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Default Web Site Page

No editing is going to take place there! However, I would not recommend customizing that file because it will get overwritten during a cPanel upgrade. The Web Template Editor allows you to create placeholder web pages. These pages will appear to visitors who navigate to a site on your server that:. This page appears to visitors who navigate to a site that has not been configured by the domain owner and sites that have been deleted. You can make changes to index. According to WHM, another file in that location may take precedence — like index. But again, during upgrades or rebuilds the index. Also, please note when using php files that the permissions should probably be set to and the owner and group of the file should be the apache user — most likely nobody:nobody. The other way to keep a file like index. Thanks, this was exactly what I was looking for. Clear and detailed explanation! Your email address will not be published. Tech Blog wh. Skip to content. So, what is the right way? These pages will appear to visitors who navigate to a site on your server that: Has not yet been configured by the domain owner see the Default Website Page tab Has moved see the Account Move tab Is experiencing a connection or firewall problem see the Connection Selection tab Has been suspended see the Account Suspended tab Info for the Default Website Template: You are editing the Default Website Template. Also, please note when using php files that the permissions should probably be set to and the owner and group of the file should be the apache user — most likely nobody:nobody The other way to keep a file like index. This entry was posted in Tech Tips and tagged cpanel , whm. Bookmark the permalink. Matthew says:. September 10, at am. Josh says:. May 7, at pm. That was much easier than other instructions I was trying to follow! Leave a Reply Cancel reply Your email address will not be published. Search Search for:. No data so far. Most Commented On Sorry. Search for:. By using our site, you acknowledge that you have read and understand our Cookie Policy , Privacy Policy , and our Terms of Service. Super User is a question and answer site for computer enthusiasts and power users. It only takes a minute to sign up. Is the purpose of default website to hold default configurations that need to be inherited by all websites beneath it or is there something else to it? In other words, when would I ever want to add my new website to the Sites folder as opposed to Default Website. The Default Website is what its name says, a convenience website that is created when IIS is installed. It can be deleted and replaced by new websites, but its advantage is that it will work 'out-of-the-box' with all definitions and permissions already taken care of. Getting the folder and file permissions right is perhaps the biggest headache when creating a new website. Application pool : Each such pool is nothing else than an instance of w3wp. It runs here under the user account named DefaultAppPool, which was already given the minimum required permissions on the folders of the website. Physical Path : This is the folder which will contain all the files of the website except for files in virtual folders. The others are used for example for handling WCF services, and depend on your Windows configuration. The request is then forwarded to the one site that handles the specified combination of protocol, domain and port. Unspecified elements have their defaults, or the browser may in some cases ask for missing elements such as username and password. A path, if specified, is generally appended to the Physical Path in a purely textual manner. The reason for its existence is simply because there are too many details one has to get right when creating in IIS a website from scratch. I already touched upon the file and folder permissions, which are the main reason why one may get the infamous 'HTTP Error This arrives when the user account for the application pool is missing permissions on some folder in the generated physical path. This is also important for security, because by default IIS is pretty invulnerable to hacking. Vulnerabilities are created when the defaults are carelessly modified, or when vulnerable add-on products are added. Then, its routed to the root application, and the root virtual directory within it, and the physical path of the file served for this request becomes c:inetpubmysitetesthello. So, the physical path of the file served becomes c:inetpubtesthello. Note: Application pool can be common to both the Default Website and customized sites. There was actually quite a bit of change around this specific topic with the release of IIS 7, which was a complete redesign and rewrite of IIS. It is true you can place sites beneath your 'Default Web Site' but these are actually nested 'applications'. Sites are mapped to a specific folder, and generally applications are mapped to specific nested subfolders. As for why you would ever create multiple sites versus creating applications under your default site has more to do with the bindings. Personally, I look at the 'Default Web Site' more like the root website. Sign up to join this community. The best answers are voted up and rise to the top. Home Questions Tags Users Unanswered. Ask Question. Asked 5 years, 6 months ago. Active 2 years ago. Viewed 40k times. Active Oldest Votes. Here is a screenshot of the attributes of the default website : The important attributes above are : Application pool : Each such pool is nothing else than an instance of w3wp. Why the Default Website exists The reason for its existence is simply because there are too many details one has to get right when creating in IIS a website from scratch. Hope this helps! Are you saying that other sites on the same IIS installation would not use port 80? Sign up or log in Sign up using Google. Sign up using Facebook. Sign up using Email and Password. Post as a guest Name. Email Required, but never shown. The Overflow Blog. The Overflow How many jobs can be done at home? Socializing with co-workers while social distancing. Featured on Meta. Community and Moderator guidelines for escalating issues via new response…. Feedback on Q2 Community Roadmap. Related 2. Hot Network Questions. Question feed. Super User works best with JavaScript enabled.

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