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Most people get shitfaced with friends or lovers. The persona of the starry-eyed glitterbug with their heart on their sleeve is one of many interchangeable hats that your average weekend raver wears at different points over the course of the week. It was a sunny Sunday afternoon in Leicester in July and Russ, 63, was relaxing after a late lunch with his three grown-up children, whilst reeling from the recent news of a diagnosis of colon cancer. Suddenly there was no thinking about the dicy bits we usually needed to skirt round, or what to say next. A switch had been flipped. Over the next few months, Russ made a remarkable and long lasting recovery. He still maintains he never felt the acute effects of the MDMA, but in every conversation about his youth and his emotions where previously he would have avoided such discussion , he continues to demonstrate what a life-changing experience it was. Kitt, 22, from California, came home from a night out in the early hours of Saturday morning, and was surprised to find his mother, Mia, in the kitchen, still awake. All that was about to change: Having never done it herself, she was curious. It was just so weird seeing my mom start to fidget like she needed to occupy herself. It made me a feel a sense of relief, in a way, because I was already on it. Any self-consciousness Kitt had been feeling about his high mannerisms began to ebb away: The domestic setting in which their experience unfolded is worlds away from resembling the medical settings in which MDMA is being trialled for prescription psychotherapy. So on MDMA we had twenty years of stuff to get out. I dropped out, and we never spoke on it. Kitt finally opened about his fears that Mia disapproved of his girlfriend. This is the same process many people who have experienced MDMA in a therapeutic setting describe: MDMA is an empathogen: Since , Sferios has been striving to reduce the potential harms of recreational ecstasy use through his non-profit public health platform DanceSafe. Parents feel guilty for not being the best parent. Children feel judged, or unloved. Perhaps they feel unlovable. One possible explanation for children being keener to share their experiences with me than parents is that our predisposition to party often dissipates with age. The younger generation is more likely to have access to, and current expertise in taking, MDMA. Not so for Sue, a punk rocker from Norwich. Sue is the mother of Dave, 24, and Eddy, It would be irresponsible to live my life one way and ask my kids to behave in another. Especially in their views on nights out and sex; drugs were out of the question! For her, the idea of keeping such an important topic off limits would feel wrong, particularly a topic where she has safety advice to impart. Talking about a substance together, of course, is very different than taking it. For Sue, the journey towards taking MDMA with her eldest, Dave, has been a steep learning curve about parenthood, involving many doses of self-discovery: He came up to me and he hugged me, and he told me how much he loved me. I thought he was just being really sweet out of the blue. As Dave matured into a happy and successful adult, Sue felt a growing acceptance of the idea that he occasionally uses MDMA, a dynamic which has become conducive to taking it together. She describes idyllic scenes at campsites by the sea: Dave and his friends know how much to take, and how to look after each other. And he knows the differences between MDMA and some of the other drugs out there. Like riding horses and binge drinking? The Office for National Statistics is with her: In contrast, there has never been a single fatality or severe adverse reaction to a clinically administered dose of MDMA. Elevating the idea that alcohol is inherently harmful whereas MDMA can be beneficial in particular contexts to its logical extreme, Dr. When I asked Sessa what makes MDMA such a perfect therapeutic tool, he directed me to his latest article , which delineates how it works on the receptors and regions of the brain to stimulate its effects. When parents and children take MDMA together in a non-clinical setting, are these same properties coming out to play? But the outcome is not monitored, there are no protocols: Nevertheless, the number of morbidities and mortalities that occur are relatively low; invariably down to people taking too much, knowingly or unknowingly ingesting other substances instead or as well, and becoming dehydrated, over-hydrated or overheated. Well, with clinical MDMA this is rare. This period of discomfort is not an inevitable prerequisite of taking MDMA, and is all too often unfairly blamed solely on the substance. In the meantime, if you want to get the best out of exploring MDMA with your parents or adult children, remember to: The only safe way to take any substance is at a known purity, in the correct dose. Ask your government for them. Clean up the context: Bookend your experience with healthy food and good quality rest and punctuate it with drinks of water but not too many! Read our practical guide to what to expect when you take MDMA, which includes tips for rolling safely. Extend the love and the learning: MDMA is a terrific drug but this article is more like advertising than it is honest. I was one of the early pioneers, before the ban. Sasha Shulgin helped me and my chemist friends get the precursors, and we made it. I turned on hundreds to this not yet illegal medicine. So did the President of the American Psychiatric Association, and Charles Schuster, who then lied to make it illegal so huge underground syndicates could profit— just like the other illegal drugs. I know the excitement and the hype. I also know the honest truth that while there are breakthroughs, lasting changes are rare and require more than the drug. The underground of MDMA is full of hustlers and conmen as much as any dope scene, trying to make a buck. Users of MDMA are not models of sane relationships. It is a pity what happened to this drug, how it became the most popular recreational drug in the world, and an environmental catastrophe. A balanced article would show your sincerity. Can you please tell us more about why you think like that? I have use the drug more than once and I can say that it did change many aspects in my current life. It would awesome to have you write an article about your experience, have you ever considered that? Agreed, these drugs are catalysts but the real change comes from taking action over your own life. Forming sustainable habits, or complimentary practices if you will, such as meditating, exercising and journaling are important. The real change happens when you take charge of your own life. MDMA, just like most illegal drugs that have medical properties, has been vilified by the government and media. Those with intelligence are able to make the decision for themselves, rather than be dissuaded by Nancy Reagan scare tactic lies. I have made so much progress that I have a difficult time waiting for a whole month. In between sessions I practice Transformational Breath Work, which has also been beneficial. I am looking forward to when it will be legal. Too many things are taking their own lives because the trauma has overcome them. Many thanks to Rick Doblin and MAPS for being at the forefront of getting this medicine to the people who really need it. Your email address will not be published. This post may contain references to our products or those of our affiliate partners. Kitt son Kitt, 22, from California, came home from a night out in the early hours of Saturday morning, and was surprised to find his mother, Mia, in the kitchen, still awake. Sue mother Not so for Sue, a punk rocker from Norwich. Ben Sessa psychiatrist When I asked Sessa what makes MDMA such a perfect therapeutic tool, he directed me to his latest article , which delineates how it works on the receptors and regions of the brain to stimulate its effects. TimetoTest Clean up the context: Comments MDMA is a terrific drug but this article is more like advertising than it is honest. Leave a Reply Cancel reply Your email address will not be published. More posts like this one. Stories Of Success Read More.

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