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Купить скорость a-PVP Оттиньи-Лувен-ла-Нёв

Купить скорость a-PVP Оттиньи-Лувен-ла-Нёв


Купить скорость a-PVP Оттиньи-Лувен-ла-Нёв


Купить скорость a-PVP Оттиньи-Лувен-ла-Нёв

After much deliberation, the university administration agreed on a building site near the town of Ottignies , in the French-speaking part of the province of Brabant called Brabant Wallon in French. Construction started on 20 January The first inhabitants arrived in At this time, there were only around permanent residents of the city, who were joined during the day by some students of Applied Sciences, the first faculty to open. With the completion of university buildings and the ongoing residential development, the city experienced rapid growth, with 10, inhabitants recorded in The final goal is to reach 30, inhabitants, in addition to the 15, students living in town during the academic year. As such all the grounds are property of the University. Consequently, the University was able to play an important role in the conception and planning of the town. They decided that city should not be only inhabited by students, but rather draw a diverse community as is found in any classic city. Moreover, one of the main points of the urban design of Louvain-la-Neuve was to make it people rather than automobile centred. As a consequence, the city center is built on a gigantic concrete slab, with all motorized traffic travelling underground. This allows most of the ground level of the city center to be car free. Most buildings are built on the slab la dalle , and the pedestrian area is expanding even far from the city centre. A fifth district, Baraque , that was not planned by the University has expanded on the north side of the city. It is distinct from the rest of the city in the willingness of its inhabitants to live outside of the common architectural framework small cobblestoned and pedestrian streets used in the other parts of the city. Moreover, a train extension has been built from the nearby station of Ottignies , which allows passengers to travel to or from Brussels in under an hour. Louvain-la-Neuve is now a thriving, growing city. Construction work is constant as many more of the characteristic small two to five floor buildings made of red bricks are erected. Due to the large student population that leaves the city during weekends and holidays, Louvain-la-Neuve can be quite empty during those periods. Louvain-la-Neuve was born as a result of the Leuven Crisis. Following the elections prompted by this affair, the expansion of the French-speaking part of the University was voted upon and approved on 18 June A few weeks later, the separation of the Catholic University of Leuven was made official. The first blueprints of Louvain-la-Neuve were made in a hurry and under dramatic times. Put under the direction of Raymond Lemaire , Jean-Pierre Blondel and Pierre Laconte , this urbanistic project saw the first students arrive in The event, which regularly draws upwards of 40 students to the city, is organized by a student group called the CSE Animations Centre Sportif Etudiant and runs annually from pm Wednesday to pm Thursday usually during the fourth week of October. The starting concept was simple, to race for 24 hours on a bike. Nowadays, competitors are separated in three categories: Racers, that race seriously; folk bikes, including decorated bikes and home built contraptions; and charity racers raising money for humanitarian causes. The festival is an occasion for the numerous student associations in the city to compete in building silly bikes, set up some related activity, or simply provide beer and music to the tens of thousands of students coming from all over Belgium. This event gives a hint at how student life and traditions have developed on the newly born campus, reviving some long lost customs as the traditional Catholic Belgian students hat, the calotte. The 24 hours have also been at the center of some more political issues. In it was cancelled due to the death of a drunken student who had fallen from the dalle in This happened again at the edition when a student was found dead in the early morning in the streets of 'the dalle'. The event was also threatened in and because of a student associations strike and other organisation problems. Created in , Louvain-la-Neuve Science Park is the first of its kind in Belgium and is the biggest one in Wallonia the French-speaking part of Belgium. It covers 2. Particular emphasis is placed on environmental-friendliness, as well as the quality of the premises and their surroundings. Louvain-la-Neuve Science Park is now home to more than innovative companies and their employees, 1 business incubator and 3 business centres. This location was originally chosen for the Museum in The futuristic building was designed Pritzker Prize -winning French architect Christian de Portzamparc. Two years later the Museum opened its doors to the public. Although his most famous creation, Tintin, features prominently, his other comic strip characters such as Jo, Zette and Jocko , and Quick and Flupke are also present. From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Planned city in Walloon Brabant, Belgium. State University of Leuven. Catholic University of Mechlin. Christian de Duve Albert Claude. Faculty Alumni. Institute of Philosophy. UZ Leuven. Evangelical Theological Faculty. Namespaces Article Talk. Views Read Edit View history. In other projects Wikimedia Commons Wikivoyage. By using this site, you agree to the Terms of Use and Privacy Policy. Planned city. Main Square. Location within Walloon Brabant. Wikimedia Commons has media related to Louvain-la-Neuve. Wikivoyage has a travel guide for Louvain-la-Neuve.

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Лувен-ля-Нёв в Бельгии — самый молодой в стране университетский город с доброжелательной космополитичной атмосферой, уникальными музеями, насыщенной культурной и студенческой жизнью. Своим возникновением он обязан языковому конфликту, разыгравшемуся в е гг. До тех пор преподавание в старинном Лувенском университете велось на французском и нидерландском языках, но, из-за протестов фламандцев, франкоязычная часть населения вынуждена была покинуть Лувен, и в г. А еще население Лувен-ля-Нёва представлено национальностями, и одну его половину составляют нынешние студенты, а вторую — бывшие. Лувен-ля-Нёв в Бельгии — самый молодой город в стране, поэтому исторических достопримечательностей в нем нет. Зато есть замечательные музеи. В верхней части города, в центре колледжа свободных искусств расположено необычное здание Музея L, представляющего более 32 экспонатов из самых разных областей искусства и науки. Бельгийская живопись и скульптура XX в. Здесь постоянно проходят всевозможные мероприятия — от выставок, лекций и конференций до концертов, творческих мастерских и обучающих программ для детей. Среди живописной рощи расположено еще одно оригинальное здание со стеклянными эркерами — музей, посвященный бельгийскому художнику Эрже, создателю всемирно известных комиксов о приключениях молодого журналиста Тинтина. Музей переносит посетителей в чудесный мир, придуманный Эрже, и представляет более 80 его эскизов, свыше фотографий, документы и личные вещи художника. Также здесь имеются уютный ресторан с летней террасой и сувенирный магазин. Вокруг Лувен-ля-Нёва раскинулись густые заповедные леса Лаузель, а в самом центре города находится красивый парк с разнообразием растений, высокими соснами и тенистыми аллеями. Также университетский городок является одним из культурных центров региона. На сцене театра Жана Вилара идут спектакли местной и приезжих трупп, Дом музыки приглашает на концерты самых разных жанров — от классики и джаза до популярной современной музыки, а в Большом зале университета регулярно проходят всевозможные культурные мероприятия, включая драматические постановки, балет и выступления известных зарубежных музыкантов. В городке имеется множество ресторанов, пабов и клубов, а также более магазинов, включая большой торговый центр со бутиками и магазинами на любой вкус. В Лувен-ля-Нёв имеется железнодорожная станция. Время в пути от вокзала Брюссель-Люксембург составляет 30 мин, а от вокзала Брюссель-Централ — 45 мин. Ваш город Москва? Развернуть карту. Кратко про Лувен-ля-Нёв. Визитная карточка. Что посмотреть, где побывать. Развлечения и активный отдых. Как добраться. О сервисе.

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