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What every man needs to know about prostatitis. Prostatitis-inflammation of the prostate gland - is the most common urological disease in men aged 20 to 50 years. Previously, it was believed that prostatitis often occurs in old age. Today, prostatitis is the lot of the young. The main danger of prostatitis is that the disease can occur without symptoms for many years. Prostatitis detected in time is treated easily. And it is quite difficult to get rid of advanced prostatitis. Diagnosis of prostate diseases What is prostatitis? Diseases with symptoms similar to prostatitis Treatment of prostatitis Prevention of prostatitis Microphytotherapy of prostatitis Grushanka will help in the treatment of prostatitis Folk methods of treatment of prostatitis Recently, the number of patients with prostatitis has been steadily increasing. This is due to the fact that we spend most of our lives in a sitting position — at the computer, at the wheel of a car, at the TV screen. Stagnation of the prostate gland and blood in the veins of this organ make it more susceptible to infections, so the most 'harmless' bacteria can cause inflammation. Drivers are in a special risk category. Constant vibration, shaking, prolonged driving-all these factors aggravate the situation. You should also know that heated seats in the cold season can also cause prostatitis. Studies of scientists have confirmed that warm seats lead to stagnation of blood in the pelvic organs. And spermatozoa from overheating become weak and sedentary. If the lower temperature of the human body is 36 degrees, then the normal temperature of the male sex glands should be even lower — The bicycle saddle exerts pressure on the perineum, where the posterior urethra and prostate are located. In the process of movement, these organs are involuntarily injured due to physical pressure. This is a direct path to prostate inflammation and the appearance of chronic prostatitis. What should I do? If you often ride a bicycle, choose a saddle that has a slot or recess. This relieves pressure on the prostate area. Also, in cold weather, the cyclist should wear insulated pants, and an elongated windbreaker jacket that covers the crotch area. Contributes to the development of prostatitis and alcohol abuse, overweight, irregular sex life, stress, frequent constipation, as well as sexual promiscuity. Prostatitis most often develops against the background of urogenital infections, such as ureaplasma, chlamydia and other sexually transmitted infections. A significant role in the development of prostatitis is played by chronic infections — chronic tonsillitis inflammation of the tonsils and caries. The main problem is that prostate inflammation can go unnoticed for many years, making itself known only occasionally by difficult urination in the morning and weak aching pains in the perineum, which after a while pass by themselves. And the man believes that everything has passed. However, this is not the case. Untreated prostatitis with a high probability after a certain time can cause prostate adenoma, prostate cancer. Urine flow is a good indicator of prostate problems. If once a strong flow of urine was reduced to a weak trickle , you should definitely visit a doctor. Less common symptoms include testicular pain, erection problems, pain when ejaculating, pain when urinating, and blood in the urine. The best prevention of prostatitis is a healthy lifestyle, the use of contraception during sexual contact to avoid infections , as well as a relationship with one sexual partner, since frequent changes of sexual partners increases the risk of infection. Видео эротика - это преимущественный бесплатный порно видео сайт.

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