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By using our site, you agree to our collection of information through the use of cookies. To learn more, view our Privacy Policy. To browse Academia. Задача статьи — проследить воплощение темы советского героизма в поэме казахского поэта Сабита Муканова «Белый медведь», посвя- щенной спасению челюскинцев. Поэма заняла второе место на конкур- се произведений г. После подведения результатов конкурса появился русский перевод поэмы, выполненный Павлом Вя- чеславовым. Среди заявленных на конкурс произведений только пере- вод поэмы Муканова был опубликован в центральной печати: отрывки из него вошли в журналы «Новый мир» и «30 дней». Факт публикации произведения национального автора в московских журналах свиде- тельствует о важности текста для всего советского дискурса. В статье раскрываются особенности перевода той части поэмы, которая была опубликована в «Новом мире», дан анализ структуры текста наци- онального автора. Помимо обязательных компонентов сталинского соцреализма — прославления Сталина и героизма советского челове- ка — в поэме содержатся элементы, маркирующие произведение как текст инокультурной традиции: специфические сравнения, казахские пословицы и поговорки. В поэме есть отсылки к произведениям Пуш- кина, Гейне и казахского классика Абая Кунанбаева, посредством ко- торых Муканов демонстрирует свое знакомство с литературным кано- ном и учится у литературных классиков. При анализе текста выявлено, что центром художественного текста является не спасательная опе- рация с полярной льдины, а образ Московского Кремля и прославле- ние советского строя под руководством Сталина. Выявление разницы оригинала и перевода поэмы позволяет понять, что в тексте было направлено на казахскоязычного читателя и поэтому исчезает в перево- де. Казахский текст содержит большое количество сносок-пояснений, вплоть до объяснений слов с помощью синонимов. Можно заключить, что Муканов, вводя в казахский язык новые советские слова, выступает в роли транслятора имперской идеологии. В свете сведений данного источника описывается период правления последних сефевидских шахов, в частности, шаха Султана Хусейна , характеризуются его личные качества как правителя. Освещаются события, связанные с оккупацией столицы государства города Исфахан афганскими войсками под предводительством Мир Махмуд шаха и последующей борьбой за изгнание оккупантов из страны, увенчавшейся приходом к власти новой династии. В статье также дана общая характеристика самого источника. Grigori Tomski. Выражение 'Южная прибайкальская метрополия якутов' ввел в оборот Гавриил Ксенофонтов в книге 'Ураангхай-сахалар'. Данная статья посвящена аргументам о сака-хуннском происхождении этой метропролии. Ключевые слова: южная прибайкальская метрополия якутов, культура плиточных могил, саки, северные хунну, гунны, битва у горы Яньжань. Вестник Нижегородского университета им. Marina Nakishova. The article pays attention to the state activity of A. Makarov, Cabinet Secretary, and his participation in the judicial process of Prince A. Menshikov, related to the land surveying in Ukraine. The issues on which their ties took place are reconstructed based on the analysis of the correspondence. Especially, letters in which it is written about the Pochep case are studied. As a result, it is concluded that Makarov is indis- pensable for Menshikov in the course of judicial process, but the limited assistance of the cabinet secretary is emphasized within the framework of his own interests and the will of the sovereign. Tatiana Pentkovskaya. Igor fomenko , В. Пендин , Ч. The significant damage caused by landslides, the diversity, complexity and multifactor development of landslide processes make the task of their studying extremely urgent. A regional assessment of the development of landslide processes presupposes the establishment of the possibility of their occurrence and activation, as well as interaction with structures and damage within a significant area. The regional assessment is based on a special regionalization of the territory. The results of these studies are widely used in the development of spatial planning schemes, in the selection of sites and construction routes for various structures. The article describes damage from landslide processes developed in the North-Western Lao Cai region Vietnam , as well as a set of measures to minimize the consequences from their activation. The problem of assessing landslide processes in the North-Western Lao Cai region has become particularly relevant in the last decade. It is connected with the beginning of its integrated development according to the plan to expand the area of the city of Lao Cai from Although landslides in Vietnam are found in all mountain regions, the territory of North-Western Lao Cai is considered to be one of the most dangerous, because landslides caused significant social and economic losses here. In the process of field research and interpretation of space images SPOT-5 with a resolution of 2. Most of them refer to slip landslides according to the mechanism of their development. Analysis of the obtained data showed that the largest landslide covers an area of about Until recently, the landslide hazard assessments had local character. Their aim was to find out the specific causes and to assess the damages from landslides, such as destruction of specific sections of roads or houses. In , national project, aimed to study the causes of the activation of landslides in mountainous areas of Vietnam, was started. The main issue of this project became large landslides, the activation of which led to disastrous consequences. Thus, a comprehensive assessment of the regional landslide hazard becomes a crucial step in the process of development of the investigated region. The design of the entire complex of landslide preventive measures should be based on a detailed analysis of landslides causes and the conditions of their development. Landslide preventive measures should correspond to the following basic requirements: 1 efficiency; 2 technological design of the structure of protective structures and their operation; 3 durability; 4 reliability. To assess the effectiveness of landslide preventive measures, it is necessary to take into account both the technical and the economic side of their implementation. The assessment of the technical effectiveness of the stabilization of landslide formation process requires the analysis of probability of slope stability providing in case of implementation of the proposed measure. On the other hand, it is also necessary to take into account the economic effectiveness of the proposed measure, besides the technical effectiveness. Because the landslide deformations occur due to several causes in various conditions, the main measures for its localization should be complex. The materials obtained during the regional assessment of landslide processes allow to make reasonable management and administrative decisions for reducing the level of landslide hazard and implementing the measures of engineering protection of territories, population and individual objects. Maryna Vardanian. Vsevolod Zolotukhin. Статья посвящена рассмотрению идеи бессознательного Абсолютного в творчестве И. Фихте и Ф. Автор показывает, что предпосылки философской теологии бессознательного заложены в фихтевской концепции апофатически определяемого абсолютного Я. Субъективность и яйность абсолютного Я не означают, что оно является личностью ее немецкие идеалисты не мыслят вне субъект-объектного противопоставления, то есть вне конечного мира. Шеллинг развивает и «онтологизирует» учение о бессознательном Абсолютном. Из последнего логически вытекает общее для всех немецких идеалистов учение о божественном самоосознании. Автор рассматривает философскую теологию Шеллинга как учение о бессознательном и осознающем себя Боге. Beata Waligorska-Olejniczak. The aim of the publication is to analyze the problem of loneliness in Morphine, the short story of Mikhail Bulgakov, and in the novel of Szczepan Twardoch under the same title. The world depicted in both texts seems to be based on the principle of negation, i. Consequently, the justified methodological approach is focusing on the problem of duality, which can be perceived in the selected texts as translated into the metaphor of the mirror, category of the double or dialects of the divine and the diabolic. The problem of drug addiction of the main character of both texts is directly connected with the issue of loneliness, the condition to which the human being is doomed in the face of outside threat. The unstable feeling of security may be interiorized in the experience of the body, in particular in its physiology and anxiety disorders. The texts of Mikhail Bulgakov and Szczepan Twardoch show many differences on their surface levels, however, the emotionally engaged reader will notice that their common ground can undoubtedly be the rule of the double reflection, which is used, among other things, to work out the character of the protagonists, the plot structure and the symbolic system. Anna Popova. In her autobiographical texts and memoirs, the author reflects on the educational and gender potential of the doll. At the same time, she counterpoises a traditional doll with a mechanical one, emphasizing the contrast of the natural and the artificial in the given opposition. In this case, the criterion is the state of being programmed, the predictability of the automaton that excludes the chance of game improvisation. An obvious example of such unity is a puppet. In the novel, one of the Italian puppet theatre characters named Stenterello, the Florentine analogue of Pulcinella, creates significant opportunities for self-identification for the main character who is striving to unravel the mystery of his origin. The symbiosis of a person and a doll in the works of George Sand becomes a metaphor for creative work that brings into existence artistic images which represent an inseparable unity of creator and her creation. Log in with Facebook Log in with Google. Remember me on this computer. Need an account? Click here to sign up. Download Free PDF. Yulia Kozitskaya. Related Papers.

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