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I per annum noun lat. I per diem noun каждый день; столько-то в день II Police Department noun полицейское управление III postal district noun отделение связи. PA I private account noun amer. PA system public address system noun установка микрофона, громкоговорителя и т. Pace off three metres, and then stop. Pace out the hall. The hall was packed out for the concert. A city is like any product, it has to be packaged properly to be attractive to the consumer. She was writhing in pain, bathed in perspiration. The paint was peeling on the window frames. The trees in the background were painted in later by a different artist. Gpaintwork noun окраска дома, комнаты, автомобиля и т. Syn: pair. Syn: see friend 2. Syn: see tasty. He palmed the painting off as a Renoir. The salesman palmed off the faulty machine on the lady. The parents had little interest in paltry domestic concerns. Syn: baby, coddle, humour, indulge, mollycoddle, spoil Ant: deny, discipline, neglect, withhold. Пан 2 язычество II 1. Every year they panned about a ton of gold. He panned the camera, giving a sense of motion. Syn: see zest. Pandemonium broke out as they ran into the street shouting. Many television plays pander to the public keenness for tasteless violence. The advisory panel disagreed with the decision. Syn: see pain. Syn: be. The Government has been panicked into giving us a promise to abolish it. On a modern battlefield an infantryman can expect to be the target of the whole panoply of weaponry. We are looking for people who have experience rather than paper qualification. Differences were papered over but by no means were they fully resolved. The walls are paper-thin, you can hear everything that goes on. II noun; abbr. Five leading Communist fighters have been paraded before the media. He calls it a paradise compared to the camp. Syn: enigma. The strike has virtually paralysed the island. Sports for people paralysed by illness or injury. A law which said that all paramilitary groups must be disarmed. Syn: see supernatural 2. He was granted a presidential pardon. Syn: condone, excuse, forgive, overlook, remit Ant: condemn, convict, penalize, punish. Local authorities must pare their budgets. The number of Ministers has been pared down by a third. The new NATO will be a pared-down military organization. We are all the result of our parentage and up-bringing. II noun biol. He found a place to park the car. I shall park myself in a bed. Syn: see convulsion. King had to parry questions on the economy plan. Use turpentine and oil, two parts to one. Syn: see share. Syn: see biased II noun hist. The original large room has been partitioned off into separate offices. Tell no one of the secret that has passed between us. She passed close by me without a sign of recognition. Pass down the bus, please! This ring has been passed down in my family. She could pass for a much younger woman. As we got higher up the mountain, the rain passed into snow. How did your performance pass off? He passed the idea off as his own. The remark was intended as rudeness, but he passed it off with a laugh. He tried to pass the job on to me, but I soon got rid of it. When he left the city, he passed out of our group of friends. The new road will pass over the dangerous railway crossing. No chance to improve conditions should be passed over. The story was quickly passed round the office. The University is passing through a difficult period of change. Passing his hand through the hole, he could feel a hard object. Пэт шутливое прозвище ирландца II 1. III 1. The director and the chairman seem to have patched up their differences of opinion. Syn: see condescend. Peace мирный договор 5 attr. The chickens fight by pecking at each other. Peeling away the wrapping paper, she got such a surprise when she saw what was inside! The girls peeled off before swimming. II noun hist. The stars peeped out as the clouds hurried past. The moon peeped through the clouds for a moment. She stood on the shore for some time, peering into the distance, long after the ship had gone. Opening the window, she peered out into the darkness, but could see nothing. Syn: see look. Have you pegged out your claim yet? The engine pegged out halfway up the hill. Gpelt along coll. How long have you been penned up in the house by your illness? These new ideas are penetrating into the framework of society. The knife wound penetrated to the bone. His dreams were peopled with strange fantasies. A holiday will pep you up. II noun окунь. The news percolated through the village until everyone knew. How well your daughter performs on the piano! Syn: conduct, do, execute, fulfil. Peripatetic philos. More than people perished in the great floods. Syn: see die. The heavy rain permeated right through my coat. Syn: imbue, impregnate, penetrate, pervade, saturate, supersaturate. The soldiers had orders to permit no stranger through. The doctor will not permit Mother up until her leg is better. Persian 1. Why do you persist in interrupting me when I have repeatedly asked you to stop? The salesman is still persisting with his demands. Syn: ceaseless, continual, continuous, incessant, unceasing, unremitting Ant: occasional, periodic, temporary. The boy claims that he was persuaded into the crime. Syn: see induce. What proofs do you have pertaining to the case? Syn: see read. Stop pestering me with your advice. Syn: see bother. The defence lawyers decided to petition for a new trial. This course will be phased out and will not be offered to new students. Philistine 1. Listeners to this radio show can phone in their opinions. Syn: see graphic 2. The knife pierced his hand right through. His music pierces the soul. As a child, I always wanted a room of my own, but had to pig together with my sisters in one small bedroom. The office has been piled with work ever since the new director arrived. The mother does love to pile on the agony and have everyone feel sorry for her. He could never pass a street fight without piling in. Why do you have to pile into every street fight? After the game, crowds of football supporters piled out. The clouds are piling up, so it might rain after all. I will personally pilot your suggestion through the committee. Pinning his arms against his sides, the thieves searched his pockets. We shall have to pin him down to his promise. It is difficult to pin down the exact meaning of this verb. He tried to pin the crime on his companions. The boy has been pining over his dead dog for more than a week now. Syn: see yearn. III v. Town water is piped into the more modern buildings. II fr. Syn: see hole II amer. The boat suddenly rocked and pitched him into the water. John decided to pitch the ball up to surprise his opponent into making a mistake. As soon as the food was put on the table, all the children pitched in without waiting to be invited. Why does he always pitch on me for the worst jobs? The story pivots on the relationship between the two sisters. We must make sure to place the children in the right school. You placed me in an impossible position with your behaviour. Tom placed his new book on one side for a year. Syn: see happen. Do stop plaguing me with all these questions. Do you plan on staying here another year? Syn: see intend. Most of the land is planted with wheat. Platonic 1. The captain wants to play Mills as defence in our next game. The top teams in each group play off four games against each other. The idea soon played out. Our team played through right up to the last game, and then lost. She went down on her knees, pleading for mercy. Syn: see prevalent. All that we could hear were the footsteps of the local policeman plodding along. Syn: see intrigue. Большая Медведица 6 electr. Pluck an apple off the tree. Losing his balance, he plumped against the doorpost. The workman plumped down his heavy bag of tools. She plunged the burning pan into water. He took the prisoner by the neck and plunged his sword in to his body. The city was plunged into darkness when the electricity supply was cut off in the storm. He plunked down the money and called for drinks for everyone. He was taken to the police station on a charge of poaching on private property. Recent world figures of average incomes point up the ever-widening distance between rich and poor nations. Syn: see confidence 2. He poked the stick in the hole, but no animal came out. What was he poking around for? That policeman has been here again, poking into the drawers for some urgent papers. I must polish up my French. Syn: adulterate, contaminate, pervert, vitiate Ant: clean, purge, purify, sterilize. Syn: see study see think. Half-way up the hill, the engine pooped out. Pop this letter in the postbox as you pass, will you? IV naut. Porte noun The Sublime или Ottoman Porte hist. Syn: delineate, depict, describe, represent, sketch. Portuguese 1. Syn: see mannerism II v. As a musician, she is possessed of unusual ability and sensitivity. People used to think that madmen were possessed by devils. Syn: have, hold, keep, own Ant: borrow, dispossess, relinquish. Post me up on your activities in the committee. Unexpectedly he pounced on the right answer 4 ухватиться за ошибку, промах и т. The villagers used to pound the grain into flour by hand. Pour off the remaining liquid. Many politicians, given a chance to make a speech, pour forth a stream of worthless nonsense. Pour the meat juices over the meat. Syn: see jurisdiction 2. Syn: see workable. Syn: see chatter. She went on prattling away, but I had stopped listening. We pray to God to deliver us from evil. He prayed that he might be forgiven. All the great churchmen have preached against immorality. The company was precipitated into ruin when the exchange rate dropped. Syn: see bigotry 2. Prepare yourselves for a surprise. Gpreponderate v. Syn: bonus, gift, grant, gratuity, largess, tip 2. God preserve me from such a fate! Who will preside over the committee meeting while the chairman is away? If we press forward, we can get home before dark. The young prince started a war by pretending to the crown. Every town is specially prettied up for a visit by the Queen. Gprevalence noun 1 широкое распространение; распространенность 2 rare гос- подство, преобладание. Syn: avert, forestall, obviate, preclude, stop see stop Ant: effect, facilitate, permit. Hamlet without the Prince of Denmark - что-л. Syn: assumption, axiom, theorem. The jewel boxes had been prised open. Syn: see pierce. This flight is now proceeding to London at a speed of kilometres an hour. These valuable coins were procured from a famous collector. The fighter won not by a single blow, but by prodding at his opponent so effectively that he weakened him. Syn: see impel. Gprofess v. You can even profit from your mistakes. Syn: see go. Gpromiscuity noun 1 разнородность; разношерстность 2 смешанность 3 беспо- рядочность, неразборчивость в знакомствах, связях и т. Syn: see assure. Propping myself up on my elbow, I could talk more easily to my visitors. II noun abbr. Prospering from a lucky chance, the player landed the ball square in the net. Syn: see flourish. Lord Protector 5 защитное устройство; предохранитель; чехол 6 mot. A public health centre in every city is provided under the health laws. These people have saved during their whole lives to provide for their old age. How can anyone provide for unexpected events? The opposition is trying to provoke the government into calling an election. Paul Pry 2 любопытство 2. Why was he prying about among our things? Public Orator официальный представитель университета, выступающий на тор- жественных церемониях в Кембридже и Оксфорде. In cold weather, birds puff out their feathers в выпячивать; puffed out with selfimportance полный чванства; г двигаться, выпуская клубы дыма; The train puffed out of the station. The runner puffed out the news of the victory. Try to pull the chairman aside after the meeting. Stop pulling at my skirt. Just as I was pulling away from the parking place, another car crashed into mine. The mother putted the child back from the flames just in time. We decided to pull back our forces and try to advance again tomorrow. Help me to pull off these muddy boots. The horseman pulled off the road. Stop pulling on my skirt. Can you pull this nail out? Jim loses his temper easily, but soon pulls out. You can feel the nervousness pulsing through the crowd. II noun; collect. The government has pumped money into building these fast new planes. Jim punched one of his attackers on the nose, and another on the chin. Suffolk punch 2 коренастый или полный человек небольшого роста; коротышка. For your crime, the court will punish you with two years in prison. How can I purge this shame from my heart? The death of our Lord purified mankind of evil. He pushed the letter at me so that I could read the signature. I am sick of being pushed about. When jobs are scarce, young people force lend to get pushed aside in favour of experienced workers. Our forces have succeeded in pushing the enemy back on all fronts. The newspaper report has certainly pushed the idea forward. He tried to push more clothes in the case. Some of the students had to be pushed into working for the examination. His sister was a great help in pushing the student through. The politician was able to put himself across to the voters as a suitable leader. People suffering from an infectious disease were put apart. The size of the crowd has been put as over 10, The natives put the food at the entrance. The rest of you can put your hands down now. Several people have been put forward for the chairmanship. The captain hopes to be put in command of a bigger ship. Его скромность напускная. He put on a pretence of bravery, but we all knew that it was false. How much are you prepared to put on this horse? He put all his possessions on the result of the card game. The train put on speed. The printers put out three numbers of the magazine in its first year. I can put up with anything. What argument do you have to put up against that? Он легко подчиняется другим. He was puzzled how to act. Карта словарей. Читайте также: Юмор навсегда:. Скажи спасибо! Поделись ссылкой в социальных сетях:. Оставьте свой комментарий об этой страничке:. Список словарей: Англо - русский словарь Античный военный словарь Архитектурно-строительный словарь Афганский лексикон Библейский словарь Геллея Библейский словарь Нюстрема Большая энциклопедия массажа Большой астрономический словарь Большой бухгалтерский словарь Большой компьютерный словарь Большой кулинарный словарь Большой толковый словарь Географический словарь Компьютерный словарь Краткие исторические термины Краткий словарь по НЛП Краткий словарь политолога Краткий словарь символов Критический словарь психоанализа Латинский словарь Латинско-Русский мед.

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