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Гостевой дом Rihana Marsa Alam находится в городке Марса-Алам. К услугам гостей бесплатный Wi-Fi на всей территории.

Цена за: 2 взросл ых и , не включая топливный сбор. В км от Хургады располагается красивый городок Марса-Алам, который совсем недавно обрел статус курортного. Поэтому количество отелей здесь незначительное и развивается строительство. В частности, возводится аэропорт и фешенебельный гостиничный комплекс. Курорт примечателен своими коралловыми рифами. Отдых здесь более доступен в финансовом плане, чем в любом другом регионе Египта. Марса-Алам отлично подходит для спокойного семейного отдыха, так как располагается в тихом укромном районе. Отдыхают здесь туристы, для которых спокойствие и комфорт превыше всего. Инфраструктура городка ограничивается несколькими ресторанчиками, продуктовыми магазинами и автобусной станцией. Как летом, так и зимой здесь довольно тепло, температура воздуха выше, чем, к примеру, в Хургаде. Массовым туризмом не отличается еще один египетский курорт — Эль-Кусейр. В этом уютном и тихом поселке на высшем уровне развит дайвинг. Добраться сюда из Хургады можно на автобусе. Здесь нет шумных дискотек, казино и ночных клубов, также сложно найти исторический музей или галерею. Это место предназначено для уединения, для проведения времени наедине с экзотической природой. В Эль-Кусейр едут любители тихого отдыха, кто хочет по-настоящему расслабиться, отграничиться от окружающего мира и провести несколько дней в тишине и спокойствии, вдали от городской суеты. В курортном городке Марса-Алам отдыхают на протяжении всего года. Наиболее приемлемыми считаются весенний и осенний сезоны. Зима — время для дайверов, которые не боятся прохладного ветра и бодрящей воды. В Эль-Кусейре климат довольно мягкий, что привлекает сюда туристов на протяжении всего года. Разгар сезона — июнь-сентябрь. Осадки в летний период — явление достаточно редкое, зато весной и осенью может целый день идти легкий дождик. Отдыхающим в период с октября по март рекомендуется взять с собой теплые кофточки или свитера, ведь вечера и ночи здесь прохладные. Стоимость путевок в Марса-Алам зависит от длительности отдыха, выбранного отеля, количества людей. Так, например, за 7 дней яркого отпуска на двоих с проживанием в хорошей гостинице в двухместном номере придется отдать от 45 тысяч рублей. Сумма включает оформление документов, перелет, проживание и питание. Можно найти и более дешевые туры, если воспользоваться услугой раннего бронирования или ухватить выгодную горящую путевку. В разгар сезона, который выпадает на летний период, цены на туры в Эль-Кусейр немного выше, чем, к примеру, в январе или марте. Так, отдых на двоих длительностью 11 суток обойдется около 50 тысяч рублей. Стоимость путевки включает оформление документов, перелет, проживание в четырехзвездочном отеле, питание. Если поохотиться за горящими турами, то можно найти и более низкие цены. Для тех, кому не хватает финансовых сбережений на отдых, многие туристические агентства предлагают услугу тур в кредит, что довольно удобно и выгодно. Несмотря на молодость и уют, курортные городки Марса-Алам и Эль-Кусейр порадуют любителей активного отдыха и искателей приключений. Среди наиболее популярных развлечений здесь — занятие дайвингом. Также можно покататься на квадроциклах, уехать в пустыню или отправиться на экскурсию по нетронутым природным уголкам. Этот вид отдыха достаточно развит как в одном, как и другом курортном городке. В Марса-Аламе находится один из самых красивых и популярных коралловых рифов, где можно насладиться волшебностью подводного мира, богатством местной фауны. Дорогостоящим, но интересным вариантом отдыха в Эль-Кусейре является дайв-сафари. Чтобы арендовать на неделю яхту для морского приключения, придется заплатить около 1,5 тысячи долларов. Этот вид отдыха популярен в Марса-Аламе. Адреналина прибавит и местный рельеф с холмами и спусками. Почти все отели предлагают экскурсии на квадроциклах, ведь этот вид транспорта пользуется здесь большой популярностью. Сопровождает отдыхающих гид, который расскажет о красоте и неповторимости этого египетского уголка. Тем, кто увлекается культурой, предлагается съездить к бедуинам. Это народ арабского происхождения, представители которого живут на территории Египта в шалашах и шатрах. Они очень любят и ценят лошадей, поэтому туристу обязательно представится возможность покататься верхом на этих милых животных. Еще бедуины любят танцы. Можете считать, что вам необычайно повезло, если повезет попасть на бедуинскую свадьбу. Здешние традиции и обычаи поражают разнообразием и экзотичностью. И в Марса-Аламе, и в Эль-Кусейре есть достаточное количество пляжей, которые отличаются чистотой, природной красотой. На берегах Красного моря находятся клубы для дайверов, возле побережья располагаются красивые коралловые рифы. Чтобы еще больше привлечь туристов, им показывают останки затонувших кораблей. Пляж песчаный, с плавными, безопасными спусками. Главной достопримечательностью этих уютных городков является нетронутая природа, красивые пейзажи, удивительные картины моря на закате. Однако есть и другие места, достойные внимания. Куланские острова в Марса-Аламе располагаются на территории заповедника, состоят из четырех небольших островков. Добраться туда можно на яхте, стоимость билета на одного человека — долларов. На трех островах можно заняться снорклингом, а на четвертом даже высаживаться нельзя — ведь здесь обитают и гнездятся орлы. Этот объект считается религиозной жемчужиной города Эль-Кусейр. Сюда прибывают паломники из территории всего Египта и не только. Выполненный в лучших традициях исламской архитектуры, памятник полусферической формы с религиозными изображениями привлекает внимание помпезностью и остроконечными формами. Сюда нельзя входить в открытой одежде и с непокрытой головой. Это важная историческая памятка, которая осталась на территории Эль-Кусейра еще со времен султана Селима. Поговаривают о пристрастиях правителя к алкоголю, он даже Кипр планировал захватить только потому, что там производилось лучшее в мире вино. Памятки древности способны рассказать различные истории о тех далеких временах, чем и привлекают внимание туристов. Виза в Египет оформляется на 30 дней непосредственно в аэропорте. Египетский фунт, но можно пользоваться, как и везде в Египте, долларами или евро. Документы, деньги, одежду, фотоаппарат, предметы личной гигиены. Туры Отели Отзывы. Страна, курорт или отель. Дата вылета. Выберите, когда Вам удобно вылететь? Кол-во ночей. Выбраны туры c на. Искать туры. Правила визирования по странам Страна Тип визы Срок изготовления. Ищем лучшие цены Н айти отель н а карте. Закрыть карту. Сортировать: по популярности. Линия пляжа. Поиск по названию отеля. Знаете название отеля? Введите его, чтобы узнать стоимость тура! Скрыть Смотреть остальные курорты. Бюджет - руб. Класс отеля. Тип пляжа. Оценка по отзывам. Услуги для детей. Гарантия лучшей цены на любой тур Удобные способы оплаты Поиск туров от всех туроператоров Горящие туры. Марса Алам, Эль Кусейр по месяцам. Нажимая на кнопку, вы принимаете наше Соглашение о конфиденциальности. Если вам не удалось найти тур самостоятельно, свяжитесь с нами, мы с радостью поможем вам! Посмотрите похожие туры. Посмотрите похожие туры на ваши даты. Египет, Марса Алам, Эль Кусейр. Цена за тур на двоих включая перелет? Воспользуйтесь фильтрами. Обновляем результаты поиска…. О курорте В км от Хургады располагается красивый городок Марса-Алам, который совсем недавно обрел статус курортного. Чем заняться? Достопримечательности Полезная информация. Отдых в Марса Аллам и Эль Кусейр. Когда лучше ехать отдыхать в Марса-Алам и Эль-Кусейр. Цены на туры в Марса-Алам и Эль-Кусейр. Виды отдыха. Чем заняться в Марса-Аламе и Эль-Кусейре? Катание на квадроциклах. Экскурсия к бедуинам. Достопримечательности Марса-Алама и Эль-Кусейра. Куланские острова. Мечеть Аль-Фарран. Османская крепость. Полезная информация для любителей Марса-Алама и Эль-Кусейра. Часовой пояс. Ближайший аэропорт. Международный аэропорт находится в Хургаде. Что взять с собой. Что сколько стоит.

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Горящие туры и путевки в Марса Алам, Эль Кусейр с вылетом из Москвы , большой выбор отелей с ценами для дешевого отдыха по системе всё​.

Merci Mirko! The host is very helpful and responsive. The resort has all you need. The beach is more than amazing. Our stay was epic! This is most pleasant hospitality we have ever experienced with airbn! Mirko and Anna were such an amazing hosts. Although Mirko was abroad, he made sure every single second that we are doing good and that we are enjoying our stay! House was very clean and it had all what we needed. The area os calm and relaxing. Mirko is awesome! We were traveling on a budget and just got that flat because it was the cheapest. We wanted to rent just for one night. Yet, he told us to check in whenever we want and check out whenever we want so we almost used the flat for two nights not just one! He is so helpful. He always was making sure that we had everything we needed and made sure that we got it. Even when we asked him to take a souvenir from the flat he agreed without a second thought. He picked us and fixed us a ride when we were leaving. He is an ideal host and made us enjoy our stay to the best. First, Mirko is a great host, very helpful, responsive, comunicative and always ready to assist with everything. The place itself is very spacious, clean and with everything you might need. We loved the living room and balcony. They are great to hang out. We also love it that you can access all hotel facilities but on another hand place is quite as it is outside of the hotel. The privet and hotel beaches are simply stunning. Generally area is great. And the diving sites are best of the best if you are into diving. Thank you Mirko for your hospitality and replaying all my long questions ;. The location is great, especially if you want privacy and a quiet place to relax. The beach is beautiful and peaceful. Mirko is a very accommodating host and was quick and easy to communicate with. He made sure we had everything we needed, and more. His apartment has everything you need for a wonderful stay. We will be back for sure! He is a very very kind, helpfull, open-minded and funny host! He can arrange you any trip with the dolphins or to the different beaches in Marsa Alam. Everything is very clean, and well designed! We really had a very good experience there! Rihana Guesthouse was a nice, low-key place to stay in Marsa Alam with comfortable rooms and attentive service. Marsa Alam has many big resorts and Rihana Guesthouse has a personal touch and great view of the Red Sea. The guest house is a really nice place. Everything is clean. He indeed loves to be around with his guests and to please and advise them as much as he can. My room was sunny, big and cleaned every day. The confortable bed, moskito net and hot water were fully appreciated. Quiet place no busy road. Many constructions were stopped mid-way so the surroundings are a little bit depressing and look shabby. Anyhow it is less depressing than the big and artificial hotel resorts. From the guesthouse you can easily walk to the city centre where you will find restaurants with tasty local food. BUT if you like the sea and sun you will soon forget this point of view and focus on something else. Many nearby places will allow you to discover and enjoy the beauties of the reef and the deep sea. The diving club a few km away offers a very good equipment and attentive instructors. Of course snorkeling will also provide unforgettable and colourful memories. The direct road to Edfu leaves from M. Alam, which gives you a good opportunity to discover the cultural treasures of the country if you have some spare Ibrahim was a wonderful host and helped us with everything we needed. The rooms are nice and big, it was a bit hot beginning of June but there is AC. The terrace outside is a great place to chill and enjoy the breeze. This BB is quiet, very small only 4rooms , front the sea as wrote in announce the beach is not good for swim , rooms are large and very clean, the owner is friendly and available to help with everything you need arrangement of the taxi, tips for the good bays, dive center, kitecenter, order food delivery. In this place you come as guest and leave as a friend. As described in other reviews, Rihanna is a fantastic spot in Marsa Alam. Keep in mind that surroundings are under construction and have a post-apocalyptic feel! Rooms are quaint and clean. Ibrahim is a particularly warm host and Mahmoud was super helpful everyday with breakfast and errands. House cats are adorable We have spent 5 days in Ahmeds lighthouse and had an awesome time. We were picked up from the busstation in his car and he helped us shop all we needed before going to the place. His house is situated close to the sea and we could enjoy sunrise and sunset from the terrasse. The house has good airconditioning and a well equipped kitchen The local italian restaurant is superb and finally the last day Ahmed took us to see El Nayzak in his car and drove us to the busstation. We recommend this place. Very much. From before we even arrived to the moment we left, Mohamed made our trip so special with his amazing hospitality. Nothing was too much trouble and it made our trip very relaxing and comfortable. We both loved our dives and the chill out time at the hotel. Mohamed is a funny, clever and lovely guy who has worked very hard to create an oasis in an area which has clearly struggled over recent years. We spent most of our time by the pool while we were at the hotel, eating, drinking and playing games with other guests and Mohamed. We also were taken quad biking, camel riding and to a lovely fish restaurant with him which was great. However there are cafes and restaurants close by and if you want anything more, Mohamed is happy to arrange restaurant deliveries to a day trip to Luxor. Mohamed was available every day to dive and with a wonderful nature and exceptional knowledge of the local reefs he made the refresher dive very comfortable and the advanced dives amongst the Red Sea corals were just beautiful. A fantastic stay with a wonderful host and Dive Master, now considered a friend. While there is no shortage of outstanding hospitality in Egypt. Mohamed is in a world of his own. There is nothing out of reach when it comes to his ability to make sure you have a wonderful time in and around his Hotel. I highly recommend Blue Vision to any divers or travellers looking for a wonderful spot in the world followed by beautiful people. Mohamed even personally called for us to stay in a absolutely stunning hotel in Hurghada at a rate half the cost we would of paid. We told him we want to be at the beach most of the time the hotel is not directly at the beach so everyday we went to diffrent spots where we first dived and then just chilled and swam. Hes a really good diveinstructor so both my friend no dive experience and I open water certificate felt really safe and he showed us great stuff! Location was good, with the beach about 15 min walking, and restaurants about 5 to 10 min. Second and more importantly, Mohamed is a super host, very friendly, easy-going and funny! The dives 6 in total we did with him were great too. Even on our first skill-refresh dive, we saw already 7 turtles. Highly recommended! Hotel with clean good sized rooms. Made to feel welcome even in the off season. Was incredibly quick to help organise scuba diving and a trip to Luxor. Suggestion of place to eat easily the best in Marsa Alam. Had a great stay. My stay at Mohameds Diving Hotel was amazing. It was even more that I expected. Mohamed is an awesome dive instructor and perfect buddy. You have all around you need there. I was diving with another diving center shark paradise because Mohamed was not there during my stay. But he arranged all for me and called me the first days daily, to ask if everything is fine. He was always reachable for me in the mobile. The stuff in person of Hamada was very helpful and he did everything for the guests what we are asking for! We had water and tea if we ask for or in the room, towels, paper, everything you need. Good service at all! The breakfast is simple but enough before diving. The WiFi just worked sometimes, but this is a problem of the area.. If you like place with private beach and all in, go to a resort.. Very nice and clean flat in an amazing compound very close to the beach. Communication between me and the host was very fast and simple as well. The location, while over an hour away from Marsa Alam, is great in that it has wonderful beach and pool access. The compound and neighboring hotel are very nice and clean and offer great amenities. Definitely worth a visit and will return soon. Stefania is a wonderful host. She is extremely understanding and very helpful as well as quick to answering. The location is on point right next to a great beach and a private pool as well as a supermarket and a pharmacy nearby. Very ideal. Thank you. Perfect place. The house is one dream. Very much beautiful. I like much the design. The sofa is soft The curtains are elegant and excellent quality. The black out courtain have help my sleep! I will return earlier. A lot of pools in the beautifully hotel. I like dive and snorkelling and this is the right place for that. SEA transparent like a crystal. A lot of coloured fish. The reef protect the SEA and I have swim in one safe place whit one little turtle! So cute! In the restaurant inside hotel I have eat well and all nights change menu. The host is one gentle Italian woman. She do all possible for help and give all information I need. Parking is available everywhere inside resort and under the building the security is helpfully. There is a market front home. Ich habe alles bekommen, was ich erhofft hatte und noch mehr. Die Unterbringung ist sehr einfach, aber sauber und es ist alles in Ordnung. Ich habe neue Freunde gewonnen und die ganze Crew von der Deep South Eco Lodge war sehr, sehr freundlich und hilfsbereit. Our stay at Deep South Lodge was beyond expectations. At arrival we could already feel the relaxed and open athmosphere. Deep South is trying to be very considerate about the environment and that shows during the night. Because of the low level of lights, the stars can show what they are best in.. The lodge is a little bit back to the basics not all the time electricity or water , what makes that you forget about the clock and do exactly what feels right. We met people who we other wise wouldnt have met, what makes the overall experience memorable. Next to all this beauty, we have to say that the food never got boring. It was so delicious, Deep South sets our expetations high for next travels. Thank you Karim, for sharing this peace of heaven with us. Great host and great stay. Friendly and simple atmosphere, perfect for getting away from Cairo. Very welcoming and really made me feel part of the group. Looking forward to my return. We spent 5 days in this place with Fady and Sheima who where really generous hosts! Really sympathic, helpful, they cooked delicious breakfast. The place is nice and really quiet, the views from the bar unbelivabe. Thank you again guys! For everything. Karim was an excellent host and made sure my stay at Deep South was comfortable and enjoyable. The camp is in a quiet area near the ocean, and the stars are very nice at night. There is a very cool outdoor lounge with a view of the ocean too. The diving was amazing- definitely the best in the Red Sea. Overall I would definitely recommend Deep South for the peaceful atmosphere, the great diving and the good company! We had the nicest two weeks in Deep South. The houses are very nice and made with a lot of love and details. The beach is around 5 minutes walk away and has a super house reef! You can easily snorkel there for hours. You see turtles, rays, lionfish The hosts are the best people and we had an awesome time with them. They were all time there for us and our wishes and helped us a lot. The breakfast was everyday a bit different and delicious. We can recommend this place for everybody who wants to enjoy egypt far off the resorts and is interested in chill with nice people and enjoy the underwater world. The dive sides around are amazing. We saw dolphins, Longimanus and beautiful coral gardens. The reefs were better then we expected they to be. The contact with the dive school was very good, the staff is friendly and professional. The equipment is in a very good condition. We loved to stay and we will sure come back one day. The place is super clean and beautifully furnished we found everything that we needed and more. The beach is a one minute walk from the villa and what a beach it is! We could explore the spectacular marine life by just walking a few steps into the water. You can watch the colorful coral reefs and fishes closely by just snorkeling on the shore. This is a special place in every way, The home, the location and the host. A beautiful villa close to a fantastic beach with a superb coral reef and sea grass with no need to drive anywhere else for great snorkeling. It is nicely secluded in a private well kept compound with security. A well stocked shop is a 5 minute walk and they have a good cheese counter. The villa is well appointed and spacious, with 3x nice shower rooms including the master. Well appointed kitchen complete with very good appliances leading into a lovely dining area with great views of the garden and sea. THe place are super clean, well made and maintained. You have everything for comfortable stay of 6 people, big enough. Sea, corals, beach, water sports are amazing here. Its of course depend on your needs. Beautiful place and great diving. Dive shop on site at adjacent resort. Only option for meals is the resort or a small convenience store. Bring your own garbage bags, toilet paper, paper towels, coffee, sugar, etc as nothing is stocked. Having said that we absolutely loved the place and had a fantastic time! Anna is very nice host. She tried to help us as a local guidance as much as she can. Her house is very clean and tidy. There are good facilities right there full kitchen, bathroom,.. Anna and Omar were outstanding hosts from the moment we arrived in Marsa Alam a little earlier than anticipated and they picked us up from the bus stop. The apartment is lovely and modern, with a great functional kitchen stove and oven and bathroom. They gave us local tips, took us to a nearby beach and were always very responsive to our questions and messages. Thank you so much Anna! Great place, has everything you need. Anna and her husband are great hosts. They will take you wherever you want to go for snorkeling or swimming in their 4x4 for a very fair price. I recommend it highly. The place is very nice, it has everything you need. The towns is very small, and if you need enything Anna and her husband are happy to help. They can also help you to get anywhere for snorkeling or swimming. I highly recommend this place. Cosy apartment close to private beach and swimming pool. Supermarket on site. Use of the facilities of Sentido hotel for free, deposit of Egp for meals and use of facilities, egp deposit for towel cards. Very quiet place, not many apartments busy, construction of new aptbuildings on site. The studio is directly located in Port Ghalib. There are towels and bed sheets for the studio and also a towel center where you can get big beach towels for the pool and beach. Every location can be reached within a few minutes on foot. Port Ghalip is really beautiful. It was a great stay! Even if Omar wasnt around at the time of our arrival, he organized everything so that we got found the appartment without problems and had everything we needed. The place was nice and quite as shown in the pictures. We had a great time, thanks for everything! Everything was perfect between the arrival on site and our departure, Hesham is very well dedicated to our wellbeing and definitely made our trip unbelievable by offering suggestions, guides at fare prices and small services that make the difference food and places suggestions etc.. The apartment is very clean and comfy. This is a wonderful, spacious, quiet, and clean apartment. The host provides a lot of information about the area and has helpful connections for guests. We slept soundly at night and had a great time adventuring around Marsa Alam during the day. This is an ideal place to stay for a family or group of friends. Big and luxury apartment for a good price. Hesham is a great host. Hesham is the best host we have ever had! His tips and suggestions for places to go and things to see were exactly what we wanted. He also called many of the providers including snorkeling, scuba diving, beach and desert tour operators for us, and more than that he let us know the fair prices before we booked. He even called places to verify costs before so we would get the best price. We cannot imagine a host who was more thoughtful and helpful than Hesham. The day trip we took to the mangroves was pure heaven with beautiful beaches, corals and mangrove vegetation. Hesham suggested restaurants that were spot on and when we discovered we were short on bottled water one evening he gave us some bottles just to be nice. Marsa Alam is a town that is developing and our first view of it surprised us - there are many new buildings being built and few of these are yet completed so it seemed unfinished. We are fans of undeveloped places, we like to experience nature in a simple way and our first view of the town made us wonder if we could do that here. But after just one day we eased into the life, we walked the streets late into the evening, we walked into the town, shopped the little stores and supermarkets, visited with the locals, had coffee in some small shops on the main street and had a wonderful time. Our tours outside town were amazing. What a beautiful, calm place in Marsa Alam. We used the kitchen quite often and enjoyed a nice breakfast on the balcony with sunshine and magic landscape around every morning. The apartment is really spacious and well equipped for guests. Hesham helped us with information whenever we were in need. The porter, who is a charismatic, authentic Egyptian is adorable and helped us a lot explaining with his hands and feet. We love this place! Very nice apartment! Everything is top quality, you will feel like in a five star place. The owner take very good care of you, keeping in touch and giving precious indications about the area. Highly recommended. I love here. Good staff. I was really enjoyed. Marsa Alam, the town, is an interesting place consisting of mostly unfinished buildings. Despite all the partial construction we really enjoyed it, quite, quaint etc.. Also Mena, waiter, is terrific, we looked forward to seeing him each day! The location is great, we came in winter so the atmosphere was less lively than in the warmer seasons. The apartment is clean and equipped and the staff have been very nice. In the residence, a tiny restaurant by the swimming pool is cooking wonders, at a very good price and better quality of any place around, including 5 stars hotels! The host, Sherif, was super welcoming and gave us excellent tips to discover the region Le personnel du restaurant est au top. The place is super clean and comfy. Has a great feel to it. The location is great, only a few minutes from Marsa Alam and also right next to a great Italian restaurant and a diving school. I had a great experience diving with the staff from the diving school. The lady Assunta who is the hosts representative on the property is very kind and sweet and went out of her way to show me much hospitality. I would definitely recommend this place to anybody looking to enjoy a few nights in Marsa Alam. К сожалению, некоторые разделы сайта Airbnb не работают как задумано, если не включить JavaScript. Принимайте гостей. Найдите жилье в г. Марса-эль-Алам на Airbnb. Найдите жилье целиком и отдельные комнаты, идеальные для любой поездки. Начать поиск. Red Sea Governorate. Отпускное жилье в г. Жилье в г. Access to private beach only for residence, as well as Club House with private pool only for residence. Market just m away. Walking to beach min. Full furniture, wash machine etc. Ideal for lovers of peace and quiet, quality snorkeling, kite surfing and other water sports. Sentido Oriental Dreams hotel is part of the same resort and is only few meters away from the apartment, providing the option of a bit of lively entertainment, pools, access to restaurants, bars etc. Oriane TZ a very lovely, clean and comfy place. The beach is more than amazing Aya TZ Our stay was epic! Marwa TZ Mirko is awesome! Omar TZ You will find everything and Mirko will help you if need anything. Akram TZ First, Mirko is a great host, very helpful, responsive, comunicative and always ready to assist with everything. Erin TZ. Flat Close to Private Beach. For divers, snorkelers and beach lovers, the property lies midway from the most famous bays on the coast. Within minutes you reach Egla, Asalaya,, Samadai,and Abu Dabbab bays, where pristine crystal waters exist. Our rooms are all with sea view balconies ,A. We can arrange your airport pick ups as well. Far away from the city crowd,Rihana Guest House is located in Marsa Alam, 45 minutes from the airport ,and 1 minute to the beach. We are a little guest house of 4 double beds private rooms,with private baths and full sea view balconies. Breakfast is served with accommodation. Lunch and dinner too upon request,and our guests are more than welcome to use the kitchen to cook what they want. Diving packages for divers are available at our diving center. Also other excursions are available for non divers. At Rihana you feel home,and totally isolated from all the noise and stress of the city life. The main street of the little city of Marsa Alam is 15 mts walking,where guests can eat in several local restaurants serving quality local dishes and sea food. Vegetables,fruit shops are also there,and opened till 11 pm. Here ,the sun is always shining all year long,the sea is always warm,and the locals are very friendly. Waiting for you.. The neighborhood is still under-construction and paused for a while due to economy situation, but things are getting better everyday. So dont be surprised when you see Unfinished buildings. The reservation was canceled the day before arrival. This is an automated posting. Lia TZ Rihana Guesthouse was a nice, low-key place to stay in Marsa Alam with comfortable rooms and attentive service. John TZ The guest house is a really nice place. Sylvia TZ Ibrahim was a wonderful host and helped us with everything we needed. Paul TZ This BB is quiet, very small only 4rooms , front the sea as wrote in announce the beach is not good for swim , rooms are large and very clean, the owner is friendly and available to help with everything you need arrangement of the taxi, tips for the good bays, dive center, kitecenter, order food delivery. Sea view Rihana Guest House. Fantastic 1 bedroom condo - beach view with a huge terrace. The kitchenette is fully equipped. The living area is super cozy with full view of the sea. The bedroom also has a full view of the sea. Sunrise and Sunset are magical from the terrace. Easy 10 minutes walk to the downtown area and there is an Italian restaurant in 2 minutes walk from the condo. Those who are interested in activities, we offer lessons in kite-surfing and diving. Also, dessert-safari can be arranged. Vivien TZ. Light House. Sue TZ While there is no shortage of outstanding hospitality in Egypt. Tyler TZ the rooms are very big and clean with balcony and bathroom. Rosanne TZ Hotel with clean good sized rooms. Katrin TZ. My house is 1 flat in the second floor. Calm and fine resort on marsa alam El quseir. We can organize X you pick up at marsa alam airport. Bank X take money inside our hotel. The resort is very big much beach long. From the flat we have sea wieu because we are beach front. Parking free under the house. Beach whit sun beds and umbrellas X free use. Music and show Water and energy on payment. You can use hotel beach whit free umbrella and sun bed or resort private beach not available X guest hotel. In the beach front flat you can use free sun bed and umbrellas everywhere! The beaches are much longer. Space X all!! Fitness center. Beauty Center whit steam room sauna iacuzzi idromassage or massage therapy on payment. Clean water and clean beaches! Photography service. Main restaurant. Beach restaurant. Fish restaurant. Italian restaurant and pizza! Take away or a large carte. In the hotel you can ask all inclusive drink and meals too. New kite bar open from morning till night.. Music and meal! Disco free in hotel And in club house. A lot of bars in the hotel whit soft and alcolic drink. Very good Beer! All is available inside the resort hotel. We can help you to organize pick up marsa alam hurgada and Luxor airports on payment. Animation team X adult and play grounds X childs and childs pools! The beach is good X the childs and sure because the water is not immediately high and there are natural see puddle X safe swimming! Calm place for relax whit amazing red sea. Coral reef. Beach front. Hotel 4 stars superior front home. A lot activities sports animation diving snorkeling tennis football beach volleyball bocce freccette camel ride horse ride beduine tent beduine dinner. Alcoholic beverages available in the hotel X chip price. Dolphin house. Taxi limousine x your trip. Visit Luxor cairo aswan Kom ombo Valley of the Kings and Queens kolosses memnonn atchepsut temple Karnak temple tomb of tutankamon ramesseum Nile cruises. We can help you to organize all X enjoy your stay. All you need Please ask! I am here x help. Marcel TZ The location, while over an hour away from Marsa Alam, is great in that it has wonderful beach and pool access. Danielle TZ Stefania is a wonderful host. Omar TZ Thanks stefania for everything, it was amazing vacation and nice stay at your apartment Saied TZ. We offer accommodation in Huts Chalets and Tents. Dive club lodge desert trips beach bar resturant and more we cater tailor made holiday as we are not far from Luxor Aswan and upper Egypt Tondoba eco-lodge and Deep South Diving Club fact sheet - We are located 14 Km south of the city of Marsa Alam, in the fantastic bay of Um Tondoba wish means mother of a type of tree special to the area; this is what inspired us to name the lodge Um Tondoba. The bay offers easy access to the water regardless the sea condition. For divers, snorkels, swimmers will find it simple and safe way to experience the red sea The sandy confined depth is ideal for beginners and makes learning diving easy and fun. We do have our own Sunny beach Wouter TZ Great host and great stay. Maike TZ. Detached sea-view front-row villa in a secure gated compound Las Cabanas, Oriental Coast with 24h security. The villa has a private garden and is only few meters from a private beach. The beach is well maintained and very clean. Nearby, there is a Diving Centre, supermarket, gift shops and pharmacy for convenience. Egyptians please contact us before booking due to local rules. The villa was newly fully refurbished and furnished. All appliances, furniture and essentials are brand new and top quality. It contains: - Open double reception and dinning room with large terrace doors and great sea views. The whole house was decorated and furnished to very high specs with soothing neutral decor. All rooms are fully air-conditioned with the latest split hot and cold units. Please note: maximum allowed number of people is 6 including kids. Please do not book if you are more than this number as we would not be allowing this. The Red Sea of Marsa Alam area is world renowned for its great sandy beaches and amazing corals, making it the ideal location for sea lovers; snorkelling, diving and other water sports. Ideal for lovers of peace and quiet. Sentido Oriental Dreams hotel is part of the same resort and is only few meters away from the villa - providing the option of a bit of lively entertainment, pools, access to restaurants, bars etc. Muneer TZ Amazing as last time. Und liegt super nah am strand. Tamara TZ This is a special place in every way, The home, the location and the host. Robin TZ THe place are super clean, well made and maintained. Anton TZ the space was great, very clean and comfortable. Dan TZ Beautiful place and great diving. Matt TZ Best spot to enjoy sun and amazing redsea! Ayman TZ. Modern apartment with views to the beautiful Red Sea Coast. Close to town, local shops and restaurants. There are crystal clear waters, reefs and secluded beaches to explore. We are happy to help you in making your stay as enjoyable as possible. There are many activities available to you from diving trips snorkeling, desert safaris and Wadi Gemal National Park is not far away where you can see turtles and dolphins. Private 4 wd car available price on request to make the most of your stay. There are 2 double bedrooms available each with a king size bed. Large lounge and bathroom. Breakfast provided. Ahmed TZ Anna and Omar were outstanding hosts from the moment we arrived in Marsa Alam a little earlier than anticipated and they picked us up from the bus stop. Rebecca TZ Great place, has everything you need. Mariana TZ The place is very nice, it has everything you need. Mariana TZ. Показать все. Популярные Впечатления в г. Другое весь мир. Популярное жилье. Tra la spiaggia e la barriera una laguna naturale ideale per lo snorkelling. La residenza dispone di una Club House con piscina e servizio bar , minimarket , farmacia e servizio taxi su prenotazione. Una grande spiaggia di fronte ad una laguna limitata dalla barriera corallina , mare cristallino ricco di pesci e di piante per un favoloso snorkelling alla portata di tutti. Resort con spiaggia e barriera corallina Mar Rosso. Sorry x that. My house is beautiful and you love stay! I have houskiping man clean all time. We are in oriental coast 35 km sud El quseir 30 km nord from marsa alam airport Free use facilities hotel, jacuzzi on payment spa hotel. Drink food payment. A disposizione avrete un appartamento sito al secondo piano di una palazzina silenziosa e signorile. Abbiamo una spettacolare cupola con uno splendido lampadario artigianale tipico. Sotto la cupola abbiamo un divano letto matrimoniale comodo dove potrete passare bei momenti in relax magari leggendo un libro. Un balcone privato in salotto ed un balconcino in legno in camera da letto.. La tipica mashrabia. Siamo in un resort molto signorile sulla costa orientale del mar rosso al 35 km El quseir Marsa Alam road. Siamo su un mare con spiaggia privata e reef barriera corallina difronte a voi con libero accesso in acque sicure con fondali digradanti. Gaby TZ. Port Ghalib is a waterfront premier resort in the rising city of Marsa Alam, located on the exotic coast of the Red Sea Riviera. This luxury cozy studio has all essential requirements for a warm stay, ideal for a couple. It has everything you need from clean linen and towels to a king size bed, a fully equipped kitchenette, a wardrobe, a bathroom and free Wifi. The Marina: The stunning Port Ghalib Marina is quickly becoming an international jet-set destination attracting yachts and sailboats from around the world. Petra TZ Everything was great. I recomended to all. Petr TZ Everything was fine. Thanks again Omar! Rosanna TZ Even if Omar wasnt around at the time of our arrival, he organized everything so that we got found the appartment without problems and had everything we needed. Do TZ. Luxury Port Ghalib Marina Studio. Ambassador House is a self-catering two bedroom sea view accommodation located in Marsa Alam City ideal for newly weds and four persons family vacationers. The property is a meter walk from the natural lagoon beach and close to the crystal waters of Sharm el Louli, the mangrovy swamps of Qualan Island, the scenic scenery of Wadi el Gemal National Park. The spacious apartment features a satellite TV, air conditioning, a washing machine and a sea view balcony. There is a fully equipped kitchen fitted with a microwave and an oven for guests to cook and dine at home or opt for home delivery of kabab or pizza, all while chilling and drinking wine in your own sea view balcony. The private bathrooms are fitted with a bath. The property is walking distance to the town, where guests can eat at local restaurants, shop at supermarkets and enjoy sipping on some tea and shisha at local cafes. Marsa Alam International Airport is located 65 km away. An airport shuttle is available upon request. Ahmed TZ Big and luxury apartment for a good price. Johanna TZ Hesham is the best host we have ever had! Fredy TZ Very nice apartment! Diana TZ. Ambassador House Marsa Alam. Kohei TZ. Stargola camp. Apartments at the south part of the village. In front of the beach. Well equipped kitchen. Swimmingpool and green garden. Playyard for children. This apartment is on the second floor and has seaview. New apartment complex with swimmingpool close to the center and beach. Enjoy the quiet area of Marsa Alam. Chris TZ The location is great, we came in winter so the atmosphere was less lively than in the warmer seasons. Audrey TZ. Two bedroom apartment in Marsa Alam. Cacio e Pepe Restaurant. The Supermarket in Marsa Alam is about 1. Tiphaine TZ The place is super clean and comfy. Khalid TZ. Galawa Residence. Amazing Coral Reef in Marsa Alam, you will never know how it is amazing until you see your own eyes you will enjoy as VIP Guest and pay as local people you will have a wonderful trip to stay forever in your memory here you are perfectly safe. The host canceled this reservation days before arrival. Aly TZ. Marsa alam city. One bedroom apartment in Marsa Alam. The host canceled this reservation 45 days before arrival. Daniel TZ. Right on the beach, is a well-furnished, comfortable chalet with quiet lighting and furniture in great condition. Bedding is quite comfortable and staff very cooperative. Diving, snorkeling, going on a cruise are available with a professional team. Alcohol is available and there is a disco at the resort. The host canceled this reservation 2 days before arrival. Emilie TZ. The best place for living and spend holiday. Rent Flat on the picturesque coast of the Red Sea,where a light breeze and the warm rays of the sun will inspire you every day. Oriental Coast resort is located km from Hurghada and 35 km from Marsa Alam airport. Three bedrooms apartment in Marsa Alam. Жилье поблизости. Эйлат На расстоянии km. Safaga На расстоянии km. Каир На расстоянии km. Alexandria Governorate На расстоянии km. Дахаб На расстоянии km. El Obour City На расстоянии km. At Tod На расстоянии km. Abou Rawash На расстоянии km. Sidi Beshr Bahri На расстоянии km. Maadi as Sarayat Al Gharbeyah На расстоянии km. Giza На расстоянии km.

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