Кузовлев 7 Контрольная Работа

Кузовлев 7 Контрольная Работа


Кузовлев 7 Контрольная Работа
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Выбранный для просмотра документ UNIT I TEST VII FORM.doc
Listen to two pupils talking about their schools. Take notes in the table with information about each person.
Summerhill is in Leisten in Suffolk. It’s more than seventy years old. There are only seventy students, aged from five to sixteen. The children have classes usually according to ( в соответствии с ) their age, sometimes according to their interests. Every Saturday the students and the teachers have a meeting where they make their own rules and laws. There is a timetable – but only for the teachers. Students can either go to the lessons or spend their time playing. They very rarely ( редко ) have fights–quarrels, of course. The question is: do Summerhill students ever get any qualifications? Yes. They become doctors, teachers, businessmen and lawyers. A. S. Neil who founded ( основал ) this school in 1921 believes that his school is possibly the happiest school in the world. Parents should pay for the teaching. It costs about £6,000 a year to go there.
2. Mark the statements with T if they are true and with F if they are false.
1). Summerhill is more than 100 years old.
2). There are only 70 students aged from 6 to 16.
3). Every week the students and the teachers have a meeting.
4). There is a timetable – but only for students.
5). They often have fights-quarrels, of course.
6). Parents should pay for the teaching.
7). A. S. Suffolk founded this school in 1921.
The children are talking about school and school activities.
1. What do the answers to the questions mean? Give the full idea of their answers
1). Jane: Are all your friends looking forward to school?
2). Jane: Are you going to join any club?
3). Robert: Will John take part in the concert?
4). Robert: Are we having a math test tomorrow?
5). Jane: Is the history outing on the 24 th of October?
2. Report what the children say. Use the following reporting words: to be happy, to be sorry, to be sure, to be glad, to be worried
1). Lucy: Ugh! Again that uniform. Why do we have to wear it?
2). Susan: Oh! We’ll have a lot of tests. Sometimes they are very difficult.
3). Dan: Most of the school subjects are great! We’ll do interesting projects!
4). Linda: Last year we didn’t have outings and field trips. That’s a pity!
5). Robert: I’m a new pupil at this school. I have no friends here.
What do you know about British schools? Mark the following statements with T if they are true and with F if they are false
1. Children of your age can go to a grammar school in England.
2. Science includes chemistry, physics, biology and math.
3. There are schools only for boys and only for girls in Britain.
4. A school year in Britain has four terms.
5. The marking system in Britain is similar to that in Russia.
Выбранный для просмотра документ UNIT II TEST VII FORM.doc
Several people are answering the question ‘Should you start training young to be a success at sport?’.
Choose from the list A-E what their opinions are. Use the letters only once. There is one extra letter, which you do not need to use
S PEAKER 1 ___ A. It’s necessary to keep in mind the type of sport.
SPEAKER 2 ___ B. It’s necessary to be careful.
SPEAKER 3 ___ C. It’s possible if somebody helps.
SPEAKER 4 ___ D. It’s better to start earlier.
E. It’s possible not to hurry if you’re naturally talented.
Whatever your age, the Duke of Edinburgh’s Award offers you fun, adventure and the chance to help others. The Award is open to everyone between the ages of 14 and 25 to take part in it. You may have different abilities and skills. There are three awards or levels: Bronze (for those over 14), Silver (for those over 15), and Gold (for those over 16). We assess ( оцениваем ) individual achievements and progress.
Each award (level) has four sections:
Service (helping people) – helping children, nature, First Aid, Public Services… more than 30 choices.
Expeditions (for adventurous people) – adventurous expeditions and explorations on foot, by bicycle, boat or canoe or on horseback.
Skills (for mastering your abilities) – Arts, Crafts, Music, Fishing, Driving, Collections, Photography… more than 200 to choose from.
Physical Recreation (for sporty people) – Athletics, Dancing, Football, Tennis, Water Sports, Yoga… choose from more than 200.
The Duke of Edinburgh’s Award is a part of the International Award Association that unites ( объединяет ) different countries. But the names of the Award are different. For example, the President Award (Ireland, Kenya, and others), the Prince Henrique Award (Portugal), the Crown Prince Award (Jordan), and the Congressional Award (the USA).
2. Mark the statements with T if they are true and with F if they are false.
1 ). The Duke of Edinburgh’s Award is for people between fourteen and twenty-five years of age.
2). This award is for people who want to have fun.
3). Each level of the award has 6 sections.
4). The Duke of Edinburgh’s Award is very popular in all countries.
5). In many countries there are similar awards, but they have different names.
1. Choose the correct word-form (Comparatives)
1). Clare dances … than Sue. (better, well, the best)
2). Mark is as … as George. (taller, tall, the tallest)
3). Peter is … student in the class. (good, the best, the goodest)
4). This is … winter for 20 years. (the baddest, the worst, worse)
5). The more cakes you eat, the … you get. (fat, the fattest, fatter)
2. Choose the correct word-form (a verb + adverb forms)
1). I opened the door slow/slowly .
2). Why are you angry/angrily ? I haven’t done anything.
3). Can you please repeat that careful/carefully ?
4). Jane is studying hard/hardly for her examinations.
5). “Where is Diane?” – “She was here but she left sudden/suddenly ”.
Mark the following statements with T if they are true and with F if they are false
1. There are some reports that girls are better at mathematics than boys.
2. British children can take part in the European championships.
3. In the report cards teachers write about the personal qualities of a pupil.
4. Children of your age can take part in the Duke of Edinburgh’s Award.
5. Louis Armstrong was a famous British violin player.
Выбранный для просмотра документ UNIT III TEST VII FORM.doc
A lot of British children do part-time jobs to get new experience and to have some money.
Listen to Pamela speaking about her part-time job and then decide if the facts below are true (T) or false (F)
1. Pamela’s part-time job is babysitting. ___
2. Pamela sat only with one child. ___
4. The child was a two-year-old girl. ___
5. They usually read books after breakfast. ___
RSPCA stands for the Royal Society for the Prevention ( предотвращение ) of Cruelty ( жестокость ) to Animals. It began in 1822 with the Animal Protection Act, which made cruelty to cows, horses and sheep illegal ( незаконный ). It is the oldest animal welfare ( благоденствие ) organization in the world. In 1840, Queen Victoria gave her permission ( разрешение ) for the organization to be called the RSPCA.
The RSPCA has got 328 inspectors. They investigate ( расследуют ) cases of cruelty to animals, collect money, pay visits to schools and other places and rescue thousands of animals every year.
There are also RSPCA hospitals and clinics. They treat ( лечат , излечивают ) over 270,000 animals every year, including wild animals. The RSPCA helps to find homes for over 80,000 animals a year! The RSPCA encourages ( поощряет ) pet owners to take proper care of their animals. It also works to protect farm and wild animals that are used for research ( исследования , опыты ).
You can phone the RSPCA at any time, day or night, about an animal that is injured ( быть раненым ) or treated cruelly. The RSPCA is a charity and is always working to raise money to help animals in need. Animal lovers can help by becoming volunteers ( доброволец ), or simply by making sure all the animals around them are safe, happy and healthy.
2. Answer the questions in one word or in one phrase
2). Who gave the permission for the organization to be called the RSPCA?
3). How do the inspectors work with people?
4). How does the RSPCA work with pet owners?
5). At what time can you phone the RSPCA?
1. Every day the Stewards write messages to each other and stick them on the fridge.
What do the Stewards want each other to do?
1). Mum/take Paige to the dentist/Steve
2). Dad/get his shirts from the laundry/Tracy
3). Steve/return his books to the school library/Tracy
4). Tracy/take out the litter/Steve
2. Think of the best way to complete each poster
is the best way to show that you care
Make your birthday a special day by
What have you learnt about charities in Britain?
Mark the following statements with T if they are true and with F if they are false
1. Only children can join charity organizations in Britain.
2. RSPCA is a charity that helps only domestic animals.
3. Help the Aged collects money for elderly people.
4. There are special days in the year when British and American children congratulate their parents.
5. Oxfam shops give all their money to help the needy people in poor countries.
Выбранный для просмотра документ UNIT IV TEST VII FORM.doc
You will hear five different speakers answering the question ‘Do we recycle enough?’.
Choose from the list A-E what their opinions are. Use the letters only once. There is one extra letter, which you do not need to use
SPEAKER 1 ___ A. Thinks that factories must also do something about pollution.
SPEAKER 2 ___ B. Thinks that it is necessary to have extra rubbish bins where possible.
SPEAKER 3 ___ C. Thinks that people who pollute should pay money.
SPEAKER 4 ___ D. Thinks that recycling can bring you extra money.
SPEAKER 5 ___ E. Thinks that recycling is very expensive.
F. Thinks that recycling is quite simple for anyone who thinks about
Now there are 23 national parks and reserves in Russia. National parks protect the countryside and allow people to enjoy plants, animals and birds. Nature reserves protect plants, animals and birds. But people are not allowed to visit nature reserves.
Valday is a national park in Novgorodsky region. It was founded in 1990. Bears, wolves, foxes, otters are protected there. People come there to enjoy the countryside and to visit two beautiful lakes – Valday and Seliger.
Losiny Ostrov is a national park northeast of Moscow. 48 kinds of animals are protected there: deer, foxes, otters and many others. It was founded in 1983 for people to enjoy the countryside.
Barguzinsky nature reserve was the first nature reserve in Russia. It was founded in 1916. It is 2480 square kilometres. Lake Baikal is situated there. The nature reserve was founded to protect the sable ( соболь ).
2. Finish the sentences describing the facts in the article
1). The countryside is protected in _____.
2). They don’t _____ people to visit _____.
3). Plants, animals and birds are protected in _____.
4). _____ was founded in 1983 for people _____.
5). The sable is protected in _____.
1 . Fill in the sentences with the correct forms of the verbs (active or passive)
1). When we ( pollute ) the air, the climate ( change ).
2). Nature ( damage ) when people ( throw ) away plastic bottles.
3). Animals ( hurt ) when we ( leave ) litter in the forest.
4). When trees ( break ), birds ( disturb ).
5). When litter ( throw ) in the river, water pollution ( cause ).
Read the extract below and think of the word which best fits each space. Use only one word in each space
A lot of Americans say that they voluntarily recycled newspapers, glass, aluminum cans, (1) _____ bottles and containers in recent years. The Procter & Gamble Company has begun putting its (2) _____ in bottles made of recycled plastics. McDonald’s recycles plastic (3) _____ for food. Recyclers usually buy products which they can reuse or (4) _____ . They usually (5) _____ cloth towels and napkins.
1. What environment groups/organizations do you know? (name at least three)
2. What was the first national park in the world?
3. What are the two aims of national parks?
4. What is the difference between a national park and a nature reserve?
Выбранный для просмотра документ UNIT IX TEST VII FORM.doc
You’ll hear the information about Coventry, one of the oldest cities of England and some towns that are near Coventry.
What is special about them? Choose the correct answer
1. Coventry Cathedral was a) destroyed by Germans.
2. The new cathedral was built a) near the destroyed one.
b) on the place of the destroyed one.
3. There is a) a cross on the place of the destroyed cathedral.
4. Warwick Castle was transformed into a) a house.
5. The castle in the town of Kenilworth was built as a) a museum.
6. Rugby was one of the most famous a) public schools in Britain.
Moscow and its Kremlin have a long history.
1. What is the symbol of Russia and Moscow? Write out the sentence which is the answer to the question
The old part of Moscow is the Kremlin. This is the main tourist attraction in Moscow. The Kremlin stands at the heart of the city. The word “Kremlin” means “fortress”, and the Moscow Kremlin used to be a fortress. In 1156 a small settlement of Moscow was surrounded by a wooden wall, and became a Kremlin. The town and the Kremlin were burnt in 1237 and 1293 during the Tatar invasion, but they were rebuilt. In 1367 Prince Dmitry Donskoy built a white-stone wall around the Kremlin. Later the Kremlin was surrounded by a new red-brick wall.
20 towers of the Kremlin wall were built in the end of the 17 th century for decoration. Five of the towers were gates. The Tainitskaya Tower had a secret passage to the Moskva river. The Spasskaya Tower is the symbol of Russia and Moscow. It has a famous clock. There is the Bell Tower of Ivan the Great, the Uspensky Cathedral and a famous group of churches. The Uspensky Cathedral is the largest one. It was built in 1479; Russian tsars and emperors were crowned there. In the Archangel Cathedral one can see tombs of Ivan the Terrible, his sons Ivan and Fyodor. Blagoveschensky Cathedral was built in 1484. It is noted for its frescoes by Andrei Rublyov and his pupils.
Granovitaya Palata is another masterpiece inside the Kremlin wall. Moscow tsars held magnificent receptions in honour of foreign ambassadors there. The Tsar Cannon (16 th century) and the Tsar Bell attract crowds of tourists as well.
Outside the Kremlin wall there is a famous Red Square. Tourists can have a look at the magnificent Cathedral of Vasily the Blessed, the Lenin Mausoleum and the monument to K. Minin and D. Pozharsky.
a) The old part of Moscow is the Kremlin.
b) The old part of Moscow is the Red Square.
a) A small settlement of Moscow was surrounded by a stone wall.
b) A small settlement of Moscow was surrounded by a wooden wall.
3. a) The towers of the Kremlin wall were built for decoration.
b) The towers of the Kremlin wall were built as a defense from the enemy.
4. a) The Tainitskaya Tower is the symbol of Russia and Moscow.
b) The Spasskaya Tower is the symbol of Russia and Moscow.
5. a) Inside the Kremlin wall there is a famous Red Square.
b) Outside the Kremlin wall there is a famous Red Square.
There is a cathedral in Russia that has a long and tragic history. It is the Cathedral of Christ the Saviour.
What is special in its history? Fill in the blanks using the Simple Past Active or Simple Past Passive forms of the verbs in brackets
T he cathedral (1) ( build ) in the 19 th century. Ordinary ( простые ) people (2) ( collect ) the money for it. The cathedral was devoted ( посвящён ) to the victory of the Russians over the Napoleon’s army in the Patriotic War of 1812. The cathedral (3) ( start) in 1839 by the Russian architect Konstantin Thon. Many famous painters (4) ( decorate ) it. The construction work ( строительство ) (5) ( finish ) in 1883. In the 1930s the cathedral (6) ( destroy ) by Bolsheviks. They wanted to build the Palace of Soviets ( Дворец Советов ) in the place of the magnificent cathedral. The Great Patriotic War ( Великая Отечественная война ) (7) ( destroy ) their plans. After the war a swimming pool (8) ( build ) there. But the cathedral was still in the hearts ( сердцах ) of many Russians. On the 7 th of January, 1995 the new Cathedral of Christ the Saviour (9) ( start ) . In five years the copy (10) ( build ).
What do you know about world famous places of interest? Choose the correct answer
1. a) London was started as a fortress by the Romans.
b) London was started by the Romans as their northern capital.
2. a) Westminster Abby is a beautiful church.
b) Westminster Abby is part of the Houses of Parliament.
3. a) The Metropoltian Museum is a famous museum in London.
b) The Metropoltian Museum is a famous museum in New York City.
4. a) The Tower of London was founded by William the Conqueror.
b) The Tower of London was founded by the Romans.
5. a) The Statue of Liberty was given to the USA by France.
b) The Statue of Liberty was given to the USA by Britain.
Выбранный для просмотра документ UNIT V TEST VII FORM.doc
Listen to a short extract from the book ‘Then Again, Maybe I Won’t’ by Judy Blume.
Was Tony happy or not when Frankie Bollino called him one day?
Which cities do Tony and Frankie live in at the present moment?
a) Jersey City b) New York c) Rosemont
3. Which of the following statements are true and which are false?
a) Frankie Bollino is Tony’s old friend.
b) Earlier Tony lived in Jersey City, where Frankie Bollino lives now.
c) Frankie called Tony to invite him to come to Jersey City.
d) Tony’s mother thinks that friends should see each other regularly.
e) Tony’s mother doesn’t want Tony to start up a friendship with Frankie again.
f) Tony’s father is not against Frankie’s coming.
There are a lot of children’s books about friends and friendship.
1. Here are two passages from one of them about a girl who had some problems with her friends.
1). What problem did the girl have?
Of course she had lots of friends at school.
She had lots of friends at school but she had no friends in the neighbourhood.
She didn’t have any sisters and brothers.
She didn’t have sisters or brothers and she didn’t have best friends to play with.
2. Here is a short extract from the book ‘Ellen Tebbits’ by Beverly Clearly.
1). Do you think the girl (from passage 1) and Ellen Tebbits are one and the same person? Why?
Ellen had no brothers or sisters. And since Nancy Jane had moved away, there was no one of her own age living on Tillamook Street. So she had no really best friend. She did not even have a dog or cat to play with. Of course Ellen had lots of friends at school, but that was not the same as having a best friend who lived in the neighbourhood and could come to play after school and on Saturdays. Today, however, Ellen was almost glad she did not have a best friend, because best friends do not have secrets from one another. And she really had a secret.
2). Which of the following questions CAN you answer? Give short answers.
Who used to come to Ellen after school and on Saturdays?
Why was Ellen glad she didn’t have a best friend?
1. Fill in the blanks with the words that fit (who, that, which, with whom, in which) where necessary
1). Friends are people _____ we share both good and bad times.
2). I have a friend _____ is very good at repairing cars.
3). I don’t like people _____ never stop talking.
4). Friendship is a relationship _____ people know, like and can rely on each other.
5). Friendliness is a behaviour _____ shows interest in another person.
What do you know about friendship relationships in different cultures?
Mark the following statements true or false
1. Americans who move from city to city don’t change their ‘circle of friends’.
2. In this culture (Russian) we have similar levels of friendship with Britains or Americans.
3. People in different countries make and keep friends in similar way.
4. When children wear friendship bracelets they want to show that clothes matters much to them.
5. Friendship is universal. A close friend is a close friend anywhere.
Выбранный для просмотра документ UNIT VI TEST VII FORM.doc
Opinions on brand name items are different.
Listen to the children’s opinions on brand name and unbranded ( не фирменные ) items
1). Which of the following items do the children mention?
a) trainers b) track suits c) T-shirts d) skirts
e) Hudson jackets f) Umbro shorts g) Dunlop shoes
2). Put a “+”, if the child’s attitude is positive and put a “-“, if the attitude is negative
1. Do Flora Day celebrations have a long history?
Flora day is the highlight of the year for the townspeople of Helston, Cornwall. I think there is no other event of its kind in the world. Each year Helston is crowded with people from all over the world. The local people dress up and dance around Helston and all the children dress in white. Flora Day has been going on for thousands of years. It has a long and magnificent history. Flora Day celebrations is a beautiful and historical event. The traditional date is on 8 May. Four dances take place during the day – the midday dance is the most important dance if you compare it with other dances. It is a marvelous performance. Afterwards everyone shops at the stalls and goes to the fair. It’ll be silly of you to miss a chance to see Flora Day celebrations if you are in Cornwall in May. Flora Day celebrations are the best!
2 . Read again and complete the Word Web
Rewrite the following opinions according to the model
It’s not interesting to play with action toys.
Action toys are not interesting to play with.
It’s very nice to watch national holiday celebrations on TV.
It’s exciting to watch the Victory Day military parade in Red Square in Moscow!
It’s interesting to talk to veterans of the Second World War.
It’s impossible to listen to veterans’ stories without tears.
It’s not easy for the people of Russia to forget the heroic and dramatic events of the Second World War.
Write the names of popular British items
1. A product Cadbury’s is famous for.
3. A lake in Scotland in which a mysterious monster lives.
4. One of the pieces of street furniture which is red in colour and which history goes back to 1853.
5. A famous stadium in England where football matches take place.
Выбранный для просмотра документ UNIT VII TEST VII FORM.doc
You will hear the story of a schoolboy named Sam who is telling about his hero.
W hat did you learn about the hero?
What kind of person was Sam’s hero?
What country did Sam’s hero come from?
1. Why is Christopher Columbus famous all over the world?
In the 15 th century people knew only three continents: Europe, Asia and Africa. They knew nothing about such big continents as America. A man who discovered America was born in 1451 in Italy. His name was Christopher Columbus. He became a sailor at his early age. Knowing that the earth was round, he decided to reach India sailing to the west. He tried to arrange an expedition, but didn’t have any money, and nobody wanted to help him. At last the king of Spain gave him enough money for the expedition. He set sail in 1492. The voyage was very dangerous and difficult. On the 12 th of October his ship reached the land. When they landed, they saw strange trees and flowers. Men and women with olive-coloured skins gathered around the sailors and looked at them with great surprise. Columbus was sure that he had discovered a new way to India. Some time later the other sailor reached America. The name of the sailor was Amerigo Vespucci. He understood that it was a new continent.
2. Which statement is true and which is false?
In the 15 th century people knew much about America.
Christopher Columbus was rich and he arranged the expedition.
The voyage wasn’t very dangerous and difficult.
The sailors saw strange trees and flowers, olive-coloured men and women.
Though ( хотя ) it was Columbus who discovered America, the continent was named after ( в честь ) Amerigo Vespucci.
We respect some people for their deeds and achievements.
What are these people famous for? Choose from the suggested words in brackets
1. German Titov was the second Russian cosmonaut ( who/to ) orbit the Earth.
2. Mahatma Gandhi was an Indian lawyer and politician ( who/whose ) ideas and actions made the Indians free from the British crown.
3. Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart is an Austrian composer ( who/whose ) music is loved and admired by musicians and the public.
4. Queen Victoria was the only British monarch ( who/to ) ruled ( правила ) for 64 years.
5. Stephen King is a popular American writer ( who/whose ) books are read all over the world.
What do you know about world famous people?
1. Nikita Mikhalkov is a world-known Russian
2. Svyatoslav Fedorov was a world famous
3. Anatoly Pugachev is a famous Russian
4. Francis Ford Coppola is a very popular American
5. Arthur Conan Doyle is a popular British
Выбранный для просмотра документ UNIT VIII TEST VII FORM.doc
1. Listen to the information about young people in Britain. As you listen, tick (√) in the table if there is information about the following items
2. Listen to the information again and fill in the table with the facts on
a) what British young people like collecting;
Nearly 20 million British children have a collection – and it’s not just coins and stamps.
1. What is each article about? Match the title with the story
A. Do you love ‘ The Beano ’? So does 12-year-old Anna Clark. She started piling up ( накапливать ) her bedroom with ‘ Beano ’ books and comics two years ago. “They’re such fun to read. I love Dennis the Menace because he’s so naughty!”
B. Gareth Miles from London started collecting packets of sweets from over the world four years ago. His favourites include a nose with green gum and bubble gum bubbles. “I got the idea after reading ‘ Charlie and the Chocolate Factory ’,” he explains. “It’s fun, cheap and makes it easy for people to buy me presents when they go on holidays!”
C. Justin Pressland has more than 10 collections, including old toy metal motorboats from Japan, James Bond toys and rare Action Men. But he started his first, when he was 8. “I was always fascinated by cars, so I collected car sales brochures from garages. I’ve kept them all and still pick up new ones whenever possible.
2. Match the survey questions to the information in the articles (number each question in the correct order)
Why did you collect car sales brochures?
How many years ago did she begin pilling up her bedroom with these books?
At what age did he start his first?
What makes it easy for people to buy him presents?
Choose the correct word to describe things and people’s feelings
1). We were ( surprising/surprised ) at the news.
2). I think horse racing is very ( thrilled/thrilling ).
3). John is the most ( bored/boring ) boy I’ve ever met.
4). I’m not much ( interested/interesting ) in darts.
5). Some parts of the ‘ X-Files ’ are ( terrified/terrifying ).
1. Something that British children do for interest and entertainment regularly.
2. A person who prefers staying at home and watching TV to going out.
3. This is an American teenage playful but foolish trick.
5. An indoor game in which a ball is rolled at an object or a group of objects.
Выбранный для просмотра документ Автор.doc
Место работы: МОУ СОШ №3 г.Гороховца Владимирской области
Должность: учитель иностранного (английского) языка
Дополнительные сведения: предлагаю переработанные контрольные работы по всем разделам (УМК Кузовлев и др.) для 7 класса.
Влияние сенсорной интеграции на ребенка с ОВЗ в дошкольный период

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