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They basically catered to tourist and would sell you anything almost. If you need a script the guy in the pharmacia would help you with that. Now that being said why do you want promethazine with codeine? First of despite what you may hear from uneducated people and maybe rap songs promethazine also known as phenergan is really just an antihistamine that makes you tired. The only drug there that gives you pleasure is the codeine. Which brings me to my next point, Why codeine? It is weak and has a high side effect profile. And it is not the best drug to treat a cough either. If it is a cough syrup your looking for I suggest you ask for a Hydrocodone cough syrup. One without any Promethazine in it. There is one brand name is Tussionex this one is 10mg per 5ml or a teaspoon. Most others are either 5mg or 2. The Tussionex is best. And if your in Mexico ask for the best you can get. Codeine sucks. Promethazine will do nothing for you but make you tired. Try to get around having this mixed in with the cough syrup. This is just what I would do. What could they do unless you had some contraband on you. You just asked. Point is you wont get in any trouble for asking. Just take my advice and no matter where you are, know that Promethazine is crap. Codeine is an opiate and can make you high if your tolerance to opiates is low but is much less potent or clean feeling than hydrocodone or oxycodone. But also know the mg are different. When in doubt of the amount to take ask someone here or just call a pharmacy they should answer your questions without asking many of their own. You share your most intimate secrets with your search engine without even thinking: All of that personal information should be private, but on Google i God is the Absolute Entity of Knowledge. Since He is the Originator, the Source, the Creator and Designer of Existence, He must necessarily know what He creates, and He created not out of necessity for a certain need He has for something He is deficient in, nor out of boredom and entertainment, but is is His Nature to create, it would be a paradox for God to exist but not create. If you can prove that the concept of perfection is selfcontradictory, you can prove that it does not make sense to say of anyone that they are perfect. Let us take as the definition of perfect: Note that this requires a metric of betterness. For our purposes, any consistent metric will do. We shall call it the B function. Let us assume that person X is perfect. This is trivially true if everybody has the same value of B. Then everybody is perfect, just the way they are. But suppose there is a metric B which you and your accuser agree. Then it is evident that there is an upper limit to B, say U. This means that X never makes mistakes, ever. Because otherwise we could conceive of some Y just like X, making one less mistake and therefore being better than X. Y might be better today, but less adaptable to the future, by virtue of having learned less. If you take the future into account, X is better. People who are overly concerned with perfection are blind to the future. You cannot define a metric. Who is God? What has He revealed about Himself? To begin with, whenever He refers to Himself in parental terms, He always addresses Himself as 'Father,' never 'Mother. If then I am the. Father, where is My honor? And if I am a Master, where is My reverence? Has not one God created us? Calling God 'Mother Nature' is comparable to calling your earthly father 'Mom. Who is God in terms of moral attributes? What does God have to say about Himself in this regard? He says that He delights in justice and righteousness: But so are grace and mercy. And so, while God will hold everyone accountable, each for their own lives, He extends His grace to the repentant sinner. All his transgressions which he has committed will not be remembered against him; because of his righteousness which he has practiced, he will live. Rather, God is referring to something which will happen in eternity, after our physical deaths. The Scriptures refer to this event as the 'second death. The second death is different. The two groups will be judged separately. Their evil deeds will be overlooked, forgiven by God. The other group will be judged according to the evil that they have done, and their good deeds will not keep them from their punishment. God says, 'When a righteous man turns away from his righteousness, commits iniquity and dies because of it, for his iniquity which he has committed he will die. Because he considered and turned away from all his transgressions which he had committed, he shall surely live; he shall not die. God has made a provision for those who want to repent, a provision to atone for the sins of those who want to be made right with Him. He sent a 'Messiah,' a Servant who willingly suffered and died a vicarious death in order to pay for the sins of those who would repent and trust in Him. We all, like sheep, have gone astray, each of us has turned to his own way; and the LORD has laid on Him the iniquity of us all. After the suffering of His soul, He will see the light of life and be satisfied; by his knowledge my righteous servant will justify many, and he will bear their iniquities. For he bore the sin of many, and made intercession for the transgressors. He is the Only One capable of Absolutely Knowing Himself, and this Act of Knowing Himself, of cogitating about Himself, or in Islamic terms, Praising Himself, necessarily produces Creation as a Reflection of Himself, and as Reflections go, reflections are not equal to the actual object being reflected, but exist in a different medium. He is the Only One capable of Absolutely Knowing Himself, and this Act of Knowing Himself, of cogitating about Himself, or in Islamic terms, Praising Himself, necessarily produces Creation as a Reflection of Himself, and as Reflections go, reflections are not equal to the actual object being reflected, but exist in a different medium, as a virtual form this virtualness as compared to the Realness of the Real God , hence there are imperfections in creation, because the creation cannot be equal to the Creator, though it can reflect the mastery and brilliance of the Creator. And by being 'within Rational bounds' it does not belittle the Power of God in any way, no more than the ability for any mind or advanced computer to compute a division by zero to produce a real number to belittle the veracity, power when applied practically and usefulness of Mathematics. As for 'Omnibenevolence' - i. For this, I have answered in a separate question related to this here. Sign In. Quora uses cookies to improve your experience. Read more. Where can I get promethazine with codeine phosphate in Mexico? Update Cancel. Have you done the 10k year challenge? Advance through the ages of human history and into the future in this award-winning city building game. You dismissed this ad. The feedback you provide will help us show you more relevant content in the future. Answer Wiki. Updated Oct 8, What is the price of Promethazine 6. Can I buy promethazine codeine syrup over the counter in Mexico? Answered Mar 18, Answered Jan 13, Answered Jan 18, Answered Mar 30, Answered Mar 15, Answered Feb 2, Answered Mar 11, Answered Jan 27, Related Questions Can I make lean with codeine pills and promethazin syrup? How do I get promethazine shipped from Mexico? Where do I get promethazine discreetly online? How do I get Promethazine with codeine? Can I order Promethazine cough syrup from Mexico? How effective is the Actavis promethazine codeine purple syrup for treating coughing? How can I get a free sample of it to test before purchas Where can I buy actavis promethazine with codeine purple cough syrup in USA? How can I find a reliable vendor of Actavis promethazine? What are the good colors of Actavis promethazine codeine purple cough syrup lean? Where can I get sizzurp codeine syrup in Toronto? Where can I buy Actavis Promethazine cough syrup online in Australia? Where can I get a free sample of Actavis Promethazine cough syrup? What is lean drink? Where can I buy it? 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