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Aquapolo Ambiental Water Reuse Project. Koch Membrane Systems, Inc. KMS was chosen for its superior technical support and biological design, the availability of MBR and RO pilot plants, its vast experience with water-recycling projects, and ability to meet an extremely accelerated delivery schedule. KMS conducted a comprehensive feasibility study to identify the most cost-effective strategy to upgrade the existing plant infrastructure and concluded that membrane bioreactor MBR technology with a Tertiary Membrane Bioreactor TMBR system was the best solution for the new facility. The availability of a pilot plant convinced us their solution was the best one. In total, the Aquapolo project encompasses the construction of new a pretreatment step, installation of a chemical dosing system, and the construction of a lps TMBR utilizing 94, m 2 of membrane area. The TMBR offers lower operating costs, lower process risk, greenfield design, and negligible interaction with current plant operations and equipment. It will treat water coming from the existing secondary clarifiers and further treat it in a newly built biological step using membranes as the final separation process. The TMBR pilot demonstrated that the submerged membranes benefited from the optimized biological system. Recovery cleaning returned the UF membrane to the original process permeability. The pilot trials were setup in three well-defined phases, a simple batch mode, a modified batch mode and a continuous mode. The RO system was able to produce an excellent water quality. Adress : no. Tel : Hotline: Email : info hanhtrinhxanh. Headquarters: Andress: no. English Vietnamese. In my opinion you are mistaken. Write to me in PM, we will discuss. New post. Your name. Your message. Anti-bot validation. Contact US Rep. Office: Adress : no. Contact US Headquarters: Andress: no.

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