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Global Africa Asia Europe Global. Topic Topic User. Home Latest Forums Activity. Recommended Topics. These activities, obviously, are not strong enough toseparate us long enough from our beloved mobile device. We always want toconstantly be using our phones. Disappointing right? Well, the HiOS team saw this problem and decided to create asolution. The Gesture Call Picker. How does it work? Once you activate this feature, you can pick or reject a callon your mobile device without having to touch the device. All you need to do isdo the pick or reject gesture. To answer a call, you do a peace sign over the top of thescreen about 15cm away from the phone. To reject a call, just do an Hi-five over the screen about 15cm away from the phone. How to activate it? Sit back and relax as the new year unfolds! Happy New Year! Hello T-Fans, The year came with a lot of intrigues and actions and we can all agree that a lot happened this year. This year saw us release our most interactive and 'customized for you' version of our HiOS Version 5 series which includes the great features such as the Game Mode, Intelligent Voice Broadcast, Smart Panel, Floating Windows and a whole lot more. It was indeed an enventful year for us! As the year comes to an end today, what can you say is the biggest feat you have achieved this year? Share with us! Share with us, someone might see and get them for you! We thank you for the gifts. Do you use HiOS 5. Would you like to test our new features before they are released to the general public? Here is a chance to join our WhatsApp group! What are your favourite features and what do you think needs improvement on? We would like you to share your experience here! Hello T-Fans, Here is a chance to finally express your mind on this update or no update thing Take this poll below! This is a good time to WIN some cool stuff for yourself! All you need to do is follow is click here to get to our facebook page, follow and comment your T-Spot ID under the post! The event ends Dec 31st, In November , Boomplay, African music streaming and download service platform jointly established by Transsion Holdings and NetEase, officially reached strategic cooperation with Sony Music. This is another major move after Warner Boomplay to expand the music copyright cooperation camp and further expand the African music market. At this point, Boomplay has obtained copyright blessings from the three major music groups of Universal Music, Warner Music, and Sony Music, building a broader music landscape. As of October , Boomplay has more than 60 million users and a music library size of up to 10 million, and it is still growing rapidly. Service and experience. In the future, Boomplay will continue to expand cooperation on copyrighted content, always keep in mind its mission, and make unremitting efforts to achieve its development vision. Boomplay is one of the innovative achievements of Transsion Holdings in vigorously developing the mobile Internet ecosystem in Africa. In the future, Transsion will continue to adhere to the concept of 'Think Globally, Act Locally,' and continue to grow and strengthen the African mobile Internet ecosystem through the powerful traffic entry resources of its own intelligent terminals. What do you think about this collabo? Send your feedback and let the community hearing your thoughts. Jingle Bells! By starting, we are thrilled about the support we got from you, and we are so grateful for the positive feedback too. Appreciate everyone who is taking their time by sharing the review; we encourage more of that behavior. Anaccessibilityfeature by flashing your phone to provide a visible cue for WhatsApp incomingCalls. Rescue your favorite status as long as you wantSay no to 24hours-limited vanished. Now you are the one who have the option to saveWhatsApp status as long as you want! A new gesture-based option to give your more immersive switchexperience. A quick left or right swipe will take you back to your previousmenu and a quick swipe up from the bottom of phone screen will take you back toyour home screen. Never Game off until you say noA special design for Game lovers. They can choosescreen-off to safe battery and data while unstop gaming. A noticeable improvement on security. By giving you more control overhow often apps can access your location, ways to stop apps from guessing yourlocation. Wifisharegives you a handy option to share your WiFithrough a QR code. After scaningthe QR code ,you can enjoy surfing on the internet. Learn more about the exciting new features. Hi, T-Fans! Login with email account and user name c. There are two ways to change the password: a. Mobile phone number verification b. Email verification web: APP: 2. Select the type of post you want to post 2. Select sections and plate classification 3. Enter the title of the post 4. Click on the picture icon, and a popover of upload photos will appear. Click select file to select the image to upload, then click upload. Click on the picture in the popover to display it in the post. Click video icon 9. Enter the video link and click 'submit' to embed the video successfully. Insert the attachment Click the attachment icon Click 'select file' to select the file, and then click 'upload' to upload the file Click the attachment and it will appear in the edit box Check more options for the topic you want. If you do not want to publish, click save draft. If there is no problem with the published content, select submit. APP: 1. Click the 'Release' button 2. Select post Thread or Vote 3. Select the section where the post belongs 4. Select section classification and click submit 5. Enter the title, post content, and insert pictures and YouTube video links. Make sure there is nothing wrong with the content and then click the publish button in the upper right corner 3. Click the modify button to modify your personal information 2. Click the message button to view system messages, post messages and personal messages 3. Click check in to enter the check-in information page 4. Recommended Sections. HiOS Official A. Shahzeb Khan. Download on Google Play. Release New Thread

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