Кузовлев 5 Класс Тесты И Контрольные Работы

Кузовлев 5 Класс Тесты И Контрольные Работы


Кузовлев 5 Класс Тесты И Контрольные Работы

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Детский проект «Алые паруса»
Аттестация педагогических работников

Опубликовано 16.06.2020 - 17:18 - Савищенко Анжелика Робиковна
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Тесты для контроля сформированности лексико-грамматических навыков учащихся  по английскому языку за I, II, III, IV четверть 5 класса.
 trick, care about, permission, cautious of, anywhere, hurt, address
               1) My brother have to walk the dog in the evening.
               2) John will help his father last week.
               3) His friend goes to the cinema tomorrow.
               4) This information must to be useful.
               5)  We eats a sandwich for breakfast every day.
1. Choose the correct form of model verbs have to/ must for each sentence.
1) Tomorrow is Saturday and we ……………………….. go to school.
      2. Change the sentences using model verbs may/might, must.  
3. Put the verbs into the Present Simple, Past Simple or Future Simple.
 trick, permission, do puzzles, spare time, check, hurt, exciting
       5. Find the mistakes and correct each sentence.
               1) Jane have to help her mother about the house.
               2) The boys will go to a camp last summer.
               3) Harry   rides a horse next week .
               4) Using the Internet might to be useful.
               5)  They drinks milk every morning.
1. Write 3 forms of the irregular verb.
     1. Tim and Rose (do / already)…………………………………….. the shopping for Mr. Elson ………….
     2. We (sweep) …………………………………………..….. the paths this weekend.
      3. Sally (buy / just) …………………………………....………….. food for her grandma………….
     4. David (not sew / yet) ………………………………………..…… soft toys………..
     5. ……………….…. you (help) ……………………………. your grandparents this week?
3. Use  since / for and the verbs in Present Perfect.
      1. Ron (do)…………………………………… pantomime ……………….……. 3 years.
     2. Jay and Jane (perform)…………………………... folk dances ………..………………… they were 6.
     3. Alex (play)……………………………………. the violin ……………..………….. he was a child.
     4. Helen (sing)…………………………………….. folk songs ……………….……….. 8 years.
     5. Pam (do)……………………………………….. gymnastics ……………..………….. last year.
4. Fill in the gaps with the words from the box.
pick up, souvenirs, local, sews, secondhand books, tourists, admire, neighbourhood, graffiti, tricks
        After the lessons my classmates help people in their (1)………….. . They (2)……………litter and wash off (3)…………… . My friends help children in the (4)…………… hospital. Magen (5) ……………. soft toys for them. Paul does (6)……………… and plays with them. Jim collects (7)………………….. for sick children. When we go for a walk with my friends, we often meet (8)………………. . They always look for (9)……………….. and (10)………………… our city.                
        1. play sports/ often/ at the stadium/ On Sundays/ people. - …………………………………………..
        2. now/ is doing/ at home/ his project/ My brother. - ……………………………………………………………………………..
       3. the Wellers/ for 2 hours/ In the shopping centre/  have done the shopping. - ………………………………………………..
6. Transform the sentence to use 2 other Present Tenses.
       1. I often take part in the competition.
       2. Her mother is cooking tasty meals now.
       3. Mary has done her homework for 2 hours.
1. Write 3 forms of the irregular verb.
3. Use  since / for and the verbs in Present Perfect.
      1. Dan (do)…………………………………… tricks ……………….……. 2 years.
     2. Polly and Jane (perform)…………………………... ballet dances ………..………………… they were 6.
     3. Mike (play)……………………………………. the guitar ……………..………….. he was a child.
     4. Pam (sing)…………………………………….. folk songs ……………….……….. 5 years.
     5. Liza (do)……………………………………….. gymnastics ……………..………….. last year.
4. Fill in the gaps with the words from the box.
festivals, pantomime, folk, elderly and lonely, remember, concert, the violin, area, the choir, the invitations
      My classmates decided to give (1)…………….. for (2)…………….... . We have already sent (3)………………. . Jane and          Net will perform (4)…………………. dances. Clare can play (5)………………… . John and Cecile sing really well. They have sung in (6)……………… for 6 years. I might do (7)…………….. . Everyone (8)…………………. my last performance. I and my classmates like spending time together. We take part in different (9)………………… and have picnics in the picnic (10)……………. .
       1. my friends/ At the weekends/ usually/ to the park/ go for a walk.  …………………………………………………………………
        2. are singing/ at the moment/ At the concert/  my classmates/ merry songs/.  …………………………………………………
        3. for 6 years/ have lived/ in London/ My parents and I . ……………………………………………………………………………………
  6. Transform the sentence to use 2 other Present Tenses.
       1. I usually play computer games in the evening.
       2. Paul is watching animals at the zoo now.        
       3. Maggy has cleaned her room for half an hour.
2. Write the verbs in brackets in Past Simple or Past Progressive.
     1. I ________________________(to listen) to music last weekend.
     2. He ___________________(to play) computer games from two till three yesterday.
     3. What_________ you ___________________(to do) when I (ring)______________ you up?
     4. We____________________(visit) Paris two years ago .
     5. The dog_________ (eat) a hamburger while my mother ______________________(to cook) dinner.
     6. While Ann _______________(sweep) the floor, Ben _________________(clean) the room.
3. Write the verbs in brackets in Past Simple or Present Perfect
     1. They________________________________ (go) to the sport club 5 days ago.
     2. We_________________ (already / write) the test.
     3. My sister __________________________(do) her homework today.
     4. I ________________(play), ____________(dance) and ____________(sing) at the party yesterday.
     5. My pet_________________________(just / eat) meat .
     6. Andy______________________(not read) this book yet.
4. Choose the correct word from the box.
    1) My sister likes_______________presents on Christmas Eve. 2) In the evening Stuart and his father lit__________________. 3) This holiday is my first________________.4) Jay and I hang____________ on our beds. 5) I have never spoken with _________________. 6) Yesterday we watched__________________
of the wax models of famous people.
         an exhibition,   wrapping,   choice,    a foreigner,   fireworks,   stockings
     1) They were writing the letter for an hour. 2) My friend has gone on a trip this week. 3) Ann visited her sister three days ago. 4) Ann was watching the film from 2 to 5 yesterday. 5) We have never been to London.
6. Put the verb in the correct tense.
    1. They___________________________(go) to the library yesterday
    2. We ____________________________(watch) TV the whole evening yesterday .
    3. He ____________________________(go) to the cinema when I met him.
    4. He_____________________________(visit ) his granny this week.
     5. Ann ___________________________(play) when her father came home .
     6. He_____________________________(take pictures) last Sunday.
     7. I ______________________________(have ) Music lessons today.
2. Write the verbs in brackets in Past Simple or Past Progressive.
     1. I ________________________(to walk) in the park yesterday.
     2. We_________________ (to play) computer games the whole evening yesterday.
     3. What ________Nick ________________(to do) when you _____________(come) to his place?
     4. When I___________ (meet) Mary, she _________________________(to write) a letter.
     5. Last summer they_____________________(travel) around Scotland.
     6. While Dan_______________(play) the guitar, Betty_________________(sing) a song.
3. Write the verbs in brackets in Past Simple or Present Perfect
     1.  I ____________________(never/ be) to the USA.
     2. He _______________ (want) to go there last summer but he couldn’t.
     3.  Ben _______________ (write) a letter to Nick two days ago.
     4.  Helen _______________________ (already / send) the letter to her aunt.
     5.  They  ______________________  (just/ buy) some postcards.
     6.   We______________(visit) Paris five years ago .
4. Choose the correct word from the box.
    1) On Independence Day Americans___________the flag and have a big party. 2) Mum always makes Christmas _______________ on this day. 3) Children exchanged _______________ and went to beds. 4) We often decorate garden trees with electric_______________. 5) Have you had any_______________ today? 6) The Queen’s home is a very popular_____________ with tourists.
          excursions,   lights,   raise,    presents,   sight,   pudding
 1) He was living in this street all his life. 2) I spent my last summer holidays in Spain. 3)   Mike has just drunk a glass of milk. 4) Her mother was working from 8 am to 5 pm yesterday. 5) We have never been to England.
6. Put the verb in the correct tense.
    1. They___________________________(go) to the swimming pool yesterday
    2. We ____________________________(play) tennis all day long yesterday .
    3. She ____________________________(walk) in the park when I met her.
    4. He_____________________________(visit ) his grandparents this month.
     5. Pam ___________________________(read) when her mother came home .
     6. He_____________________________(skateboard) last Sunday.
     7. I ______________________________(have ) English lessons today.
                                                                    3л. ед. ч.                                                         мн. ч.
            1. Sue, homework, yesterday, How long, doing, her, was?    
           2. has, This month, a local, Dan, museum, visited.
           3. you, around, of London, walked, yet, the center, Have?
           4. to take, is, photos, Dave, tomorrow, going, of Buckingham Palace.
3. Complete the sentences with words from the box.                                                                                                                                                                                              
   next Sunday, now, every summer, today, all week, last month    
4. Put the verb in the correct tense.
              1.  They______________(to help) their grandmother at weekends.
              2. We_____________________(to travel) around Europe for two weeks last year.
              3. She_______________________(to live) there since 2010.
              4. Look! Our grandparents_______________________(to work) in the garden.
              5. The Atkinsons___________________________(to arrive) in Paris at 5 pm tomorrow.
              6. Daniel____________________( not buy) a present for his little sister yesterday.
5. Choose the words from the box and write true of them down.
   William Shakespeare, Mark Twain, Daniel Defoe, Queen Victoria, Peter the Great,  James Cook, Christopher Columbus, Admiral Nelson, the Beatles, James Barrie.
Famous people in Britain: ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
   Buckingham Palace, Tower of London, Hermitage, Big Ben, Trafalgar Square, Peterhof Palace, the British Museum, Red Square, Hampton Court Palace, White House, Hyde Park.
                                                                    3л. ед. ч.                                                         мн. ч.
            1. Harry, yesterday, What, doing, at 5 o’clock, was?    
           2. has, for the football, In Barcelona, a ticket,  Mike, match, bought.
           3. you, a new, watched, yet, cartoon, Have?
           4. to take part, is, in the competition, Carol, next Friday , going.
3. Complete the sentences with words from the box.                                                                                                                                                                                              
   next Sunday, now, every day, all day long, this week, yesterday    
              1. Roy has visited his grandparents  _________________.
              2.  Jane does her homework _______________________.
              3. They will go to the theme park_____________________.
             4.  A young man is standing at the window  _______________.
4. Put the verb in the correct tense.
              1.  Pat_______________(write) letters to her pen friend every week .
              2. We_____________________(to play) tennis  for two hours yesterday.
              3. I_____________________(to study) at this school since 2015.
              4. Wendy ________________________(to clean) her room at the moment.
              5. The Wellers___________________________(to arrive) in London at 9 am tomorrow.
              6. Sam ___________________(to make) a model ship last week.
5. Choose the words from the box and write true of them down.
   William Shakespeare, Mark Twain, Daniel Defoe, Queen Victoria, Peter the Great,  James Cook, Christopher Columbus, Admiral Nelson, the Beatles, James Barrie.
Famous people in Britain: ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
  Buckingham Palace , Alton Towers , Gorky Park, London Eye, Legoland Windsor, Nelson’s Column, the Viking Centre, Disneyland, Hampton Court Maze, City Park Grad .
Famous amusement places in Britain:
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