🏳️‍🌈. It's not about genetics. And it's not even about the hematogen.

Homogen is a field of perfectionists. Perfect, homogeneous and beautiful! Every link is finely thought out, every point and the entire frame is neatly hidden under 6 layers of green fields.

And here it is – the ideal of a multilayer, the maximum possible 6-layer homogeneous field!

Where to start? Ok, it's worth telling about the homogene itself.

The basic idea of ​​a homogeneous field is building the same number of layers to the multilayer field. That is the essence of the cleverly contoured multilayer. Three fields within a field that, with two other fields, is also inside a field that has two other fields inside another field, that, with two other fields, is also inside the field, which is with two other fields inside the main field. In general, no magic, only accurate calculation and geometry.

The operation went well, because everyone understood his route, tasks and what was required. So, we have got a cutie field and smart SkyOps. Everyone was happy, and I got flat on my ass)

@WithoutLimit [Kyiv, Ua]:

- There is a belief that any plan should ripen and wait for its own moment – or just go into oblivion. We really did not want that hard work to be wasted. The plan lay for a long time and waited for its turn. And one day we decided the right time has come.

@GeraAlex saw the plan and immediately caught the idea and start organising the Op.

She arranged everything with great responsibility and love. So agents, even after the unsuccessful attempt, were encouraged and eager to finish what they had started.

The Op took place in three stages.

Try #1, August, 3-4

We amassed the maximum number of agents, cut the routes and went by the plan. In a time, we found that one team member was ashamed to immediately say about the GPS-positioning problems. Other agents, who already coped with linking, came to help him – but the Op took a long time.

More than an hour has already passed since the start. Resistance agents woke up and rushed by the taxi.

Any other Op could continue in spite of the rivals – but not in the case of a homogeneous field. If just one portal or link of the plan crashes, it crashes the whole homogeneous field, and you have to draw it from the very beginning.

You see, this complexity makes the sense of the homogeneous field, its guilty sweet pleasure.

So, we gathered at the starting point, drank more coffee, looked at the clock (after 3:00 A.M.) and decided to postpone the operation.

Try #2, September 1-2.

This time we started at 2:00 A.M. Participants already learned their routes, so everyone moved twice as fast. That was the plus. But there were also minuses – we had fewer team members. No delay, we almost succeeded with 80% of the plan – but resistance agents were awake and crushed the plan again.

None of us was upset or depressed though, but, to the contrary, bad shot just whetted our appetites to carry out the plan.

Try #3, or The end justifies the means

September 22, we woke up and found that the active Resistance agents left for the Mission Day in Minsk.

Wasn’t that the most suitable moment to finish what was started? – everyone agreed.

We’ve got issues with a lack of keys and people. Enlightened agents left the city, too - some for Minsk and others just out for the weekend.

Spontaneous decision often is the most correct one.

Die-hard badasses were online and in Kyiv – we gathered in necessary and sufficient minimum team members for the routes. @GeraAlex and @Reuner have done a titanic work on the express key farming.

Sudden cold snap and a real autumn rain increased our threats by the evening.. Ok, Enlights just pulled warm clothes and umbrellas out of their closets.

The third attempt was almost impeccable: the routes were honed to the ideal. The Op, from the start till the final link, took just 46 minutes.

Despite the cold outside, this operation was very warm.

So, the first 6-layered homogeneous field in Ukraine was online!

And, obviously it is the first ever GREEN 6-layered homogeneous field in the world – in any case, we could not find any other reports of 6-layered made by the Enlightened.

Some stats:

124 portals

363 fields

Border links: 2.17 km, 1.9 km, 2.22 km.

Try #1: 33 agents

Try #2: 26 agents

Try #3: 23, including 3 Sky operators and 2 on cross removing.

Planning: @AIasar

Organising: @GeraAlex, @WithoutLimit

Key farming: @GeraAlex, @Reuner, @SmartSosis04ka, @WithoutLimit, @CherniyObelisk, @SwineSlaughter, @MsgErr

Photos: @hyha

Translation: @DollyStrikeBack (@kiraivanova)

Agents in the field:












@ slimtom29














Try #1:






























Sky Operators:





Cross removing - @Antwelm, Norway

Try #2:























Cross removing:



Sky Operators:




DollyStrikeBack (@kiraivanova):

– I got the idea to draw a homogeneous field just the moment I read the report on the operation of Japanese resists in the spring’ 2016. Last summer, 5-layered green homogen was built in Dnipro – and that fact just intensified the desire to touch the magic of homogeneous fields (brain refuses to grasp it). So when I heard about AIasar's plan, the answer was unambiguous. Yes, surely. Midnight? OK. 2 or 3 A.M? No problem!

@ALLTAXI and me completed our linking in 28 minutes: we already had learned the portals by heart – and were rooting for the linkers on the anchors.

We made it at last.

My special thanks to Snorre, agent @Antwelm from Norway, who helped us a lot with clearing his own green fields during the Try #1.


- Cold-blooded toads are not afraid of cold wind with rain!


- We had just one cross, 92 keys, 12 capsules, packed with L8 busters, a couple of hundred lawsons and a little dependence of the teams from each other. Not that we needed all that for linking, but once you start to fall into homogeneous fields,  the tendency is to push it as far as you can. The only thing that really worried us was the resistance. There is nothing in the world more helpless and irresponsible and depraved than the Resistance. I knew we'd get into that rotten stuff pretty soon.


@kosyachok once had told me homogeneous fields and I was curious, but I had no time to figure out how to draw them. Then @WithoutLimit showed me @AIasar’s plan. I really wanted to put it into action.

I was a little scary, cause I never had organised any Op before. Anyways, I agreed – and have no regret at all. Surely, it was not an easy matter – but we all together with the Orgas team and every team member supported each other. They helped me to detect mistakes and solve them. Organising process became much easier and more enjoyable.

Thanks to everyone who agreed to participate in the linking and be the SkyOp, we did it!


I guess, everything was ok. Rain ... Wind ... Waiting for the team ...

I was In a cold sweat when my phone ran out all at once. And thankees to @ALLTAXI who brought me the power bank rapidly.


– Even the weather was on our side. The driving rain that began by the night stopped to the start of the Op.

Thanks to Resists who were at our road – you doubled sweetness of the homogen and Vyshnya.

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