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Купить закладку A-PVP Кристаллы Ча Ам

Купить закладку A-PVP Кристаллы Ча Ам

Купить закладку A-PVP Кристаллы Ча Ам


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Купить закладку A-PVP Кристаллы Ча Ам

Wowhead Client — это небольшая программа, с помощью которой мы поддерживаем базу данных в актуальном состоянии. Пользователи Wowhead Client получают доступ к дополнительным инструментам на сайте. Вы также можете использовать Wowhead Client, чтобы просматривать выученные рецепты, выполненные задания, собранные ездовые животные и спутники и полученные звания! Данный сайт активно использует технологию JavaScript. Пожалуйста, включите JavaScript в вашем браузере. Live PTR Краткая информация. Комментарии Комментарий от Elpy Только у меня проблемы с ачивом? Комментарий от DenOMAP дело в том, что не снежки а снежинки надо развеять над персом, а вот где их взять или научиться сотворять - я сам не знаю :. Может дать 5 снежинок, а может что-то там еще. После того как вы получили снежинки у вас появляется дебафф 'вы поцеловали кого-то под веткой омелы'. Комментарий от kavaru Вроде вот эти снежинки. Комментарий от kabasik Кто подскажет что ето значит Отрекшийся - разбойник? Что значит отрекшийся? Комментарий от Чтобы поцеловать сразу двух гуляк делаем так: 1. Комментарий от при этом как я понял не всегда дают снежинки? Комментарий от Khanid Отрекшийся - разбойник где такого найти? Комментарий от Monstrila наиболее удачное место для мирного не бг отлова персов это Даларан на выходах из зон владений фракций. А наибольшая трудность это дреней жрец и дворф паладин. Думаю вам придется с ними потрудиться особенно если вы ордынец. Комментарий от Ayato Кстати снежинки передаваемые, НО не отсылаются по почте. Так что можно не ждать час а нарандомить альтами и передать через знакомого. Комментарий от Учитывая выход каты, стало потяжелее искать противоположную фракцию. Почти всех находил качаясь в Подземье, в Храме Земли прежде всего. Комментарий от Germes Мне как игроку альянса было тяжко найти орка-дк, но всё-таки нашёл, самое удобное место, чтобы искать нужных вам персонажей это: а БГ, лучше масс бг оло, тол барад б даларан, но сейчас уже меньше там народу собирается, единственный плюс, это то, что можно пролететь над частью даларана, принадлежащей противоположной фракции в место фарма гринча, поскольку там всегда собирается огромное кол-во народу г в принципе тол барад в промежутках между битвами, когда народ делает там дейлики. Комментарий от Подскажите где сейчас найти в оргимаре этого Гуляку Зимнего Покрова, чтобы получить снежки. Комментарий от Omnilord Сейчас есть досадный баг - зимний покров кончается 1го числа, а не 2го, как написано в календаре. Сегодня второе - елок нет, снежинки не засчитываются для достижения. А по календарю сегодня последний день покрова. Комментарий от Внимание, надо бросать не снежки, а снежинки! Кроме снежинок может дать Омелу нужна для ачива Братское приветствие или Свежий остролист нужен для Ла-ла-ла-Огрила. Комментарий от Для тех кто заколебался бегать по бг и Даларану в поисках орка-дк или эльфа крови- чернокнижника и т. Фокус в том , что ачив в принципе можно сделать соло. Создается еще один перс кого там найти нигде не можешь, например, Орк-дк , отводишь его в укромное место, туда же приводишь своего мейна, т. Заходишь Орком и жмешь на клаве кнопку Винды, окно игры сворачивается вниз. Снова запускаешь ВОВ при включенном первом окне и входишь своим мейном,и тебе должен быть виден Орк , то есть у тебя на экране 2 твоих перса , мейном можешь бегать и управлять,а Орк просто стоит, пуляешь в него снежинки и все.. Сложность в том, что муторно бегать по начальным локам и еще приходится перезаходить в игру, т. Вот такой фокус кому не лень заморачиваться, пользуйтесь Так был пойман и отснежинен Эльф крови. Комментарий от Semy На сама деле, ачив очень легок в достижении. Конечно, получение снежинок далеко не самое приятное, но хватит и 10 снежинок, что, при большой удаче, можно получить за 2 часа Лично мне потребовалось 3 часа А вот поиск нужных персонажей Лично я потратил не больше 20 минут Тут есть маленькая хитрость. Поиск нужных персонажей своей фракции нужно проводить в столице. Самый легкий способ - нажимаем О, открывается окно, заходим на вкладку кто и вводим внизу критерий, к примеру - таурен шаман оргриммар - нажимаем энтр, видим всех тауренов шаманов в Оргриммаре. Далее смотрим на радар, подходим, кидаем и все. Так со всеми. Далее, когда всех персонажей своей фракции закидали идем на первое же бг желательно на альтерак и, пока еще идет отсчет до начала, в списке игроков альянска поочередно выискиваем ники нужных нам персонажей, копируем ник любого в макрос и ищем. На бг в принципе забиваем, нам нужен только ачив С таким успехом от силы 40 минут уйдет на ачив. Комментарий от hust1k Как и все подобные ачивки, этот тоже можно сделать соло. Для простоты действия можно в настройках игры временно установить запуск в оконном режиме если вы играете в полноэкранном. Создаём нужного перса, ставим его в укромном месте запоминаем где именно , добираемся туда мэйном и ставим его в то же самое место. Выходим из игры. Для убыстрения процесса отрубаем все аддоны необязательно. Заходим персом, которого нужно осыпать снегом и стоим, из игры не выходим. При входе мэйном, нужный твинк еще некоторое время будет стоять рядом с вами. Юзаем на него снежинки, ачив засчитан. Повторить N-раз. Комментарий от MikeBoom В даларане нашел все вражеские фракции. Видимо из-за большого количества других ачивов, делающихся в Даларане, плотность население на новогодние праздники в этом городе увеличивается :. Комментарий от Потусовался в Даларане и около Оргриммара - ачива в кармане. Комментарий от Mixei Если ваш персонаж является одним из необходимых в ачиве, то можно юзнуть снежинки на самого себя! Комментарий от mikxtor Поиск персонажей противоположной фракции для этой и других подобных ачив, в сегодняшних реалиях, можно производить на вневременном острове. В местах большого скопления народа например около небожителей или перед Ордосом. Особенно много народа обычно присутствует в среду. Комментарий от Dethharmonic Никогда не думала, что будет такая проблема с дворфами-паладинами. Их нет просто нигде. Ни в Даларане, ни на бг. Пришлось создавать персонажа в Альянсе и искать дворфов по Стальгорну xD. Комментарий от Lokirsen Дренеи жрецы знайте я вас ненавижу! Комментарий от kikimot Если вы не можете найти определенное сочетание раса и классы, то можете создать второй клиент игры и привязать его к аккаунту. Через battle. Комментарий от Denied Если вам сильно не везет с поиском, можно немного схитрить и использовать метод с быстрым перезаходом с пробного персонажа. Ставите вашего мейна в условном Нордскольском Даларане. Потом создаете тестового персонажа с нужными параметрами, отправляетесь через портал в Даларан, встаете рядом с нужным местом где стоял ваш мейн , и жмете ALT - F4. Затем быстро заходите в игру - затем на мейна и жмете снежинки на вашего триала, пока он не пропадет. Замечание - работает в Комментарии Комментарий от Speaking as a Troll Hunter, this should be a very annoying achievement during winter veil. Комментарий от Branalia An undead rogue? What the hell? Where are we EVER going to find one of those? Комментарий от Zacban Pick up some cloth gear and stand out in the middle of nowhere.. You have a chance to receive 5 of them, and it can only be done once per hour. Комментарий от This one is very easy on PvE servers. Since there, if your alliance, you can just ask a friend to make a level 1 horde char of each of the classes, and visa versa. Shattrath to players of the opposing faction. Easy enough. Комментарий от AxelF You should be able to do it in Dalaran and other neutral cities so it will be preety easy. Let It Snow! Комментарий от This will be fairly hard on a server like Magtheridon with none to zero allies. It might give you Fresh Holly or Mistletoe instead though. Комментарий от Ryxis am i the only one feeling a little sad at not being on the list? Комментарий от Patze To complete this one, you need to get Handful of Snowflakes by kissing Winter revelers in inns around that Azeroth. Dalaran at peak hours might be a good place to do this. Good luck! Комментарий от SirSam If your server is incredibly imbalanced like mine, try going into the battlegrounds to find the right combination. Such as Fistful of Love. Bah Humbug ;-. Although standing in Org or IF works too. Комментарий от zAce When I first saw the title for the achievement, I instantly thought of the song 'Let it snow' in the Die Hard movie. Комментарий от Toxiciity and me that wanted to get this achievement Комментарий от proline This is what I did, and it worked really well. Completed the alliance combinations in less than 3 minutes. Комментарий от Vigg I just saw a Troll Hunter running around Dalaran getting snowed every 5 seconds, give or take. I felt sorry for the poor guy. I hope he was wearing some warm clothes under that armour! We need more Draenei! During the middle of the day, there were a total of 3 on the entire server. Two days searching Draenei Priest and found no one yet. Комментарий от Same here, then I just entered AV to get my little helper achievement Комментарий от Комментарий от Cosmikaze Have thougt abouth that but i play on a pvp server and almost all my friends allready have a horde on the same server: Edit: finnaly found one in Sholazar Basin. Комментарий от I think you will find an Orc Death Knight pretty easy in orgrimmar so the alt idea works good. But on PvP servers its kinda hard for you friend to create horde and alliance alts, hehe. Комментарий от Xhougnaamn The easiest way to find the Orc Death Knight, only if you are a Death Knight yourself, is to simply port to Ebon Hold and stand at the spawn point until one shows up. I did this and found one in seconds. This is an easy way to get credit for the opposing faction. Комментарий от stood around in lagaran at the flight master for a good two hours untill one came by, disguised as a gnome. Sneaky Draenei. Комментарий от karti draenai priest? Комментарий от karti for all pvp server inhabitants: you all got those test account keys for wotlk. Комментарий от bigmike I am alliance so searching for that special Draenei priest was easy for me, but man oh man Orc Death Knights are the most difficult thing in the world. Комментарий от Alfimus just completed on my horde main - only one i had trouble finding was Dranei Priest. Комментарий от gpdoyon I found that the bet place to get this achievement done was to stand on the bank steps in Dalaran and look for the classes you need as they come in and out. Everyone has to go to the bank at some point! I got this done in one hour. Half the time, the people are in the Auction House. Комментарий от Did this as a level 53 rogue. Very enjoyable! Комментарий от just glad winter veil is over I was going on my way and people would actually whisper me to wait! I would get on my mount and fly away before they could get me! Комментарий от It could be easier Blood Elf Paladin? Комментарий от Reunilana So far my best spot was Argent tornament. Just wait till raid times and you will see lots of races standing there before they start to raid. Only problem is 1 min cooldown on item. Комментарий от Jayl3w This quest can be infinitely frustrating to some people. I missed the chance of getting it done last year because, somehow, I went the entire length of the event without ever getting a SINGLE x5 of the snowflakes. Either make another way of getting the item required for this achievement or remove these kinds of achievements. My luck is bad enough as it is, no need to rub it in. Комментарий от Priests with the Snowflakes look very neat in Shadowform. Tadam the dwarf priest is still in game, oh and ofcourse you cant do this with dk you will be need to complete q to get out from ebon hold In this way i completed Turkey Lurkey. Комментарий от 2 weeks of searching and still no Orc Death Knight. Комментарий от raleka Anyone know why i keep buffing myself even when i am targetting another character? So far wasted over 10 snowflakes doing this with no obvious explanation as to why. Update: Turned out it was an addon! No idea which 1, but when i turned all of them off, it was fine :. Комментарий от Azeara Due to my own stupidity I forgot to go and find a Draenei Priest on one of my alts. Otherwise, this may be the cue for the largest invasion of red-nosed cavalry Orgrimmar has ever seen. A fair amount of leveling traffic there right now on both factions. I just did it and I got the achievement and it took me only 20 minutes for the opposite faction part. Use your Snowflakes fast because you got about 15 seconds or so before they disappear. Hope this helps. Комментарий от GreyRadean Anyone know a decent place to accomplish this now that the sanctuaries are ghost towns? Комментарий от I found the easist way to do this as horde with a few deaths inbetween was to fly into Iron Forge. You need to fly up into the ceiling as high as you can because if your down low they are going to be shooting at you. From up there not to many see you and you can look down and pick out any of the classes you want to toss a snowflake on. Just go ahead and target the one you want then fly down and cast that little snowflake as soon as you are close. Now your in for death. Best thing to do is start running to the left or right hall. I always went left. Yes your going to be a stain on the floor soon enough. Now go ahead and come back as a ghost. Now here is the thing, you can target people now as a ghost and pick your next victim. Just be ready with that snowflake when you revive. Now I admit it took about 30 mins for me to get all 5 of the ones you need on alliance. The hardest one was the Draenei Priest. Those seem to be rare as Do yourself a favor and make sure you have a few xtra snowflakes, however you should be able to get your Alliance side soon enough. And yes I tried Dalaran first, but since the update no one seems to hang out there much anymore. Good luck. It worked for my dwarf paladin. Комментарий от If you are one of the chosen races, you can snow yourself. Am I doing something wrong? Hopefully I get lucky Комментарий от If you are not pvp enabled and you snow-flake someone from the other faction who is, you will NOT get pvp enabled yourself. Комментарий от sloth42 Time consuming, but you could go to where you rescue Metzen the Reindeer. Since a lot of people are doing that daily, people trickle in constantly. Only a matter of time before the right combos show up. Комментарий от If you need the races from the opposite faction, just camp out the Greench Cave in Hillsbrad. Everyone has to do that daily sometime :. Mid to small sized BGs are best. Large ones like AV and Isle of Conquest makes finding a specific person like finding a needle in a haystack. Just the first few letters of their name is usually enough. Log on to the alt, then hit Alt-F4, or just open a second copy of Wow and log in, load up your main and pop the alt with your snowflakes. Once you hit Alt-F4 the alt will remain for 20 seconds. Making 2 or 3 alts is better than making 5 or more. Комментарий от TikiCarol Sorry if this macro has already been posted Great minds may think alike , but here is a macro I put together from a few other macros. UnitLevel 'target'.. UnitRace 'target'.. UnitClass 'target'.. UnitBuff 'target','Sprung! Horde in just 6 minutes and Alliance in 1 and a half hours. Enjoy and please pass it along. Tiki Carol. Комментарий от You can find the other factions race class combos by camping the Abominable Greench I got everything except the BE Warlock, so I created one and used this method to flake him. Achievement done. Комментарий от Serug Here is a tip I did not see anyone mention. If you click 'o' on your keyboard it should be hotkeyed to pull up the chat tool. At the bottom there is a tab that says 'who. I am alliance and used this in Stormwind and had the alliance portion completed in no time. Unfortunately this trick will not work for opposite faction, but the others tips will. Комментарий от Dalylah As of 4. He is located at 43,39 in Hillsbrad Foothills. Hope this helps :. Комментарий от Myriell orgrimmar is a good place. Комментарий от jackal what I found out that works really good is to do battlegrounds. Merry Christmas. The suggestions given before are good, but let me restate some of them here as well. The first thing I would recommend, 'track' the achievement. And tap the 'Track' button. Second is put the snowflakes on one of your bars so you can access it quickly. Speed is important, because these folks are about as sick of being pelted as anyone else could be. Now the locations. So the suggestions of where to look in order of least likely to get you gacked to most likely. So you may be waiting a long, logn while to see any opposing faction, let alone what you need to find for the achieve. Camping Омерзительный Гринч. The down side is that this is in world, so PvP servers you can get attacked while waiting. If you are camping here, at least be polite and help kill the thing when they go in for it finally. Camping a major city entrance. This is more a PvE suggestion, but even then the risk comes in getting too close to the city and getting flagged for PvP. Camping start zones. A lot of people are making toons just to get this achievement, so you might be able to get one running through the start gates or similar. Zone patrolling. PvP Battlegrounds. I recommend the larger battlegrounds Альтеракская долина , Остров Завоеваний or even Тол Барад , as these have a larger diversity of people in them. If you go this route, speed is the key. Tap the 'v' key to get the enemy name plates up to spot people faster. Target, slow them down if you need to, and throw the snow fast. Комментарий от ungratefull This achievement was difficult. So, I tried creating a human warrior. I took my main and left him in Northshire Valley in Elwynn Forest. Logged on the warrior i just created and opened another WOW window while still logged on the warrior In the new window i opened i put in all my info and logged in on my main. The other window will say you got disconnected but the human warrior was still visiable for about seconds which now you can snowflake for achieve! This is a good alternative if you play on off peak hours or are just having a difficult time. Just make sure you know where you placed your main and then walk your new created character where you had just logged out. Worked well for Me! Комментарий от I would honestly not be suprised if they added Pandaren monks. Комментарий от kaimox Today is the day to finish this achievement for your lowies - visit the wonderful new Darkmoon Faire - and wait right after the portal for those players of the opposing faction porting in! Make an alt of the other faction, whisper the player you need, ask them if they could port somewhere like Hyjal its a very quick free port there and back home for both factions. Theres always PVP, pair it with С некоторой помощью моих друзей There is no level requirement, so set up a trial account and make a throwaway alt. These are the ones i had the most difficulty finding, although none were really that difficult: Horde Side: Undead Rogue was the hardest stealth ability coupled with their rarity , followed by Tauren Shaman. Комментарий от kourtesia Will the unfinished achievement carry over to next year? Next year, though Комментарий от sphinkx You can throw the snowball at yourself and get credit! Комментарий от R1NN1 Dwarf paladins were the 'hardest' to find. Perhaps I was lucky enough, since I just did one bg and then went to Stormwind City the duel arena to look if I can find them. It was faster than BG. Also going to Dun Morogh for Dwarf Paladin. Комментарий от Soybeanie Sigh. Used a precious handful on a mage who looked like a gnome. Комментарий от Geodew Unlike the Смертельная индейка achievement and some other Долгое и странное путешествие achievements, you will still get credit if you use snowflakes on someone who already has the buff. To avoid getting killed by guards, just stay in the quest area, where the low-level mobs are. Do not mistake Commoners for Revelers, as they have similar outfits. Create level 1 toons of whatever variety you require; perhaps move them out of the way of any guards, and then simply alt-tab to your main wow client and fly to where that character is to throw your snow on them. All done in about 20 - 30 minutes. Комментарий от wolfkight you can have some one make lvl 1 toon and throw snow on them and get it completed did it to day Комментарий от Webbley I pretty much found everyone i needed in Dalaran. Also, you can hang out by Greatfather Winter to get your own faction combinations. Комментарий от Marsdiep I was struggling the most with finding a Дреней Жрец. The way I did manage in the end was by using When I then had found a couple of Дреней Жрец I switched the column back to Zone and went hunting them. Комментарий от Dgkira Not as hard as it seems. The auction house, entrances to both faction hubs, the bank, and the teleportation room where you show up if you teleport to dalaran, people constantly pop up there which is great are good locations, or you can just fly around and look. Комментарий от Seiorai A good way to do the opposing faction ones is to visit the starting areas of those classes. Комментарий от SamiHuutoniemi No longer works in battlegrounds :. I was able to avoid death to the guards and grab the achievement. Try camping the starting zones. Комментарий от jnorbut Walk around new Dalaran I had quite a struggle for the Blood Elf Warlock until i just camped outside their class hall entrance in New Dalaran. Комментарий от snipster this is prejudice against monks. Комментарий от matsminer Why does nobody play Draenei Priests. Комментарий от Leencah It can be completed at battlegrounds. Комментарий от aknavi New races such as Highmountain Taurens do not count towards the achievement. Комментарий от Nomadwow Allied races do not count. Комментарий от Taraezor Consolidated guide to Пусть сильнее грянет вьюга! Queuing for Battlegrounds will be too hit and miss. BfA zones have the added complication of 'War Mode' making players invisible to you sometimes. Only one may be active at any time but that is easily worked around. Choose your character to accomplish this achievement. A Mage is most useful as transportation will be quicker. A toon with Azeroth and Northrend flying would be best too. You need 10 x Горсть снежинок. You have a chance of receiving five each time you kiss a 'Winter Reveller'. You may NOT mail these between characters. Within a populous area or two try to knock-off as many from the list as possible. For Northrend Dalaran go to the very centre of Dalaran, where players spawn from a teleport, or go to the Flight Master. For Legion Dalaran go to the Flight Master and the spawning area just nearby, at the foot of the stairs leading up to the Flight Master area. By now you may have half the list completed. Now the tedious part. Choose an easy to remember landmark. Generally speaking this location will be just beyond the guards at the entrance to the protected lowbie zone. In the following steps, when you 'switch' WoW instances, if you do NOT see your other character which Battlenet will think is 'disconnected' , then you will need to choose a different area, especially a place which is NOT a sanctuary e. Dalaran or an inn. Any place which would normally give a 20 second logout timer is a good choice. Log out your main. Stand reasonably close to where your main was standing. Switch to your Battlenet Launcher. Quickly throw the Горсть снежинок. Shutdown the second WoW instance as you will have already been logged out and with the username and password fields blank. It will be faster to launch this second instance of WoW as needed later. Move your main to the next convenient meeting place and go to step 7 to rinse and repeat. For the above, having Warmode consistently on or off is best. See also my quick guide for Зажигательные танцы! Комментарий от KuripuGao I managed to do this achievement in about a day using Leigon Dalaran as my focus. Just stand by the spawn location and watch people porting in. Комментарий от YoungCaesar anyone that can help me at this time with a blood elf warlock or troll hunter alt, pls message me. Was pretty quick except for Draenei priest which took a little while. Repeat as necessary. Комментарий от Marchenoir Well I thought this was going to be a pretty easy achievement compared to Смертельная индейка Комментарий от KOKOT If there is class u cannot achieve just go with your main to the location, where that class is starting and create new class there. Then in battle net open another wow and sign in to your account and quickly log in to your main which is in starting location of that class. Your char recently created for that class gonna be there waiting! I did draenei priest today like that. Комментарий от Generixx Not sure if anyone will have similar issue, but today I trued the achiev and I had issues in shared cities as Oribos or Dalaran. The item would not trigger when clicked on. Then returned to OG and it worked as if nothing happened. I have submitted a bugreport, but I thought about writing it here as well in case anyone would have similar issue to not waste their time at the moment. The Christmas event includes 17 Achievements. When You will done Весельчак you will reache Account-wide. Buy Снежок from Карден Деньгозвон 33 67 in Ironforge. I drop this item from Великая ведунья Телестра 2nd boss in Нексус on Heroic mode. You can get maximum 5 but you need 10 You will need to come and try in next hour to get 5 more. Take Buff. You can find it out side Ironforge 60 Be care if you die you lose buff and you need to pick it up one more time. Earn 50 honorable kills. Stay on back that will make it faster :. After Earn 50 You will reach Achievement. Get 10 Апекситовый осколок then fly to Хрустальная кузница Скверны 32 40 and create Нестабильный настой Зверя and go back to Торкус. Fly north around 33 40 and use Бомбы Стражи Небес on a pile of cannon balls. You can get maximum 5 but you need 8 You will need to come and try in next hour to get 5 more. Christmas tree is in in Ironforge 34 But just in case if He will come back on list You can find him in Thunder Bluff 60 51 city location. You need to be in zone of this cities. Комментарий от SlashDeeca i have thrown 6 snowballs onto different Troll hunters but it end up hitting myself all the time for some reason. Комментарий от Pihalecsmrti Update for Merry-maker How I approached it though, was like this. Not a problem though. Keep in mind I did it with a druid. Rogue is even better, you need invisibility to do so. Once I saw a gnome mage by the AH, I threw the snowflake on him, and gg. I was waiting there for maybe extra 30 minutes, and no draenei priest showed up. I waited there for maybe minutes, and on my luck, a level 1 Draenei priest showed up! Комментарий от HushGlowie The absolute BEST place to do this right now is outside the Mage Tower on the Broken Shore since everyone and their mother is trying to get those sweet new recolored armor sets. I flew around Org, Dalaran, and ran around Oribos only to find maybe one combination needed for the achievement. Today I decided to create a 2nd starter account and just do it myself. No Dwarf Paladins. So that was a bust. The very first Dwarf Paladin that I found in three entire days, the amazing Mr. It was so worth it. Just be ready to die. A lot. If you do care to download then I hope that you found it useful. Players unfamiliar with the layout of opposing capital cities will especially like my BB King information. This will log your other character out. Physically both characters will be in the game. This works in Edit: Screenshot uploaded of my main AND my tagging character getting the achievement at the same time. Орк-рыцарь смерти 1 Таурен-шаман 1 Нежить-разбойник 1 Гном-маг 1 Эльф крови-чернокнижник 1. Человек-воин 1 Ночной эльф - друид 1 Тролль-охотник 1 Дворф-паладин 1 Дреней-жрец 1. Winter Veil. Перед публикацией комментария просим принять во внимание следующие рекомендации: Комментарий должен быть написан на русском языке — в противном случае он будет удален. Не уверены, как правильно построить комментарий? Ознакомьтесь с нашим замечательным руководством! Желаете узнать ответ на свой вопрос как можно скорее? Посетите канал russian на нашем Discord-сервере. Написать комментарий. Для загрузки изображения воспользуйтесь приведенной ниже формой. Скриншоты, содержащие элементы интерфейса, по общему правилу, удаляются сразу. Это же относится и к скриншотам, полученным с помощью Просмотрщика моделей или окна выбора персонажа. Перед загрузкой скриншота, пожалуйста, ознакомьтесь с требованиями, предъявляемыми к скриншотам! Пожалуйста, введите ссылку на видеоролик в поле, указанное ниже. Он устанавливает и обновляет аддон Wowhead Looter , который собирает данные, пока вы играете! Он загружает собранные данные на Wowhead, помогая поддерживать базу данных в актуальном состоянии! First put on clothes then eat cake : '. Орк-рыцарь смерти 1. Таурен-шаман 1. Нежить-разбойник 1. Гном-маг 1. Эльф крови-чернокнижник 1. Человек-воин 1. Ночной эльф - друид 1. Тролль-охотник 1. Дворф-паладин 1. Дреней-жрец 1.

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