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In , the second-class battleship Texas had also briefly borne the name San Marcos , perhaps for the town of San Marcos, Texas. The ship served in the United States Navy from to In , the vessel was loaned to the Spanish Navy as Galicia TA31 , before being outright transferred in Galicia was taken out of service by the Spanish Navy in and was scrapped in She was launched on 10 January , and commissioned on 15 April with Commander L. Ellis in command. San Marcos completed shakedown in early May, took on a cargo of landing boats; and, on 19 May, sailed for the Panama Canal and Pearl Harbor. After taking on dredging equipment at Guam , she anchored in Buckner Bay, Okinawa , on 12 August — three days before the cessation of hostilities. There, she loaded mechanized landing craft LCM-6s , vehicle and personnel landing craft, LCVPs , 'Higgins boats' , and large personnel landing craft LCPLs , for use by occupation forces in the Tokyo Bay area; and, on 4 September, she arrived in Japan to offload her cargo and to commence operation and maintenance of a boat pool. In early December, she was reassigned to cargo operations; and, through the end of the year, she ferried boats from Aomori to Yokohama. She first shifted south to Okinawa ; then, in February, moved east to Kwajalein , whence she helped to prepare the test site. Granted provisional radiological clearance, she resumed cargo operations along the west coast in early November; and, by the end of the month, was carrying supplies, boats, and vehicles to the Aleutian Islands. In December, she put into the Puget Sound Navy Yard at Bremerton ; received final clearance in January ; and, in the spring, resumed cargo runs between the west coast and the Aleutians. She terminated those operations in September and proceeded to southern California where her capabilities as a temporarily converted seaplane drydock were tested. After the outbreak of war in Korea , San Marcos was ordered activated. With the fall, she moved to the Caribbean Sea for fleet exercises, then returned home. In November, she shifted to Baltimore, Maryland , for a shipyard overhaul, and with the new year, , resumed active duty. Caribbean exercises took her into March. In April she departed Norfolk, Virginia , embarked Marines and their equipment at Morehead City , and headed east for her first Mediterranean deployment. She resumed east coast operations with a joint Army —Navy exercise in November. During , San Marcos conducted exercises and carried cargo along the east coast and in the Caribbean and underwent overhaul at Boston , Massachusetts. Winter, spring, and fall of saw a continuation of those operations including a reserve training cruise, while the summer brought a return to arctic waters for resupply missions. In January , she proceeded again to the Mediterranean Sea. Completing that deployment in May, she resumed a schedule of east coast, Caribbean, and — during the summers of and — polar logistic support operations. In September , she was again deployed to the Mediterranean for a six-month tour with the Sixth Fleet. During the summer, she participated in Operation Inland Seas , conducted in the Great Lakes and made possible by the opening of the St. Lawrence Seaway. Amphibious force exercises and local operations occupied the remainder of the year. Throughout the s and into the s, San Marcos rotated regularly between the Second and Sixth Fleets. While with the Second, she participated in exercises and carried cargo and personnel from New England to the Caribbean. Severing of diplomatic relations and increased tension between the United States and Cuba and political unrest in the Dominican Republic brought extended operations in the Greater Antilles in early Those operations were followed by duty in support of Project Mercury; and, in September, she received modifications which added helicopter operations to her capabilities. Her annual excluding Mediterranean deployments brought participation in fleet, binational, and multinational NATO exercises. In , she deployed only briefly, in September, to participate in Operation Steel Pike , a large-scale amphibious operation held off the coast of Spain. Local and Caribbean exercises took her into , when she was designated for transfer to the government of Spain. The first detachment of her future Spanish crew arrived in mid-April; the remainder joined her on 30 May. June was spent in familiarization activities and, on 1 July , San Marcos was decommissioned and turned over. She was sold outright to Spain on 1 August Galicia was stricken from the Spanish Navy list in early , and scrapped in From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. National Security Archive. Retrieved 26 April Marine Corps Command and Staff College. Casa Grande -class dock landing ships. Foudre ex- Oceanway. WS-1 ex- Northway. Galicia ex- San Marcos. Preceded by: Ashland class Followed by: Thomaston class. Namespaces Article Talk. Views Read Edit View history. In other projects Wikimedia Commons. By using this site, you agree to the Terms of Use and Privacy Policy. X Cancelled.

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