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Mr Assad would then hand over power to a unity government that would run Syria for 18 months and organise elections. The majority of the committee do not even reside in Syria and have little to no ties with actual militant groups fighting on the ground there. At the time, you had calculated that 50—60 percent of the population inside Syria—but somewhat less of the physical territory—remained under the control of Assad and his allies, while the various Sunni Arab insurgent groups controlled 15—20 of the population and the Kurds had perhaps 5—10 percent. The remainder consisted of people residing in contested areas. Since , more cities and territory has been retaken by the Syrian government, including some of the largest, most populated cities in the country meaning that even fewer people today exist in areas held by militants supposedly represented by the HNC. It is also a strategy that would render the nation as hopelessly divided and destroyed as Libya now lies today. There are logistical and military limits to how far and how long Turkey can operate inside Syria and limits to the fighting capacity of militants it will be providing cover for. With Turkey claiming it has now sealed the border, should ISIS maintain its fighting capacity within Syria, this will suggest that ISIS supply lines have been preserved, even expanded by Turkish forces. Jean Perier. Last June, the US was celebrating its 45th anniversary of its fight against drugs. However, since the announcement of the war on drugs by President Richard Nixon in , the number of drug addicts in the United States over the years have not decreased. As for those who do receive such assistance, only 30 percent of them manage to return to their regular lives. As for the centers that receive public funding to assist people in their fight against addiction, they are often headed by poorly prepared specialist that are using outdated techniques and ineffective treatments. For sure, during the initial stages of this lengthy campaign, the results the United States managed to achieve were incredibly impressive. US intelligence agencies cracked down on Colombian drug cartels, put a stop to drug trafficking in Central and South America, managed to deliver a blow to the activities of the Italian mafia, helped to squeeze the drug mafia out of Hong Kong, and put an end to drug smuggling in Southeast Asia …. Did we know we were lying about the drugs? Of course we did. From the point of view of the Nixon administration, it found a simple solution to a difficult problem. Politicians knew back then that they should not allow the American population to support those communities. And since they are using substances that supposedly make them dangerous and aggressive, they can be thrown into jail en masse with little scrutiny or collective remorse, while those who escape this fate would be discredited in the eyes of the population for life. Today, against the backdrop of a rapidly growing nationwide abuse of painkillers and psychotropic drugs in the United States, along with the legalization of marijuana in an ever growing number of states, we are witnessing a drug epidemic across American society. If efforts being made toward its legalization in all 50 states continues, in the coming years the marijuana market could overtake the organic food industry. The article would note that anti-drug measures cost America billion dollars a year one sixth of its defense budge. In addition, the fight against drugs exacerbates social contradictions and leads to the discrimination of African Americans and Latino populations across the US. Drug overdose deaths involving heroin and prescription opioid pain relievers have soared to unprecedented levels. More people died from drug overdoses in than in any year on record. So if drugs are such a serious social problem in the United States, why is the Washington Post accusing Russia of waging an ill-conceived war on drugs, while noting that the war against drug trafficking harms American citizens? But will anyone be brought to justice for this in the United States? Requiescat in pace. It is a recipe for compounding the conflict, not ending it.

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