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Please provide your email address, first and last name. Follow the link from the email you receive to create a new password. If you have any problems or need help, please contact our Customer Support En Fi Sv. My Account. Services and shopping. Opening hours. Who can buy? Payment methods. Tax free. Faulty product. Alko Online Shop. Welcome to Alko Online Shop. Delivery times for online shop purchases. Customised orders. Special orders. In-store online shop order. Alko pick-up points. Business customers. Welcome to the Alko Online Shop. Online shop delivery times for business customers. Collection of empty bottles. Business gifts. Customer service. Give feedback. Alcohol and health. Say no to alcohol during pregnancy. Saying no to alcohol — reducing consumption of alcohol and quitting drinking. Alcohol and depression — alcohol aggravates symptoms of depression. Alcohol risk limits. Drunk cycling is a traffic risk. Alcohol and the sun. Harmful effects of alcohol and illnesses caused by alcohol. Alcohol and the elderly — is alcohol suitable for old people? Alcoholic beverages may cause allergic reactions. Calories in Alcohol. Lydia — a game that highlights the effects of alcohol use on children. Environmentally friendly drinks. Reusing materials — sorting and recycling beverage packaging. Wine packaging material is a climate choice. A green choice. Green Choice symbols provide information about the environmental friendliness of the beverage. Vegan wines. Alcohol and economy. Alko contributes more than EUR million to Finnish economy. Fair and equal pricing. A good guy or a bad guy? Nofilter: What next after Dry January? Sales supervision creates the rules for alcohol sales. Sports as a pastime for the whole family. My childhood was shadowed by the feeling that I was different — only now do I believe that I can cope. An organic label does not mean that the product is free of additives. It takes a village to care. If the environment decided how wine gets packaged. Alcohol continues to play a large role in student culture. Lydia — a childhood made of glass. Annoyed to buy a plastic bag. When in Rome? As Finland becomes more diverse, there is also a need for cultural sensitivity in alcohol and drug education. If they start again. Alcohol seeps into daily life without you noticing. A good home is the best intoxicant education. Green choices for wine shopping. Alko at the Anti-substance Abuse Days — threat or opportunity? Alcohol has no place in junior sport. Alko Inc. About Alko. Organisation and management. Board of Directors. Supervisory Board. Annual General Meeting. Corporate Governance. Annual report. Responsible sale of alcoholic beverages. Responsibility management. Product quality assured through sensory evaluation and laboratory measurement. Alko works towards smaller environmental impacts. Environmental Management System helps to continuously improve. Environmental work in Alko stores. Partnerships for a cleaner nature. Environmental policy of Alko. Contact information. Service numbers. Communication and marketing. Head office. For Suppliers. Purchase Plan. Purchase plan for larger specialties for March and April Purchase plan for larger specialties from May to August Instructions for offering smaller specialties. Purchase plan for larger specialties from September to December Purchase plan for larger specialties from January to April Purchase plan for larger specialties from May to July Seasonal Products. Mulled wine for Christmas season Game wines Christmas beers Christmas wines Seasonal gift boxes for the Christmas season Oktoberfest beer Seasonal gift boxes for the Christmas season the new dead line date is on 5 June. Christmas beers vol 2. Easter and Crafted Beers. Beaujolais Nouveau Summer sparkling wines and aromatized wines Summer brewery products Summer spirits Summer wines Summer brewery products and spirit vol. Mulled wines for Christmas season Christmas beers - vol 1. Christmas beers - vol 2. Summer Spirits Summer brewery products and Oktoberfest beer Additions to Purchase Plan. Additional tender request for a carbonated wine. Additional tender request for natural wines. Additional tender request for rose sparkling wine in a 0. Non-alcoholic and low alcohol brewery products. Additional tender requests for bitter and whisky. Additional tender requests for non-alcoholic beer and cider. Additional tender requests for low-alcoholic wines and wine based drinks. Alko non-alcoholic products for year Alkoholittomia ja matala-alkoholisia panimotuotteita. Additional tender request for scottish whisky. Additional tender requests for mixed drinks and non-alcoholic beverages. Additional tender request for whisky. Additional tender request for Scottish whisky Additional tender requests of specialties: Unique discovery beers. The smaller specialties for Christmas season Alko non-alcoholic products for year part 2. Additional tender request of specialties: Rare Scottish Whisky Selection. Additional tender requests for brewery products and spirits. Additional tender request for vermouth Additional tender request of specialties: Scottish Malt Whiskeys. Additional tender requests for gluten free beers. News and information. News and information Extraordinary possibility to change prices from March 1st onwards. Product managers fair meetings in Spring Invitation to the workshops. Shop display theme 'Harvest time' updated. E-learning of ethical principles is renewed. Communications and shelf display for the long drink product group to be tested. Alko reforms customer communications for sparkling wines and whiskies. Invitation to the Supplier Event on March. Additional hearing: Alko is piloting offering procedure for a new seasonal product. The brochure Uutuudet new products will be abolished in March. Video about the sensory evaluation process is updated. Development of the assortment planning and allocation model workshop material. Improving of availability in online shop - workshop material and summary. Presentation of the Supplier event held on March. Freight charges for import costs have been updated and will take effect from June 5th Alko is piloting a new order for whisky shelf. Hearing: Changes planned for Listing instructions. Invitation to the event for suppliers and producers on October. Starting time of piloting a new offering procedure for seasonal product is postponed. Partner network has been restored. Invitation to the Supplier Event on May. Additives and contaminants in alcoholic beverages -guide is updated. Meeting invitations for Cape Wine fair. Meetings between suppliers and sales personnel will be discontinued from the beginning of Invitation to whisky taste style training for suppliers. Alko is supporting of moving to more environmentally friendly packaging. Taste types for sparkling wines and whiskies are launched. Alko updates product category tree and product segments. Note: E-learning of ethical principles must be completed by the end of the year Alko will organize training with Systembolaget and Vinmonopolet in South Africa. Additional hearing: Alko is piloting a new open product sales reporting. The next supplier event will be held on 31 August Alko has joined to the Stronger Together —initiative. Request for supply chain information by Presentation of the Supplier event held on May. Invitation to the Supplier Event on August. Alko reforms customer communication for spirit products during the autumn Additional hearing: The number of sale-to-order-selection products held at the local stores is planned to be limited from the beginning of year Courses to ensure sustainable and ethical sourcing. Stronger Together workshops in South Africa. Presentations of the Supplier Event held on August. Updated: Delays for activating the new products to the shops. Additional hearing: Changing the dates of the price list periods. It is now possible to notify additional information for the products. Invitation to the workshop: Collaboration between shop personnel and suppliers. Listing instructions of October is updated concerning the price changes. New - amfori workshop for producers in South America 9 November The limits for sale-to-order-selection products held at the local stores from the beginning of year Price list period will be changed from February to beginning of January. New price calculator has been released. Special display themes Flavors around the world. Presentations of the Supplier Event held on October. Environmental impacts of beverage packaging material -mini workshop 5 November Country of origin for spirits can be seen on Alko Online shop. Hearing: Changes planned for Listing instructions February Alko Supplier Events in Notice when delivering samples. Reminder of the deadline for completing the E-learning course on Ethical Principles Invitation to the Supplier Event on February. Changes in updating the product taste description of wines. E-learning course on Ethical Principles with registration is again available. Newsletter for suppliers. Presentations of the Supplier Event held on February. Changes to price and to mode of delivery for the price list period. Rules for collaboration with Alko shops. Presentations of the Supplier Event held on March. Hearing: Changes Planned for Listing Instructions. Icons for creating links to Alko Online Shop have been updated. Reminding: When sending samples the sender is responsible of all costs. Request for supply chain information by 5 June Reminder of the deadline for completing the E-learning course on Ethical Principles. Presentations of the Supplier Event held on May. Request for supply chain information by 1 August Most common areas for development in occupational health and safety in wine production. Invitation to the Supplier Event on September. Purchase plan for larger specialties is published. Presentations of the Supplier Event held on September. Seasonal Special Displays in Alko Shops In withdrawal situations small amounts of faulty products are going to be disposed in Alko shops. Invitation to the Supplier Event on October. Price changes of new products. Alko Supplier Events in Spring Guidance for price changes for the price list period from February 6th to June 4th Update for the price calculator. Meetings between suppliers and sales personnel -guidance. Alcoholic beverage tax is anticipated to change on January 1st The price calculator updated on Wednesday The re-calculated purchase and retail prices with new alcoholic beverage tax effective from January 1st have been sent to suppliers. New price calculator. Alko 85th anniversay mocktail request for tenders has been published. The listing date of products will be Thursday from 2 January onwards. Presentations of the Supplier Event held on 13 October Instructions for product changes and updated offer forms. The development of the shop-specific assortment — the monitoring of products with low inventory turnover has started. The self-service listing of sale-to-order products has been taken into use. The self-service listing of sale-to-order products. Storage of flammable liquids in shop facilities. Workshop Presentations of the Supplier Event held on 26 August. Alko Online Shop is open for corporate customers. Presentations of the Supplier Event held on 26 August Changes in the division of responsibilities between wine product managers. A delay in the confirmation emails of received samples. Products and Purchasing Organization 1st August Changes in Pallet Prices. Presentations of the Supplier Event Workshops 25th May Sensory Evaluation. Presentations of the Supplier Event 25th May Hearing: the Deposit Changes of the Package. Invitation to the Supplier Event on April. Seasonal special displays at Alko shops Presentations of the Supplier Event 14th April Reminder: E-learning Course of Ethical Principles. Update: Gift Package Images. Gift Package Images. Presentations of the Supplier Event Workshops 4th February Presentations of the Supplier Event 4th February Small changes to offer forms. Availability of seasonal gift boxes for the Christmas season The Alko For Suppliers —pages have been updated. The E-learning course of ethical principles. Alko Online shop is now open at alko. To ensure updated availability information of products. Alko Supplier Events in the Spring Briefing on Alko online store for the suppliers. Adding Sale-to-order Selection Listing Dates. Changes to Price and to Mode of Delivery. Presentations of Supplier Workshop Event 20 October Presentations of Hanasaari supplier event 13 October. Product Managers fair meetings in Spring The results of the first review of products for all-year products in the dolly pallets. Ethical principles e-learning course must be completed as soon as possible. Craft brewery products display theme - the sale will begin one week later as planned. Special Displays in Alko Shops Errors in assortment allocation calculation. Invitation to the workshop: Renewing the purchase plan process and rules for dolly pallets. Customer wishes are communicated in Alko shops from April onwards. Hearing: Changes planned for Listing instructions June Request for supply chain information for Southern Spain wines. Save the date - Sustainable Rum Seminar. Alteration to procedures — price changes to sale-to-order products. Sustainable Rum Seminar - Agenda is published. Hearing: Changes planned for Listing instructions August Request for supply chain information by 16 August Changing prices for products listed to general selection in January Alcohol Control Laboratory is moving in September. Presentation materials from Sustainable Rum Seminar are now available. Presentations of the Supplier Event held in August. Trainings in South Africa for farms on 8 and 10 October New generic spirit theme name for spirit specialties. Invitation to the Supplier Event in November. Hearing: Changes planned for Listing instructions January Product sheet available on Wed 23 October Delisting of the product from the general selection and sale-to-order selection will be renewed 5. Seasonal special displays at Alko shops in Presentations of the Supplier Event held in November. Reminder: Supplement new product information to the product sheet. Product Managers fair meetings in Spring-Summer Alko deepens cooperation in the international organization field. Welcome to the Supplier Event on the 26th of February ! Listing process and product range. Listing instructions. Sensory evaluation and additional samples. Assortment management. Sale-to-order selection. Taste types of beverages. Package markings. Information on the product range and products. Product changes. Forms for tenders and authorizations. Other forms. Markings on bag-in-boxes. Bar codes on transport packages. Markings on labels and sales packages. Indication of sweetness in wine. Partner Network. Step-by-step guide for making offers. Price calculator. Pricing coefficients. Deposits for beverage containers. Pallet prices. Import costs. Central warehouse and shop delivery costs. Alcoholic beverage taxes. Supplier charges. Contact Information. Selections, Products and Quality. Product Categories. Quality Control. Orders and Deliveries. Rules for supplier collaboration. Training collaboration. BSCI-workshops for producers. BSCI event for suppliers Responsible purchasing. E-learning of ethical principles. Environmental impacts. Annual Report. By using our services you accept that cookies are used. Read more here. Search from products X. Loading map Alko Lappeenranta Citymarket. All rights reserved. The email address is not valid. This field is required. Create an Account. Need business account? Sign In Forgot your password? Forgot your password? Needed information Your email is incorrect. Did you already register? Please enter a valid email address. I want to use my account as:. Business Customer without Permit. Please select the permit that you want to use.

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