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Five generations in the workforce: This is a skillset that can be developed via learning and adoptive practice. The Knoster model will teach participants how to develop a communication framework for success. At the conclusion of this session, participants will be able to: Disruption is the norm for organizations. Disruptive innovation is now seen as required to stay competitive in a world of emerging technologies, globalization and changing demographics. This is changing the way we work, blurring industry boundaries and forcing even established organizations to rethink their business strategies to find effective ways to deliver value. What are the implications for organizations when disruption will change the way projects are delivered and leaders are required to lead more agile organizations? What are the challenges and opportunities? How do organizations effectively use their project talents to evolve existing practices, provide value while positioning themselves for long term success? This session brings together experienced executives to share their perspectives and insights on managing projects and change when disruption is a constant in their value delivery. It is easy to agree with the theory that soft skills are the key to effective teams. In practice, soft skills are the hard skills for many people. When team members collectively understand and embrace the techniques and tools, the interpersonal relationships and team productivity often improve dramatically. This interactive workshop will provide you with an introduction to a project-proven communications model—complete with skills and techniques—that has been successfully deployed across a broad spectrum of projects, including civil construction, information technology, and leading-edge, first-of-a-kind technologies. At the conclusion of this workshop, participants will be able to: When Twitter began, the founders did not set out to create a new economy, yet the way we do business has changed forever. Open access to information, or creating the feeling of open access to the brand, builds loyalty, identifies new product ideas and provides another channel for consumer influence. Equal access to information renders entire business models fragile as consumers become their own sourcers with all of the information. Costolo lays out the implications of an open access economy on innovation process and the future of work. Suncor Energy recently embarked on the journey of enabling agile capability within its project portfolio. With the aim of improving the time to value received by the organization and the overall engagement of business stakeholders in project delivery, a center of excellence COE was commissioned to develop, pilot, and recommend the plan for enabling agile delivery. This presentation, given by the product owner of the COE, will detail the motivations behind its creation, the approach taken to enable and standardize agile delivery, the services offered to support agile projects, and the lessons learned during the first year of its operation. November 11, marks the th anniversary of the end of the First World War. That war was called the Great War, the war to end all wars. Tragically, it was misnamed. Margaret Macmillan, one of the foremost historians of the First World War, reminds us in her recent Reith Lectures that war does not happen out of the blue. It happens because we choose not to act on the warning signs:. History is not much help when it comes to predicting the future, but it can remind us of the warning signals that always come before wars — the heightened rhetoric, for example, or the inability to understand the other side. What both sides learned in the cold war, sometimes nearly too late, is that they needed to grasp how the other side was thinking and feeling and how it might read or misread signals. In , the Soviet Union became convinced, wrongly, that the United States and its allies were planning a sneak nuclear attack in retaliation for the Soviet shooting down of the Korean airliner KAL Luckily, the west realised this in time and called off a planned military exercise. The work of listening to and understanding the other is the work of every person, every team, every organization, every community, and every country. This th anniversary of Armistice Day reminds us that we ignore this critical work at our peril. Over the last four years, I have written several posts relating to lessons from World War 1. If you are interested in learning more, please see the following posts:. He shares his real-world challenges, both technical and organizational, as well as tips for others starting to use distributed ledger technology. Smart contracts are based on a computer protocol intended to digitally facilitate, verify, or enforce the negotiation or performance of a contract. They allow the performance of credible transactions without third parties, and are trackable and irreversible. Their potential in real estate, law, intellectual property, and many more places is amazing. Private blockchains have also been suggested for business use. Hear more from our speakers and see if this technology has an application in your organization. Organizations can use game design techniques to fully engage customers, partners, and employees. When it is well-implemented, gamification can transform a work culture by cultivating deep emotional connections, high levels of active participation, and long-term relationships that drive knowledge-sharing, learning and business value. Enterprises can utilize strategy games, simulation games, and role-playing games as a means to teach, drive operational efficiencies, and innovate. Find out how organizations have embraced social collaboration using playful design to reap tremendous value; grab tips and tools to build a learning culture; and learn how to engage your community! Companies and organizations are popping up every day to enter the blockchain technology revolution. Hear from an academic who studies blockchain applications. Why focus on generational challenges and behavioral styles? Your projects will involve people from five different generations. Each of these team members also has their unique behavioral style. You need to craft your approach and messages for each generation and each style. Designed to develop organizational awareness and understand why projects fail. If you are missing any of the following elements, you will run the risk of failure. Vision —Do you understand what you need to do AND why you need to do it? Consensus — with five generational styles, you need five different ways to build consensus. Without consensus, you have sabotage and blame. Conductor They are Type A and do not like to be told what to do They strong-willed, self-motivated, results-focused When crafting messages for them, focus on results decisions efficiency Promoter They are enthusiastic, energetic, persuasive, adventurous, creative They like shiny objects and hte next big thing. It is very difficult to get them to focus. However, they are really helpful when you need to deliver a difficult message. They are happy to help others. You have to help them keep their focus. They will do things to the best of their ability. They know they are better at things then others. When crafting messages for them, focus on decision by committee last to speak subject mattter experts speak face-to-face, but start with social conversation before jumping into the heart of the matter. Exercises that appeal to each style. What skills will the workforce of the future need? It is experiential, small-group training. How does the Census Bureau deliver value? Their demographic and economic data can help federal and local emergency responders prepare for a climate event government and private sector groups manage development after a climate disaster Successes at the Department of Energy. They run really large projects — sometimes worth several billions of dollars They capture enormous amounts of data from their projects. Their job is to understand and explain through these data the value the public receives from these projects This helps the public understand how their tax dollars are being used They focus on how to explain value to the public — not just explaining it to other scientists. How can project leaders and their teams lead technology-driven projects. The appeal for these new technology partners is that they can have an impact at an enormous scale when they work through government. They are looking at new ways to streamline the acquistion government contracting process. The department of homeland security has a procurement innovation lab. They innovate new ways of working and then share the success stories widely — within government and with industry partners. One of the objectives in their strategic plan is to use innovative tools to increase their efficiency and use of their tools, as well as the efficient reuse of their data. Linking as much of their data as possible to derive new insights Ensuring that their regular environmental scans shape their strategic plan which is a living document What skills are they recruiting for? They are taking a closer look at the skills required for exploiting the data for multiple uses They are also examining what technological skills their team needs What they look for in their workforce. PMIAA is a game changer because it tries to reach federal agencies where they are with respect to program management. This helps develop a deep bench of experienced and capable project managers The Federal PM Community of Practice is very active and engaged. They are helping spread PMIAA across the government It helps focus on evaluation, quality assessment, and continuous attention to lessons learned. Learn how to tie your efforts back to the values and strategy of your organization. Do you have a crisp way of explaining how you are a value to and not a burden on your organization? Collaborate Early and Often: Department of Energy portfolio. John Tompkins President, Team EdServe is an executive coach and therapist in private practice in Pleasanton, CA, and has over 30 years of experience with project teams in complex environments with high consequence of error, much of it in a national security environment. He is the author of Not Crazy Yet? Our Brains and Language. The cerebral cortex and the amygdala operate differently in the brain. It handles threat assessment and response. The cerebral cortex focuses on observation feelings thoughts wants The amygdala focuses on the roles of persecutor victim rescuer We use language to toggle between the cerebral cortex and the amygdala. The more we can use our cerebral cortex, the better our teamwork. Just consider how the cable news stations treat the news they report and the people they interview. Green Language versus Red Language. Green language focuses on what IS happening Not-Inferences: The better choice is to make objective statements rather than inferring state of mind based on observable facts. Our job is to make choices about how we are thinking and how we should make choices that meet our legitimate needs. So, for example, if you are feeling the emotion of loneliness, the appropriate response would be to seek companionship rather than to seek food. Red language attaches itself to our pain memories and thereby has increased impact Focuses on Inferences: Describes what you are NOT feeling. This, in turn, triggers a response by the amygdala, which senses trouble. Not-Thoughts Thought expressed in a negative form. Not-Wants Wants expressed in a negative form. It does not contain any judgment, just facts. They may be worried about the deal, but they are not providing any specifics to back up their concern. Say what should be, use judging labels or mixed tenses. Call a thought a feeling. Call a not-thought a feeling. Say in encoded judgments what you did want or do want now. To improve communication, focus on decoding and paraphasing. Next, notice how they appear in your conversations and in the communications around you. Then, practice replacing your Red language with Green language. Finally, share this with others. There were four things they did at Twitter to build their speed to execution muscle: Adopt a Bias to Yes As an organization grows, increasingly the answer to every question is no. Focus on Speed of Learning: This question surfaces commonly held beliefs in the company that are not true. Protect the future not the past Protecting the past: The desire for everything to run smoothly is a false goal. It moves the focus to avoiding mistakes rather than getting things done. Instead, replace the critical rules with principles and guidelines. Then release your team to work within their own good judgment. For more information on Catmull, read his book Creativity Inc. Communication is key Communicate context rather than authority. Delegation Push decisions down the stack Write down and put on your desk: Set a weekly goal of the percentage of meetings you will stop attending and delegate instead. One sure sign that you are not delegating enough: At the end of meeting, most of the action items are yours. If you give them ownership, they actually get work done. If you make all the decisions, then you become the target of and conduit for organizational politics. Encourage open debate within your team. The best questions to ask your teams to get really eye-opening information: What is working and why? Let people talk to whomever they need to talk to get the information they need to do their job. They were very reliant on the waterfall method. The construction mindset with a clear idea of scope was pervasive throughout the organization. They had a book-end approach: They rarely had a sense of shared accountability. Rather, accountability was handed off from one group to another. Their motivation for adopting agile delivering value faster this does not necessarily mean that the entire project finishes earlier, but it does mean that the work is broken into small batches and each batch is delivered as quickly as possible including business customers in the heart of the project teams if the business folks cannot commit to participating in the process, then you cannot do agile they drive the value, they drive the priorities simplifying project delivery reduce role confusion they eliminated a large number of roles without eliminating people. They eliminated the titles and made the people involved team members. They started with some pilot projects. First they observed what was happening and then the coaches recommended more effective approaches. Then they revised their delivery norms to reflect the recommended approaches DAD. Scrum is meant for a team of nine. They used featuremap software to build a story map to prioritize a backlog for releases. The Agile COE Team one of the services the coaches provide the team is the health assessment supported by a surveymonkey survey owned by the COE use the health assessment to determine if your team is working well do a fishbowl exercise during the team retrospect put a chair in the center of the room ask for volunteers to sit in the chair once they are in the chair, other members of the team say the following things: Culture is always the challenge Role clarity is vital and not easy Training, training, training Establish the COE and its service model as early as possible Coaches — get them early — they are your ninjas and can train new ninjas Be aware that leadership will not be patient forever so be prepared to explain your value Perfection is the enemy of the good: Their coaches spend a lot of time on this. It happens because we choose not to act on the warning signs: If you are interested in learning more, please see the following posts: Blockchain and the Architecture of Trust. His new book by this title will be available on November 20, Trust the system without apparently trysting any actor within it. This trust is based on a consensus derived from a history of consistent behavior across a network without central control. Think Equifax, think FaceBook. Cryptocurrencies — transactions asnd decentralized apps Distributed ledger — tracking and accountability Cryptoassets — trading currently, Wall Street is swallowing up cryptocurrencies and creating new, decentralized markets to trade these assets. Why Blockchain for Government? This is a central aspect of blockchain It is a really hard problem to solve Cook County in Chicago is trying to use the Bitcoin Blockchain to support their land title registry. In turn, this will support decisions by mortgage providers. Delaware has changed its laws to allow companies to issue their shares on the blockchain. The World Food Program is using blockchain to track which refugees in a Jordanian refugee camp are receiving benefits. Streamlined compliance helps gather in one central place information that normally is housed in a variety of repositories. Berkeley City Council has launched a pilot program for issuing city bonds on the blockchain. West Virginia is experimenting with secured voting absentee voters. Do you need a blockchain? Can the assests involved by digitized securely? Are the assets or activities outside the control of a single entity? Are you mre concerned about attacks security than crashes availability? Doe you want an immutable record of transactions? It is hard to have all three:

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