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This page has been archived and is no longer updated. Using our platform, you can customize your own eBooks for your students. Create an online classroom. Contribute and share content and connect with networks of colleagues. Researchers spun up a nanofiber collagen sponge from fish skin, then tested its wound healing potential. Apparently, it works better than bovine. Learn about it here. Why does this matter? MITx is now offering an online course on how to best present scientific images and effectively communicate your work. Learn how to optimize the presentation of data in images alongside the basics of photography, and tips like how to use a scanner as a camera. This six-week course begins soon, June 15th. Sign up here. Cell biology is the study of cell structure and function, and revolves around the concept that the cell is the fundamental unit of life. Focusing on the cell allows a detailed understanding of the tissues and organisms that cells compose. Essentials of Cell Biology , the eBook, introduces readers to the core concepts. It provides an introduction to cell biology for beginning students of all ages or be a springboard to more specialized topics for advanced students. Topics include: the origin of the cell, how cells are organized, how they reproduce, how they use energy, and many more. Educators: Inspire your undergraduate and high-school AP biology students with resources on genetics and cell biology from Nature Publishing Group, home of Nature, the most cited scientific journal in the world. Budding scientists also can find advice about effective science communication and career paths. How Cells Breathe Why do virtually all cells 'breathe' by pumping protons across a membrane? And how do they do it? Sex Determination in Honeybees Honeybees have a unique sex determination system. How does it work? And how did scientists learn about it? Choosing Careers Have you ever taken the Myers-Briggs personality assessment? Use it to find a career that brings you happiness. Science Communication To communicate effectively, you must adapt to your audience. Get tips on how to do this. Science Photography What is the history of science photography? And how is this field continuing to contribute to cutting-edge scientific advancement? Ocean Acidification How are humans driving changes in the chemistry of the ocean, and what might this mean for marine ecosystems in the future? Cell Biology Cell biology is the study of cell structure and function focusing on the cell as the fundamental unit of life. Genetics Genetics is the study of genomes and how they define the growth, development, and function of organisms. Student Voices. Dress your wound with fish skin? Eyes On Environment. Making Science and Engineering Pictures. Know Your Cell Biology. Cell Biology Resources. Interviews With Scientists. The Basics of Nuclear Reactors. How Does the Eye Work? The Bleaching of Colorful Coral Reefs. You have authorized LearnCasting of your reading list in Scitable. Do you want to LearnCast this session? This article has been posted to your Facebook page via Scitable LearnCast. Change LearnCast Settings. Scitable Chat. Register Sign In.

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