


I just watched video from Texas, where a 20-year-old was shot point blank in the back of the head with a "nonlethal" projectile, his skull fractured, his head bleeding, his body convulsing. Brain damage is evident. His body was being carried by other protesters and visibly-identifiable healthcare and medical personnel. Even one wearing clothing brandishing the BIG RED CROSS. As they approached a stairway, on the top of which stood a line of COPS, and with only a few layers of stable crowd to get through, the COPS opened fire on the crowd to their right and then directly at them, the already-injured black man, and the small team carrying him to the COPS who said they would help if he was brought to THEM. 

It’s certainly 1:1 time. 

When I was in high school, probably a sophomore around age 16, I found Malcolm X in a whole new way, by any means necessary. Before then, black people were just like anyone else, race wasn’t something I paid attention to in the same way as now. My first kindergarten friends were Paris and Elfego, one Latinx-Black, the other White-Latinx. Paris’ black dad was a physician, and what I best remember was him bursting into Paris’ room at 2am wearing nothing but his loosely-fitting whitey-tighties while we were playing Nintendo during a sleepover. We freaked, but Paris was frightened and our night was done haha. Paris was so fast. Elfego was a great friend for a long time, but had a rough childhood. His parents were awesome, Linda and Carlos, but Linda passed away very young. It was sad. Two of my best friends lost their mothers very young. But even before those two best friends in kindergarten, my earliest friends were two White-Jamaican girls, one sister “white passing” and the other “black passing” according to skin tone, although they were never black nor white, just Lindsey and Missy. 

I’m just not having the racial experience like others, and not since from a very young age. And when it comes to prejudice, since childhood I have been judged, discriminated, harassed, assaulted, microaggressed, stalked, mugged, kidnapped and alienated because of my appearance, age, sex, race, ethnicity, intelligence level, college degree, career choice, environmental beliefs, religious beliefs, and mental health status by close family, extended family, friends, colleagues, students, lovers, partners, groups, institutions, beliefs, philosophies, fantasies, paradigms, existences... You label it, I’ve experienced it by someone who was not exactly like me. Meaning they were a different skin tone (not a fucking color), age (respect your elders, WTF?!), sex (quit the mansplaining shit and fight institutionalized patriarchy, please), race (we all come from somewhere), ethnicity (lol, try consuming only American pop culture, holy fuck brain decay), intelligence level/college degree (please discriminate against the uneducated and fight for equitable education for them and all), career choice (try to have my mind and characteristics to get a job, “Micah Córdova”), environmental belief (FUCK YOU, and you know why), religion (I’ll leave this one alone, but don’t justify ignorant choices through GOD), and/or mental state (I’m crazy, yes, bipolar, sure, but not about shit that matters like capitalism, alienation, subjugation and violence). 

1:1, fight on!

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