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An eye-catcher is our branch directly next to the Gaislachkogel gondola. On more than 4 floors you will find a large selection of fashionable and technically high-quality articles. The exquisite variety of the best-known fashion and sports brands ensures the widest possible selection in terms of fashion and function. This should not be just a slogan, but to incorporate the quality and experience in our work a mission for the future and implement. A modern, best equipped Malerbetrieb in Oetztal with 25 trained staff offers the kind of design. Whether facades, interiors, decoration or upgraded insulation, panels or wallpaper - we are the right partner for you. All-in-one feeling in the little shop with big opportunities: ski rental, ski selling, ski boot fitting, ski tickets, ski lessons booking, tobacconist, drinks and snacks. If you need something during you ski day or you just want to make a break then you can get to the shop directly from the ski slope. During the summer season the shop is closed. Large ski depot and rental directly at the Giggijoch lift. Depot: Why carry everything around with you? Use the ski depot at the Check-In at the Giggijoch bottom station. The board is the beginning: comfortable boots, fashion in colours of the season and lots of accessories to the point of headphones make sure that you are well equipped for your first lines. Shop manager Christoph and his team are looking forward to your visit! Get air! We show profile with the best brands at the best place. A single service expects you from professionals with know-how here. That way we create added-value partnerships with long-term customer loyalty. We are competitive and have the appropriate corporate identity and organization. We act responsible and believe in our employees and partners and guarantee safety for them. Ski rent, equipment for skiing, small shop Skiticket cash point skischool booking point. Supermarket at 1. In the hotel Sonne at the valley station Giggijochbahn you can find everything of alpine sport and ski boots-fitting-service for the correct fit. You are looking for a new pair of ski, you want to rent a board or you are looking for well-matched ski boots? Shop manager Daniel an his team take car via the professional foot scanner analyse of Bootdoc that you will get comfortable ski boots. You will find everything that an athlete can desire in the 4 Sport Brugger Shops. Ski clothing, leasure fashions, summer and winter fashions - by all top designers. Shoes are our passion: shop manager Mario and his team take care that your ski boots never pinches you! Via the unique 3D-footscanner we can find the matching shoe which make a pleasure for you. There are 50 various shoes stored in the shop: so you will find your pair of shoes! Just 50 meters away of the Giggijochbahn you can rent skis and snowboards and you also can deposit them. Have a look on at the trendy sun glasses for women and men at the Ray Ban brand shop. At the end of the day you can deposit your skis or your snowboard at the shop. More time for our guests and the demand for the highest quality of advice convince our customers. This sport shop offers also a chemical cleaning service for clothes. You bring them to the sport shop and after one week you get it back. Deliver service directly at home and record service by your wishes. Ski clothing, leasure fashions, summer and winter fashions — by all top designers. Cleverer Ski rental - Pay only what you need! It works a little bit differently, cleverer. You know exactly what you want and therefore you can just book the extras you need for the ski rental. You want freshly prepared ski material with sharp edges every day? Or are you sick of carrying your gear to the hotel? Then just book a ski depot at the lift at the preferred price! Every day to try a new pair of skis or another snowboard? Yes, we can! You want maximum comfort with pick-up and delivery service? No problem, we offer you this possibility. New and modern supermarket SPAR. Enjoy a great ambience and the hip music scene while you can dance to great sounds and beats of fashion rock. Our fashion-conscious team and shop manager Steffi shows you extraordinary fashion, trendy jeans and leisure fashion, classy dinner and party outfits. Daily fresh fruit and vegetables, fresh dairy productsall world and finest sausage and ham products counts just the sameto our assortment, like basic consumer good for the daily need. Shop manager Geraldine and her team take care of you while you can enjoy your coffee. The quick sewing service is matching your outfit perfectly. We are pleased that you have found to our world of sports, fashion and service. We will be glad if we could personally welcome you already soon with us. More choice and the perfect advice! First-class branded articles of leading manufacturers, the best advice and terrific service natural inclusive! Find in our ski, board and shoe rental company exactly that equipment snow keen on sport,the ones to them match. And this all at fair prices. Are you looking for ski boots and great skis? After the ski day you can leave your ski boots warm and save at the deposit and your skis will get the best service ever. We are delighted to welcome you for your winter holiday and will do everything to make your stay as comfortable as possible. In our main shop you can find everything for your sportive action. Sportive fashion, winterfashion, hiking equipment, skis, boards, boots, mountaineering equipment, souvenirs and gifts If you rent a sports equipment from Sport Riml, you can exchange or change it throughout the entire ski area. Just 45 meters away of the Giggijochbahn you can find the sport shop with ski rental and depot as well as trendy fashion. At the deposit with a beauty corner you can leave your board and skis. Lockers for your valuables. Shop manager Gert and his team make suggestions about rental and fashion. Various gloves, snow glasses, helmets and clothes for ski tours and X-Bionic clothes satisfy every wish. In the company was founded by Mr. Falkner Helmut and Mr. Riml Christian. First, they wanted to specialise mainly in the montage of TV systems and TV equipments, however, quite short time later orders also became for electric installations and repair of radio, TV, and videodevices accepted and were carried out. Main focuses: Electric installation, servicing work and installations. Ski rental directly on the slopes! Use the ski depot at the Check-In at the Giggijoch bottom station for a fee. In addition to a variety of ski and snowboard fashion, you will find only perfectionists in the areas of service and sales of ski, snowboard, touring or cycling articles. Highest professionalism of our technical staff promises customer satisfaction and makes shopping an experience. Glasses and also contact lenses are made handself. The shop team can help the customer in German, English and also Russian. Come in and get a new view. Here you can find skis, ski shoes and the last fashion. Small grocery shop with a good choise of assortment of the supermarket Mpreis. Experience comfort, fun and 'all in one' to a new degree! Book high-quality ski rental, ski pass, ski school and operated free ski depot, use the direct access to the Giggijochbahn gondola in the morning and dive into the apres ski in the same house in the afternoon! Shop with rental on the glacier. A stylish hotel shop for rental and sale with the best known and highest quality fashion and sports brands. Not only for the hotel guest, but also for all those guests who prefer personal and customer-oriented advice in a fine and sophisticated ambience! Intersport Glanzer makes it possible that the guest can already find their suitable bike for the summer in the winter season. At square meters you can find everything the heart desires. Ski rental and ski sale with top service. You can easily rent your skis and snowboards, and buy cheap fashion brands in our outlet store. Trendy fashion for kids, brand-conscious teens and hip outfits for women and men as well as ski and board rental in the basement floor. Kids and teens can run riot on square meters while you can enjoy a coffee in the lounge. Get on board - the fashion trip can start! Shop manager Esther and your personal consultant show you great combinations. At the basement floor you will get an individual sport equipment with good deliberation to good price - quickly and easy. No need to wait for a special occasion! Enjoy a cup of coffee or a glass of champagne while exploring their unique range of products, including affordable keepsakes, precious jewels and handmade precision watches. Who knows? You might just fall in love with a piece! Handmade beanies, mufflers, slippers Cooperation partner of Tyrol shop - offers Tyrol products Fair Trade chocolate, tea, coffee, honey Everybody who want to wear his own style! We use cookies to make our website as user-friendly as possible. If you continue we assume that you agree to the use of cookies on our website. More detailed information can be found in our privacy policy. Feb E-Mail E-Mail. Password Password. Firstname Firstname. Lastname Lastname. You can unsubscribe at any time free of charge. Cool Shopping Experience Lovely shops and souvenirs. Holiday Region Holiday Region. Ski Area. Live Info. Shopping List. Trendsetters and the thrill of shopping Fashion and sports shops. Groceries and fine food Food shops. Sorted Sorted Town Name. Sport4you Filiale Gaislachkogel sports equipment rental , Bikeservice , Bikeverleih , sports shop An eye-catcher is our branch directly next to the Gaislachkogel gondola. Opening Hours: Info Whether facades, interiors, decoration or upgraded insulation, panels or wallpaper - we are the right partner for you Opening Hours: Info Sport Riml Check In sports equipment rental , Bikeservice , Bikeverleih , sports shop Large ski depot and rental directly at the Giggijoch lift. Sport Mike sports equipment rental , sports shop Ski rent, equipment for skiing, small shop Skiticket cash point skischool booking point Opening Hours: Info Intersport Glanzer Hotel Sonne Shop 4 sports equipment rental , sports shop In the hotel Sonne at the valley station Giggijochbahn you can find everything of alpine sport and ski boots-fitting-service for the correct fit. SunUp Sports Zentrum sports equipment rental , Bikeservice , Bikeverleih , sports shop We show profile with the best brands at the best place. Intersport Glanzer Hotel Stefan Shop 8 sports equipment rental , sports shop Just 50 meters away of the Giggijochbahn you can rent skis and snowboards and you also can deposit them. SunUP Sports Bergstation sports equipment rental , sports shop We show profile with the best brands at the best place. Intersport Glanzer Giggijochbahn Shop 11 sports equipment rental , sports shop Just 45 meters away of the Giggijochbahn you can find the sport shop with ski rental and depot as well as trendy fashion. Main focuses: Electric installation, servicing work and installations Opening Hours: Info SunUp Sports Talstation Giggijoch sports equipment rental , sports shop We show profile with the best brands at the best place. Sport4You Filiale Giggitenne sports equipment rental , sports shop Experience comfort, fun and 'all in one' to a new degree! Sport Riml Gletschershop Tiefenbach sports equipment rental , sports shop Shop with rental on the glacier. Sport4You Regina ALP Deluxe sports equipment rental , sports shop A stylish hotel shop for rental and sale with the best known and highest quality fashion and sports brands. Sport Riml Gletschershop Rettenbach sports equipment rental , sports shop Shop with rental on the glacier. Booking Privacy policy I agree.

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