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Are you wondering whether it is legal to buy and sell weed seeds in Germany or whether you can grow and use marijuana there? Here is everything you need to know about cannabis laws and culture in Germany in , whether you live there or visit as a tourist. Even though medical cannabis was approved there in , the German government put the cultivation, manufacturing, and sale of all cannabis under the control of the Federal Institute for Drugs and Medical Devices BfArM. Despite problems with low supply that have sent patients to the black market in search of their medication, the laws have not changed to allow medical patients to buy cannabis seeds and grow their own at home. The initial law instituted by BfArM was incredibly strict and only granted specific patients the right to smoke marijuana. At first, only patients with multiple sclerosis, terminal cancer, or certain chronic pain conditions were able to receive a medical marijuana exemption. This meant that in a country with about 80 million people, only about of were given the legal right to use cannabis to help relieve their pain. After much lobbying to change the law, it was liberalized in , giving doctors the right to decide if cannabis was an appropriate treatment when other options had failed. Even so, many doctors in Germany are still hesitant to prescribe marijuana due to the stigma surrounding the drug. Even as the restrictions on medical cannabis have relaxed somewhat, recreational marijuana remains illegal in Germany. However, the laws there are relatively laid-back in comparison to some other European countries. It is an interesting system, as each German state has the ability to decriminalize possession of certain small amounts of weed, so what is legal in one state may not be allowed in another. Buying cannabis seeds in Germany is not legal in However, Green Party members have presented a proposal to allow adults to consume cannabis under certain guidelines. The rationale is that doing so would bring valuable tax dollars to the government there. Many of the arguments for lifting the German cannabis ban echo the ones given in the U. Some doctors and lawyers support legalizing weed, too, as they feel it would help with harm-reduction. If the government decriminalizes marijuana, including granting people the ability to buy cannabis seeds in Germany, they could regulate the market and tax it. Despite the various groups that have been working towards a change in legislation, in , buying cannabis seeds and growing, selling, or possessing marijuana for recreational purposes remains illegal in Germany as a whole. With the partial legalization of marijuana within Germany for medical patients, two major cultivators, Aurora and Aphria, have entered the market to provide approved German citizens with marijuana. Though we might be a long way off from German seed banks being available with absolute ease, these companies being awarded their licenses to grow are likely to bring about some fairly significant changes. They will be providing more marijuana within the country, making it easier for German seed banks to become a more viable opportunity in the future. By bringing more marijuana into the country, we will most likely see regulations begin to trend in a positive direction. In fact, there is, and it is huge. The laws against marijuana are not helping the situation but instead pushing the illegal cannabis market into unregulated, untaxed, black market territory. If you were to look online, you will be able to find seed banks that ship to Germany. However, this is not a decision to be made lightly. Since it is still illegal to have marijuana in the country, you will always want to exercise a little extra caution when it comes to having your seeds delivered. Understanding the laws and recognizing the implications is important for you to make educated decisions. However, for your marijuana-related needs, there are plenty of companies who are more than happy to ensure that you can have access to high-quality cannabis for your personal use. In Germany, the legal penalties for possessing marijuana differ across its 16 states. Depending where you are in the country, you can possess minimal amounts of weed without prosecution. For example, in Berlin, which is the capital city, you can possess up to 15 grams of marijuana without facing a legal penalty. For the majority of German states, including Bavaria and Hamburg, the maximum amount is only six grams. The problem, though, is that the possession of weed is still illegal under the German Federal Narcotics law. The penalties for possession can be as severe as five years in prison unless the individual has been authorized to use medical cannabis. According to a somewhat recent poll conducted by infratest dimap on behalf of the German Hemp Federation in November of , most people in the country are in support of legalizing medical marijuana. At the time, an impressive 80 percent were in favor of medical legalization. However, only about 30 percent of the individuals polled were for legalizing cannabis entirely. This poll reveals that most of the German population seems to be against legalizing selling or buying cannabis seeds for recreational purposes, as well as the use and cultivation of weed. This number will likely shift over the next few years now that the restrictions on medical cannabis have become more relaxed, which will cause marijuana to become more socially acceptable across Europe. Now that licensing has been awarded for some key cultivators, it is believed that cannabis and cannabis seeds will be easier to get. This will likely result in people becoming more familiarized with the idea that cannabis is not a risk to the country and can actually prove to be a benefit. A Eurostat study reveals that men tend to partake in cannabis more frequently than women. The researchers found that 18 percent of men between years old used cannabis in , whereas only about 10 percent of women of the same age range used it. While proposals in Germany to legalize recreational marijuana have been struck down by the government repeatedly, supporters of legalization refuse to give up hope. It will be interesting to follow German laws to see if they shift towards legalizing buying cannabis seeds, as well as possessing and using it throughout the country. While the fight to end cannabis prohibition in Germany continues, it is a slow movement. Parent Page : Marijuana Seeds for Sale. ILGM Ilovegrowingmarijuana. About Us. All about German Marijuana Laws. NL — High Quality Genetics. Shipping Worldwide. THC Snow. 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