Kusama криптовалюта

Kusama криптовалюта

Kusama криптовалюта

🔥Капитализация рынка криптовалют выросла в 8 раз за последний месяц!🔥

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✅Всем нашим партнёрам мы даём полную гарантию, а именно:

✅Юридическая гарантия

✅Официально зарегистрированная компания, имеющая все необходимые лицензии для работы с ценными бумагами и криптовалютой

(лицензия ЦБ прикреплена выше).

Дорогие инвесторы‼️

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г.Красноярск , Взлётная ул., 7, (офисный центр) офис № 17

ОГРН : 1152468048655

ИНН : 2464122732





‼️Вы часто у нас спрашивайте : «Зачем вы набираете новых инвесторов, когда вы можете вкладывать свои деньги и никому больше не платить !» Отвечаем для всех :

Мы конечно же вкладываем и свои деньги , и деньги инвесторов! Делаем это для того , что бы у нас был больше «общий банк» ! Это даёт нам гораздо больше возможностей и шансов продолжать успешно работать на рынке криптовалют!




Курс Kusama KSM

The relationship between society and technology has deteriorated to the point where large entities routinely stretch and overstep their authority. Kusama is a scalable network of specialized blockchains built using Substrate and nearly the same codebase as Polkadot. The network is an experimental development environment for teams who want to move fast and innovate on Kusama, or prepare for deployment on Polkadot. Move fast and ship your product. Launch your custom blockchain parachain project with low barriers to entry. Ideal for lean startups looking to move fast and iterate. Build on a next-generation, sharded, multichain network, while employing the newest features before they are deployed on Polkadot. Kusama is owned and governed by a community of network participants who vote on and control the evolution of the network. Have a voice and make your mark in the evolution of the network. For teams looking to move to Polkadot after fine-tuning on Kusama, begin building your community and brand on Kusama before deployment. Kusama is built by the same teams as Polkadot, using nearly the same code and tools. The network places the latest tech from Parity Technologies and Web3 Foundation in the hands of developers, even before those features make it to Polkadot. Kusama brings multiple blockchains together into one sharded network, freeing developers from the siloes created by legacy blockchain networks. With Substrate , developers can build their own app-specific blockchain and connect it to Kusama. Many teams will choose Kusama for their dapp or parachain and remain exclusively on Kusama. Other teams will join Kusama as a temporary preparation ground for deployment on Polkadot. Origin of Kusama The relationship between society and technology has deteriorated to the point where large entities routinely stretch and overstep their authority. What is Kusama? Innovation Kusama is built by the same teams as Polkadot, using nearly the same code and tools. Interoperability Kusama brings multiple blockchains together into one sharded network, freeing developers from the siloes created by legacy blockchain networks. Customization With Substrate , developers can build their own app-specific blockchain and connect it to Kusama. Parachains and Applications. Validate the network Nominate validators Bond parachains or parathreads Vote on governance referenda. Learn More Substrate Playground. Build Kusama Docs Learn Substrate. Validate Start Validating Technical Updates. Join Ambassador Program Nominate a Validator. Stay in the loop. Stay in the loop Subscribe to the newsletter to hear about Kusama updates and events. Subscribe To see how we use your information please see our privacy policy.

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