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During the international week of action against Roche, Roche not only refuge to engage in dialogue with activists in Korea and but also make no effort to lower a price of Fuzeon. The statement only proves that Roche do not have any intention to supply Fuzeon in Korea. Even the patient who had desperately needed Fuzeon attended the meeting and tried to explain his pain and suffering, but, Mr. Uls Flueckiger arrogantly refused to listen to his story. And it is obvious that all of executives and employees of Roche Korea watched our demonstrations. Moreover, in this life threateningsituation, Roche plans a golf trip to Japan with a purpose to lobby to target whole sale traders in Korea. Whereas Roche has time and resourcesto contact with hundreds of whole sale traders and to pay fancy golf trip, they never tried to respond PLWHA in Korea. Until, today, we still do not have any response from Roche. Roche Korea tries to distort the facts related to public health condition in Korea in order to look after their own interest. Roche compels Korean government to accept average price in advanced countries including U. Roche said that they will reiterate their offer to the Korean government. However, we confirm that in October 7 th , Roche sent an official notice to the health authority requesting the price increase of Fuzeon. The price increase can not be a resolution for enhancing the access to treatment. We demand that Roche should bring out the price negotiation process to public sphere. People living in Africa, Asia, Latin America, Eastern Europealso have the right to access essential medicine such as Fuzeon as same as people living in advanced countries. The president of Roche Korea, Mr. It is already proved that the combination of Roche and monopoly is very ugly. If Roche will not fulfill their responsibility to supply Fuzeon, they should transfer the patent to a public organization. Holding the drug only in your pocket is the same as murder. Korean Groups of Global Action against Roche. Korean Pharmacists for Democratic Society. E-mail : naengee hotmail. Fax : E-mail: seobo17 gmail. Mobile:

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