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Our comparison participants have the same type of senosors - CCD B CCD Charge-Coupled Device communication when the signal is read, the accumulated charge is shifted from one element of the matrix to another, forming a finished image line or a whole frame at the output. Mostly all cameras in the middle price category and above are equipped with matrices of a certain format, which also determines their size. Depending on the specific physical size of the matrix, the size of the pixel is also determined as the minimum element that the matrix consists of. The larger the pixel area, the greater the dynamic range of the matrix, the photosensitivity of the matrix, and the lower the noise performance. However, the larger the size of the matrix, the higher its cost as well, because the use of large matrices is typical for professional-level technology. Amateur cameras are usually equipped with matrices that are the same size as the diameter of the transmitting tube. Maximum resolution is the number of light-sensitive dots on the sensor used to form the image. This parameter is the product of horizontal and vertical columns of pixels. But besides the maximum you can use other available resolutions- x , x , x , x , x , x , x , x Auto selection allows the camera to automatically determine the optimum based on various shooting data. This is especially useful in difficult shooting conditions and will help you get a high-quality shot without the distraction of constant manual adjustments. The second camera has a minimum and maximum sensitivity in the range of - Auto, , , , , , Minimum sensitivity ISO - this parameter indicates the sensitivity of the camera matrix or film to light and affects the brightness of the finished image. ISO value has low digital noise and is used primarily when shooting in good light conditions - on a sunny day or in fine art new lighting. Maximum sensitivity ISO - this parameter determines the sensitivity of the matrix of a digital camera or film to light and affects the brightness of the finished image. The maximum ISO value allows you to take photos in low light conditions, such as at night. Image stabilizers are optical and digital, it is also possible to combine them double stabilizer. In the optical image stabilizer, the movement of one of the elements of the optical system of the camera or the shift of the image sensor is used to compensate for hand shake see 'The stabilizer system' A special sensor detects the shift of the lens barrel. This is followed by a change in the optical scheme or a shift of the matrix. This compensates for the micro-shift of the camera, and the image projected onto the matrix remains stationary. This parameter allows you to check what the focal length will have a lens with the same angle of view on a classic full-frame or film camera. This characteristic makes it possible to compare lenses of all types of cameras, including compact ones. This is a very close-up shot 20 to 2 cm. A special macro mode for novice amateur photographers is not very important, for more 'advanced' ones, it provides amazing opportunities for creativity. Most modern models are equipped with this mode. Optical Zoom is also often referred to as a zoom lens. This technical element of a digital camera allows by changing the focal length to create the effect of moving closer to the subject of photography or moving away from it. In other words, the photographer with the Kodak EasyShare Z IS does not have to move, and only using the optical Zoom to adjust the composition of the frame as necessary. Aperture is a device in the lens that adjusts the diameter of the hole through which light enters the lens. F-number F2. This indicator determines the amount of light that hits the sensor. The lower the F number, the more light the lens can pass through and the better the photo can be obtained in low light. The minimum F-number is determined by the lens design. Manual Focusing on the Kodak EasyShare Z IS digital camera allows you to manually focus on a particular subject, which may not be able to cope with autofocus. While most consumer cameras only use the auto focus function, manual focus, which is most commonly used in semi-professional and professional digital cameras, greatly expands the technical capabilities of the technology. Modern digital cameras use passive autofocus, which replaced autofocus using infrared and ultrasonic waves. A distinction is made between phase detection, contrast detection and hybrid autofocus. Contrast AF is used in mirrorless cameras. The camera processor analyzes the image coming from the matrix and moves the lens to one side or the other to obtain focus. If the forward movement leads to the appearance of a sharpness of the frame, then the shift of the lenses continues until the focus is brought. If the picture is blurred, then the lenses begin to move back. Contrast AF is characterized by accurate focusing when using the camera in low light and dark places. Center-focusing - In this case, the focus is at the center point. This mode is found on all camera models and is well suited for static scenes such as landscapes or portraits. Single focus is the basic mode for most cameras. When used, focusing is carried out at a manually or automatically selected point and locks at the set position until a shot is taken or the shutter button is released. This mode is great for shooting static scenes such as portraits, still lifes or landscapes. Spot focusing uses only one center point for focusing. Its distinctive feature is its increased sensitivity to light, so it is better to use it in poor or, conversely, in too bright lighting. However, spot focusing is not suitable for shooting subjects in motion, as only what passes directly through that point is in focus. Face detection means that your digital camera automatically detects faces in the frame and adjusts focus to them in automatic mode. In addition, when the face-focusing function is on, both sharpness and exposure are automatically adjusted precisely taking into account this main element of the frame. Most often, this function is used precisely when shooting in automatic mode, for example, on vacation, at friendly meetings, and so on. If the lens has a fixed focal length, then the magnification is equal to one. The higher the magnification, the more opportunities open up for the photographer. The most commonly used lenses are 4x optical zoom lenses. This is quite enough for amateur and even semi-professional photography. For professionals, there are cameras that have a magnification of 7 or even 8. Of course, like all professional cameras, cameras with maximum Zoom are very expensive. Today, digital cameras use three types of viewfinders - optical, electronic and SLR The most common are optical viewfinders. In fact, this is a lens system that allows you to define the frame by simply pointing the camera. However, this type of viewfinder is characterized by a complex design and, as a result, a high price that is not available to the general consumer. The DSLR gets its name from the flip-down mirror, which allows you to take an image directly from the lens of a digital camera. The mirror viewfinder displays the frame on its screen exactly as the matrix perceives it. Parallax, that is, 'point of view mismatch' between the photographer and the camera matrix in this case is completely excluded. This is important, since it allows you to evaluate the white balance in the frame, as well as the correctness of exposure settings, before shooting. It should be noted that the DSLR display also allows you to display basic camera settings. This function is especially important for SLR cameras, for example, when taking macro photography. Most cameras are equipped with a built-in flash. On the Kodak EasyShare Z IS , this flash turns on simultaneously with the shutter opening and automatically illuminates the subject at the moment of shooting. This flash not only allows you to shoot subjects in low light conditions, but also allows you to even out the illumination of the subject in conditions of bright directional light. In such cases, the flash removes possible shadows on the face, softens the contrast of lighting, etc. Some models may not have a built-in flash. These are the cheapest ultra-compact models, or professional cameras designed to use specialized light sources. The maximum distance depends on the power of the flash emitter. The current built-in flash has it equal to Naturally, in super compact cameras, the flash power and, accordingly, the maximum flash shooting range is very small. The more sophisticated equipment is installed in your camera, the higher its weight, the more possibilities your flash has. Most often, the timer function used in situations when the photographer plans to be in the frame himself or in the company of his friends and relatives. The timer allows, without resorting to the services of other people, to program the device for a delay of several seconds. The longer the shutter speed, the longer the camera shutter remains open to take a frame, respectively, the more light the matrix receives. Accordingly, the slower the shutter speed, the less light the matrix receives. For shooting well-lit or moving objects, the shutter speed should be as low as possible. If the technical parameters of your digital camera are wide enough, then the shutter speed range should be wide enough, as a small value of the minimum shutter speed means more opportunities for your shooting. Exposure is measured in terms of EV logarymphs. Exposure compensation is measured in the same units. Thus, a 1 EV change in exposure represents a 2-fold change in the amount of light that reaches the sensor. Positive exposure compensation means an increase in the exposure value or aperture size, negative - of course, a decrease in these values. Exposure compensation is used in situations where it is necessary to photograph a dark object against a light background or a light object against a dark background, which the automation usually does not do well. Video recording is an entertainment function, therefore it is not available in professional and semi-professional cameras. For amateur digital cameras, this function is usually available, however, the clips are quite short. The resolution of such video will be on average x or x, the speed is about 15 or 30 frames per second. The Sony Cyber-shot DSC-W is equipped with a connector through which an external microphone can be connected to capture quality sound. The built-in microphone picks up a lot of background noise when recording video, so it can not give a good result. Such a sensor automatically detects the position of the camera during shooting - horizontal or vertical. You just need to keep in mind that when transferring to a computer, you will need special software. Typically, if a camera has a similar function, this software is supplied with the camera. In addition, the presence of a similar function in the camera allows the automation to more accurately set the white balance. The type of batteries used in the digital cameras Kodak EasyShare Z IS and Sony Cyber-shot DSC-W , allow you to divide the entire range of digital cameras into two large groups - those in which you can use standard batteries most often AA, sometimes - AAA , as well as digital cameras that use their own batteries. Cameras of the first group are more convenient in the sense that in case of emergency and battery failure, the latter can be replaced with ordinary batteries. However, for such cameras, it is advisable to have at least a spare set of charged batteries, as they run out rather quickly. Plus, you need to purchase a special charger, which is usually not included in the kit. Digital cameras equipped with their own batteries tend to be lighter in weight due to the reduced weight of the battery, and the battery life is usually significantly longer after a full charge than standard AA batteries. In this case, the charger is included, but another problem arises - you can buy a spare battery only in a special salon. Our editors have almost finished testing the cameras in different modes and are ready to share their results. We also used the calculations of our neural network in calculating our rating. Instagram: chrisburkard. Photo quality Functionality Final grade Average : Max: Measurement results for width mm versus other cameras Min: Compare with Olympus Tough TG Compare with Konica KD Zoom. Compare with Kodak EasyShare C

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