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Стоимость: около долларов за грамм. Служит для создания атомных веществ и предметов. Стоимость: 9 тысяч долларов за грамм или долларов за карат. Почти что самый редкий драгоценный камень в мире. Стоимость: примерно от 2,5 до 20 тысяч долларов за грамм или от до 4 тысяч за карат. Считается, что его в миллион раз сложнее найти, чем бриллиант. Стоимость: 30 тысяч долларов за грамм. Служит для создания светящихся надписей и табличек. Стоимость: 55 тысяч долларов за грамм. Бесцветный камень может стоить более 11 тысяч долларов за карат, а цветные бриллианты стоят ещё больше. Преимущественно используется в ювелирной промышленности, но его могут использовать и для создания ножей, пилок. Калифорний Стоимость: 27 миллионов долларов за грамм. Никаким особым практическим применением не обладает. Стоимость: 62,5 триллиона долларов за грамм. В теории может использоваться, как топливо для космических кораблей. На создание этого вещества требуется очень дорогое оборудование и технологии. Создание одного грамма такого вещества приравнивается к труду всего населения планеты целый год. Самые дорогие вещества в мире. Это интересно. Поделись позитивом с друзьями! Топ Невероятно дорогие самолёты современности. Самые дорогие и роскошные вещи в мире 17 фото. Самые дорогие вещества на планете 16 фото. Топ Самые дорогие стадионы мира. Самые дорогие блюда мира. Самые дорогие блюда в мире. Мобильник за 1 миллион долларов. РУ, как незарегистрированный пользователь. Мы рекомендуем Вам зарегистрироваться , либо зайти на сайт под своим именем. Зарегистрированные пользователи имеют ряд преимуществ, в том числе могут комментировать посты и почти не видят рекламу. Группа: Посетители На сайте с: Его вывели что ли? А героин, оказывается, стоит более чем в 2 раза дороже золота Группа: Ньюсмейкеры На сайте с: У меня в субботу с утра изо рта такооооое антивещество испаряется. Надо в баночку надышать как нибудь. Цитата: butik Группа: Ньюсмейкеры На сайте с: 5. ЛСД в кристаллической форме стоит около долларов за грамм. Наркотик, вызывающий галлю. Если что-то изменится я дам тебе знать. Группа: Посетители На сайте с: 1. Таффеит интересен Группа: Админы На сайте с: Группа: Посетители На сайте с: 4. Наркота в чистом виде стоит так дорого. Диллеры бодяжат ее и толкают по малой цене. Так что наркота на улицах - дёшева. И не стоит одновременно ничего и в тоже время - жизнь. Группа: Ньюсмейкеры На сайте с: 6. Калифорний а всё таки где он применяется? Он используется как мощный источник нейтронов в нейтронно-активационном анализе, в лучевой терапии опухолей. Кроме того,используется в экспериментах по изучению спонтанного деления ядер. Группа: Посетители На сайте с: 6. Информация Посетители, находящиеся в группе Гости , не могут оставлять комментарии к данной публикации. 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Цитата: butik87 да уж Lit-Miss Группа: Ньюсмейкеры На сайте с: 6. Калифорний такая цена ни за что.. Порадовало ничего не делает но стоит дохуя.

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Free shipping. You will receive 1 test kits which will each test for all the 5 main drugs used in the UK as listed above. We are now one of the largest suppliers of drug tests to customers throughout the world and our tests are used in treatment centres, hospitals and by medical professionals. As for the expiry dates, they will always be at least1 year away and more often nearly 2 years which is the legal maximum. Drug testing your child will discourage them not to use drugs and so protects them from illegal dangerous drug abuse. If employers drug test their employees this will help decrease the amount of working days lost per year from drug abuse. Drug testing in schools will have a huge benefit to both the school and the child. Currently it is estimated that 1 in 5 children will have handled drugs and by the time they are 13 most children will have tried drugs. From that figure it is then said that 1 in 3 children will become regular users. We sell drug-testing kits for all types of drugs and the kits are available with different testing strips for you to choose which drugs you want to be tested. All of the drug tests are simple to use and only involve taking a sample of urine. Results are accurate and rapid in 5 minutes. A pink colored line should appear on the strip of the control band C , for each drug type, this confirms that each test is working properly. A second pink colored line, no matter how faint should now appear in the test band T , this is a negative result. If no further line appears in the test band T then the individual has tested positive for that drug of abuse. The most common drugs of abuse, proper names and approximate detection times in urine after use are given in the following table The amount of time drugs stay in your body depends on many factors such as, the amount of the drug taken, its strength, purity, your body weight and rate of metabolism and whether you are a casual user or a long term user. We only accept payment by PayPal. If you are having trouble paying this way through eBay then you can contact either PayPal or eBay and they will be happy to assist you. All UK orders received Monday-Thursday before 3. All overseas orders received Monday-Friday before 12pm UK time will be shipped the same business day. All orders received after these times will be shipped the following business day. All packages have no indication of content, are marked 'Private and Confidential' and the contents are not visible or identifiable from the outside of the package. All shipments to all destinations are fully insured and covered in the event of loss or damage - though we will require you to follow some simple steps in order to have a re-fund or re-send in those rare occurrences when your shipment is lost or damaged. If you are also interested in any of our other products then we may be able to offer a postage discount - please contact us via eBay messaging telling us the items that you want and we can give you a total price. If there is an item missing from your order or the item you receive is damaged or defective then we will send you a replacement where possible. If a replacement is not available then we will refund your purchase in full. If you do receive faulty or incorrect goods then please hold onto them as we may require you to return them to us. If you are returning an item because of an error on our part or because it is damaged or defective, we will refund your payment in full and pay your costs of returning it to us either via a personalized pre-paid return label, or by refunding your return postage costs. We will check all items returned as damaged or defective. By law, customers located in the European Union also have the right to withdraw from the purchase of an item within 14 calendar days of the item being delivered. Where you are withdrawing from your purchase within the 14 day cooling-off period, and there has been no error on our part, we will refund you in full, provided the item is still in its original condition. We will not refund your costs of returning the item to us. As the items we sell have expiry dates, we will need to receive the goods back within 30 days of receipt. We advise that you use a fully insured posting method when returning the item to us. Along with our extremely competitive prices we are also able to offer you in-depth information about conditions related to fertility and great product knowledge. We believe that it is important to try and provide all the help and advice you may need both in planning for pregnancy and to ensure things go smoothly during your pregnancy so we have set up a special web-site that will hopefully answer most questions you may have. We used to list the links on eBay but due to eBay rules we are now not permitted to have external links within our listings. If you would like to get more information on any of the following such as;. Please contact us via eBay messaging services and we will be happy to help you. All Rights Reserved. Designed by eSeller Solutions. Thank you so much I did not expect to arrive so fast. Many traders made me cry and I waited for their frivolous charges. But you starred. Thank you ve. Thank you very much. I expected to receive five tests but I want one price with shipping. Verified purchase: Yes Condition: new Sold by: fertilityplan. Skip to main content. Email to friends Share on Facebook - opens in a new window or tab Share on Twitter - opens in a new window or tab Share on Pinterest - opens in a new window or tab. Add to Watchlist. People who viewed this item also viewed. Picture Information. Mouse over to Zoom - Click to enlarge. Have one to sell? Sell now - Have one to sell? Get an immediate offer. Get the item you ordered or get your money back. Learn more - opens in new window or tab. Seller information fertilityplan Contact seller. Visit store. See other items More See all. Item Information Condition:. Add to Watchlist Unwatch. Watch list is full. Longtime member. Does not ship to France See details. Item location:. Ships to:. This amount is subject to change until you make payment. For additional information, see the Global Shipping Program terms and conditions - opens in a new window or tab This amount includes applicable customs duties, taxes, brokerage and other fees. For additional information, see the Global Shipping Program terms and conditions - opens in a new window or tab. Special financing available. Any international shipping is paid in part to Pitney Bowes Inc. Learn More - opens in a new window or tab International shipping and import charges paid to Pitney Bowes Inc. Learn More - opens in a new window or tab Any international shipping and import charges are paid in part to Pitney Bowes Inc. Learn More - opens in a new window or tab Any international shipping is paid in part to Pitney Bowes Inc. Learn More - opens in a new window or tab. Sponsored items from this seller Feedback on our suggestions - Sponsored items from this seller. Report item - opens in a new window or tab. Seller assumes all responsibility for this listing. Item specifics Condition: New: A brand-new, unused, unopened, undamaged item. Welcome to Our Store.. Quick Links : Feedback. Featured Items. Product Information. How good are these tests? Drug testing works for 3 major reasons: 1. When should I do the test? This test can be carried out at any time. To perform the test: Carefully remove the cassette from the foil pouch do not break the seal on the foil pouch until you are ready to begin the test. Using a clean container, obtain a urine sample from the individual who is being tested. Pull the protective cap off the bottom of the test to reveal the absorbent testing strip. Do not touch the strip and do not throw away the protective cap. Carefully dip the testing strip into the urine sample, ensuring that the urine does not come into contact with the plastic case of the test. Allow the test to absorb the urine for about seconds. You will begin to see urine moving up the strip. After 15 seconds, remove the test from the urine and replace the protective cap. Lay the test on a clean flat surface while the test lines develop. You can read negative results as soon as they appear but positive results must be read at least 5 minutes after removing from urine. All results should be read within 10 minutes otherwise a false reading may occur. The most common drugs of abuse, proper names and approximate detection times in urine after use are given in the following table:- Abbreviated name on test Proper name Other names Approximate detectable time it remains in the URINE after use AMP Amphetamines Speed, amph or whizz. BUP Buprenorphine Subutex days. COC Cocaine Coke, crack or charlie. MET Methamphetamines Glass, ice or meth. OPI Opiates Heroin , smack or gear. PCP Phencyclidine Angel dust or peace pill 3 - 8 days. THC Marijuana Cannabis, puff, spliff or hash. Casual use days heavy use up to 30 days. Accurate results in the privacy of your own home. We will package the test in discreet, unmarked packaging. Payment We only accept payment by PayPal. Returns Faulty Goods If there is an item missing from your order or the item you receive is damaged or defective then we will send you a replacement where possible. Contact Us We believe that it is important to try and provide all the help and advice you may need both in planning for pregnancy and to ensure things go smoothly during your pregnancy so we have set up a special web-site that will hopefully answer most questions you may have. New Arrivals. Quick links Feedback Add to favorite seller. Business seller information. Contact details. Return policy. Refer to eBay Return policy for more details. You are covered by the eBay Money Back Guarantee if you receive an item that is not as described in the listing. Shipping and handling. The seller has not specified a shipping method to France. Contact the seller - opens in a new window or tab and request shipping to your location. Shipping cost cannot be calculated. Please enter a valid ZIP Code. Shipping to: Worldwide. No additional import charges at delivery! This item will be shipped through the Global Shipping Program and includes international tracking. Learn more - opens in a new window or tab. There are 9, items available. Please enter a number less than or equal to 9, Select a valid country. Please enter 5 or 9 numbers for the ZIP Code. This item does not ship to France. Handling time. Will usually ship within 3 business days of receiving cleared payment - opens in a new window or tab. Taxes may be applicable at checkout. Learn more. Payment details. Payment methods. Other offers may also be available. Interest will be charged to your account from the purchase date if the balance is not paid in full within 6 months. Minimum monthly payments are required. Subject to credit approval. See terms - opens in a new window or tab. Ratings and Reviews Write a review. Most relevant reviews. Thank you ve Thank you so much I did not expect to arrive so fast. X Previous image. Why is this review inappropriate? This is a private listing and your identity will not be disclosed to anyone except the seller. Back to home page Return to top. Back to home page. Listed in category:. Email to friends Share on Facebook - opens in a new window or tab Share on Twitter - opens in a new window or tab Share on Pinterest - opens in a new window or tab Add to Watchlist. Opens image gallery Image not available Photos not available for this variation. See all fertilityplan has no other items for sale. For additional information, see the Global Shipping Program terms and conditions - opens in a new window or tab No additional import charges on delivery Delivery: Varies Payments: Special financing available. An error occurred, please try again. New: A brand-new, unused, unopened, undamaged item. The most common drugs of abuse, proper names and approximate detection times in urine after use are given in the following table:- Abbreviated name on test. Special financing available Select PayPal Credit at checkout to have the option to pay over time.

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