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The right to peaceful protest, democratic procedures and elections exist for the sole purpose of replacing the authorities that do not satisfy the people. They resorted to terror, murder and riots. Nationalists, neo-Nazis, Russophobes and anti-Semites executed this coup. They continue to set the tone in Ukraine to this day. The major violence was sparked on January 20th when the Russian-backed Yanukovych government, without following legislative procedures, criminalized virtually every conceivable form of protest. Regarding the persistent accusations of hooliganism, one can easily contrast the nature of the pro-Ukrainian protesters with the pro-Russian ones. In Donetsk, pro-Russian protesters broke through police lines and stabbed to death two pro-Ukrainian protesters - the raw footage is here and here is a heartbreaking eye-witness account with subtitles. The victims were locals. It is widely believed that their attackers arrived from Russia. Ukrainian language books have been burned in Crimea and Kharkiv. Also in Crimea, a Tartar, Reshat Ametov, was found murdered with signs of torture. His friends said he was going to join the Ukrainian military. There has been no analogous violence directed toward Russians. The hypocrisy of the Kremlin propaganda is unbearable. For weeks Ukrainians have been wondering how far the Kremlin will go and how they should prepare. It seems that Putin will only attempt to discredit and affect the government in Kyiv by covert means, as discussed by Forbes contributor Paul Gregory. First, Russia had deep internal divisions. The invasion of Crimea has sparked huge protests. Dissenters included included university professors, and a former Russian General. If the Russian army advances into new territories domestic unrest will likely increase. By stopping now, Putin will have made a point about Russian power and can turn his attention back to stifling dissent in Russia before the internal protest movements grow into a bigger problem. Second, Ukraine has been a tentative ally of Moscow and a huge trading partner,fourth in imports and sixth in export to Russia. Influential oligarchs who have interests in both countries would be harmed by the all out war, which would likely ensue if Putin pressed too hard. Lastly, Crimea was the easiest target. The world provides plenty of examples of multi-ethnic regions existing on the border of two countries who claim them. Right now, Ukrainians feel slighted and wary about the future. They want to fight for every inch of their homeland. I hope Russians take this feeling seriously enough to not press further. I hope the anger subsides and local autonomy is granted and diffuses tensions where large ethnic minorities exist. A contrast in standard of living would be the best long-term defense. The attitude among Ukrainians is promising. The sense of civic duty is soaring, at least here in the Western part of the country. One friend of mine who was on Maidan during the worst days returned to organize his neighborhood, which sits on the outskirts of Lviv. He helped make a call list of volunteers and a plan to address potholes and dumpsters. Another friend of mine, the owner of a small software company, is designing an online corruption-reporting platform. I hope they get a better future and the chance to pursue it in peace. The specter of a renewed Cold War is not expected to prevent an American astronaut from blasting off with two Russian cosmonauts aboard a Russian spacecraft from a Russian launch pad next week. At p. Upon arrival six hours later, Swanson will greet three other men already aboard, fellow American Rick Mastracchio of Connecticut, Russian cosmonaut Mikhail Tyurin and the Japanese commander, Koichi Wakata. As has been the practice for 13 years of continuous human occupation of the shared space station, the Americans will continue to reside in their section while the Russians keep to theirs. But they share maintenance tasks. And, in the way of roommates, they generally socialize at the end of the workday. Anderson reported that tensions between east and west because of Ukraine have not affected life on high. Mastracchio is scheduled to depart in May, along with the two who arrived with him in November on a Soyuz vehicle that has been docked at the station pending their return to earth. Since the cessation of the American space shuttle program in , the Russians have the only manned space vehicles. They all blast off from Baikonur, which is also where the Russians launched their first ICBM capable of delivering a nuclear warhead to the U. Sputnik signaled the start of the space race, which led to the Americans landing on the moon in In the end, the continuing endeavor proved too expensive for both sides. The first elements were launched in and Americans began living alongside Russians there two years later. Since then, more than astronauts and cosmonauts have traveled as one in the solar-powered, dual-toileted craft for more than 2 billion miles, making some , orbits of our troubled planet. The cosmonaut presently aloft, Tyurin, has suggested that while such physiological concerns as space headaches and the effects of weightlessness on human tissues merit investigation, the most important aspect of life aboard the ISS to study is the interaction among its occupants. At times, the interaction between Americans and Russians below has been matched by the harmony above. If you despair at the present events on the ground, you can tweet Mastracchio at AstroRM. Type in your country and city and it will tell you when the ISS can be seen in your local time. You can even sign up for automatic email alerts that will tell you when you can lift your spirits along with your eyes by seeing that fast-moving light streak across the dark sky, a glint of hot peace amidst talk of cold war. The U. After all, presidents need to be free to conduct high-level negotiations, hold summits, and the like. Hitting them personally is akin to conducting a kind of economic or diplomatic assassination. The Russians, in turn, did not sanction any senior administration officials when they retaliated Thursday, topping their list with one senior advisor to Obama, Dan Pfeiffer, and two mid-level White House staffers, Caroline Atkinson and Ben Rhodes. Even anti-Russian U. But if Putin ever steps down—perhaps after his 3rd term as president in —Ivanov tops the list of those who could replace him, according to a report by Foundation Stanislav Belkovsky, the research organization named after the Russian political scientist and communications professional of the same name. So we do not begin these types of sanctions efforts with a head of state. Despite having a relatively minor position for a once-presidential contender, Ivanov used his post as Deputy Prime Minister for the Defense Industrial Complex to increase his personal wealth and build support in the business community. Ivanov now has deep ties to Russian big business. His son, Sergey Ivanov, Jr. Ivanov Jr. There are other contenders to replace Putin in and one of them might be chosen to replace Medvedev as prime minister as soon as this year, the report stated. Surkov, who is on the U. Two deaths occurred at the hand of Pro-Russian protesters in Kharkiv - raw footage here.

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