


Gathering, rally, movement, protest, riot, battle, war...

My mornings begin with psychogenic discharge, an upheaval and outpouring of thoughts and feelings. It pretty much happens every morning, but lately the psychic energy has been stronger and more positive than usual.

What I visualize right now is the same ideological competition from before. From 2012, 2011, 2008, 2003, 1998, 1996, 1992 - whenever RACE became nationalized in media, as the 1980's saw our focus more on CAPITALISM over COMMUNISM, with racism becoming covert during the decade. But it’s only a competition of movements right now, with sides screaming louder than others. If I had gone to yesterday’s protest in most big cities, which are now becoming more like rallies, I would have had to listen to millionaires talk about equal rights and social justice, all the while we prayed to a God that OPPRESSORS pray and defer to as well. Sure, we’re all the same in God’s mind, so why even bring that into it. This is human on human. And it’s a political year.

What’s become disappointing and erroneous is the use of terms like “battleground” and “war” for this kind of conflict, and coming from us, not the State. America is in “war” with coronavirus, as per the State, but now it’s a “battle” against COPS in the government’s BATTLESPACE. Cities are laid out for this particular purpose, with “civic centers” or “pioneer plazas” as death traps. So unless you’re willing to walk and listen to millionaires and God-fearing Americans for hours, the only other option is to fight or resist. 

Not attack, not battle, not war, but fight, FIGHT BACK and RESIST. 

But the concern during a MOVEMENT is always being nonviolent and preventing pre-emptive responses, as that’s what this movement represents now. Nonviolence versus violence. Mohandas Gandhi used “satyagraha” or truth firmness/force, which as a form of ahimsa elaborates on the epistemological and philosophical notions of what it means to stand up for something. To walk endlessly for something. To eliminate colonial, industrial and capital influence on something. That something was his Indian people, and eventually became him, one of the last and most popular ascetics. It began as we are, END OPPRESSION or BLM, but in America it will have to be individual choices leading us to what we all need. Digging through your layers of cultural, racial and biological uncertainty and reaching impulse and core instinct that is TRUTH becomes like breathing, hearing, seeing or balancing, as it happens without thought, as it is The THOUGHT.

But WHTES and BLACKS don’t understand this the same, as they don’t have these same type of individuals in their lineages of cultural histories. More Caucasian and European Americans descend from cultures with religious, ascetic beliefs systems and lifestyles, but African Americans have no intentional need for it, as they more recently descend from tribal cultures which adapt to their ecologies. So in the African bush this minimalist thinking works perfectly, but surrounded by industro-capitalism and then usurped and forced into it even more over generations, only leads to eco-culture shock, non-selective adaptations, and a coping mind constantly relearning a cultural identity. As our dominant cultural view shifts, the dominant culture applies this through trickle down. We don’t benefit economically, as Reagan Republicans still pretend to believe, but we’re forced to consume what THEY supply. So STOP consuming. Living in a “post-racial” or post-Obama America has shifted the consumption of dominant culture, and THEY is up for grabs. WE/THEY or US/THEM?

There are more covert, succinct and stringent methods to defeat THE MAN or an oppressive ideology, and it doesn’t have to tax your conscience concerning VIOLENCE. Not participating in their culture is one way, but that doesn’t mean producing lists of BLACK-ONLY artists, entrepreneurs and capitalists, because they’re part of the problem. Exchanging money won’t fix America. Passing law enforcement reform legislation won’t fix it either, it will only produce more layers of bureaucracy for us to climb through, and to protect the PIGS. That means our voting system and electoral college must be negated as well, that you need to eat healthy, smaller portions and fucking cook once in a while, and that we need to stop acting like herded animals living in the richest country in the world, or accept the world has seen that for a century.

Where’s your motherfucking PERSPECTIVE? No offense, but when I see overweight and obese Americans sitting in their cars waiting for food, or complaining about the economic conditions they’re living in, I wonder what I’m missing other than COMPLAINT. Shelter and food. Water and sanitation are privilege. Beyond that, fuck you for even thinking it. I stopped before deconstructing the benefits of my lifelong amenities, those of which I eliminate daily, rather than accumulating more. The only guilt I have about overconsumption comes from food packaging, employment-related fuel use, and the occasional electricity crisis during extreme warm or cold temperatures, or embellished pandemics. Otherwise, I sustain. So, PIG, are you a consumer or a sustainer? That’s a battle worth waging for more than just colors, but for SPECIATION. 

All of those marching will go out on November 3rd and vote in larger numbers than we’ve since since 2008, but only to elect another WHITE man who still believes in VIOLENCE as a response to civil unrest. Not someone who believes in having a national dialogue about how to mend the broken EXECUTIVE and LEGISLATIVE branches of the US government, or how to completely overhaul our very very very very convoluted and interpretive LAWS. That flexibility in the hands and minds of privileged CAPITALISTS has no skin color or haplogroup knowledge, and pretty much will never care for anything other than GREEN. Maybe the death of a child. See how many times Biden tries to use Beau, just as we will try to use GEORGE FLOYD and his daughter(s).

Why was Kevin Hart at his funeral? Support, sure, but flown on a private jet? Paid? Idk about that one, but to have a Hollywood presence at a movement demanding equity for all people? Please, please, please, please reflect on your pop media choices. The binge-watching you do. The music you unconsciously queue. The tweets you read. The GREED you feed. The passivity you have as you escape and reach for positive, woke vibes RATHER THAN the critical satyagraha needed to achieve the level of justice long alluding us and our ancestors, the ONE I believe is long-trying to transcend neutrality. Can you feel your limits being pushed? Are you engaged or ignoring, like usual? It’s NOW or NEVER every fucking time.

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