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By using our site, you agree to our collection of information through the use of cookies. To learn more, view our Privacy Policy. To browse Academia. This book by the famous Uzbekistani scholar is devoted to a large-scale historiographic analysis of published materials on Central Asian Koreans Koryo Saram or Koryoin. Despite the fact the Korean diaspora in Central Asia has not long been studied in full, several hundred articles and books on this topic have already been published worldwide. However, there is yet to be a published historiographic analysis, discussion of developed and undiscussed topics, methodological approaches, the quality of empirical data, the role of ideology, or the stages of development of the study of Koreans in Central Asia, et cetera. This book will examine the stages of historiography on Central Asian Koreans, in its various aspects: history general history, participation of Central Asian Koreans in World War II, Korean collective farms, the Korean entrepreneurship in agriculture - kobonji, Korean movement , ethnography everyday life, rituals, religion, cuisine, and anthropology , linguistics, literature studies, art studies, and identity transformation. Valeriy Khan. Social status and contribution of Koreans to the development of Central Asia. Feruza Djumaniyazova. В статье рассматриваются такие вопросы, как точные годы их правления, подвластные им территории, а также под какими именами они упоминаются в источниках и с какими правителями они идентифицируются. Частично рассматривается также малоизученная история владетелей Уддияны. German Kim. The compiled chronology of the Koryo saram from the initial period of the Korean Immigration to Russian Far East till the recent days contains a lot of authentic images. Sergey Abashin. Shamsiddin Kamoliddin. This is Russian translation of the textbook of the special course for MA students named 'Actual problems of the historiography of the Central Asian history', written in Uzbek in in the Department of the World Politics and History of the Tashkent State Institute of Oriental Studies. Log in with Facebook Log in with Google. Remember me on this computer. Need an account? Click here to sign up. Download Free PDF. Хан, Валерий Сергеевич. Историография корейцев Центральной Азии: основные направления и этапы развития. ISBN Related Papers. Хан В. Корейцы Центральной Азии: прошлое и настоящее. Вестник антропологии. Рецензия на монографию В. К летию переселения корейцев в Россию». Сон, М. Выпуск 6. Средние века. Новое время. Lambert Academic Publishing. Герман Ким. Хронология Коре сарам. К летию переселения корейцев в Россию. Пундан: Центральная академия корееведения, , с. Додонов И. Новая серия, вып. Гуманитарные науки, кн. Ташкент, Ташкент: ТашГИВ,

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